I'm stuck on a flight for the next hour or so of you want to keep asking questions. Can't answer everything, but I'll do my best to offer clarification and clear up any lingering confusion.
I'm not sure if you're able to talk about this yet, but how has shotgun starts played out in your testing sessions so far?
I think for a lot of people, spawning with shotguns seems so mind boggling.
In the past games, the shotgun has such a specific niche that it would be extremely unsuitable for a utility weapon.
You have a disadvantage at a majority of ranges that it forces you into a whole different play style that isn't necessarily
It seems like it would create pretty stale gameplay.
Assuming that shotguns are actually a possible primary weapon...
Also I was just watching Lost, and then I took a break to watch the Giant Bomb, and in it you mentioned Lost.