Assume that the no-scopes I'm talking about occur at a great distance, and are accomplished by poor players, so that the probability of occurrence is similar to a shot grenade. The occurrence is "lucky" and not a result of skillful play, so should it be counter-acted in the game?
Should we not count Hail Mary touchdowns? Or full-court basketball shots?
I would say intention is the biggest difference. A poor player who attempted a long range snipe had the intention of hitting that snipe, despite sucking he pulled off the shot which he may never pull off again. I mean like, its lucky, but he meant to do it.
I dont think people generally intend to shoot nades out of the air, so when it happens it really is just dumb luck.
I dont think you can define something like this, its just one of those things, shooting nades out of the air are extremely cool and im with you N00b's I like it. I just dont think you can compare it to pulling off a lucky snipe.
Those are still not as lucky. It comes down to intention. No one tries to shoot grenades coming out of their enemy's hand. it just happens once in a blue moon. They get lucky. A hailmary has intention of scoring a touchdown. A full court basketball shot has intention of getting it in the hoop. It's all about intention.
And now about Halo 4. Rockets shoot so slowly, there WILL be players able to shoot them in mid air to save themselves. I'm calling it now unless rocket speed is increased.
Slow rockets are going to be awesome, the rockets in Halo 1 where damn slow and where fun. Rockets are like the least interesting power weapon anyway, so im glad they are nerfed, pulling off a long range rocket will feel even more awesome, and shooting a rocket out of the sky will feel damn awesome.
In Halo 1 I remember watching 2 Banshee' duke it out on the other wise of Blood Gulch, I fired a slow moving rocket, and literally nailed the enemy banshee as he was behind my teams banshee, looked awesome, wish Halo 1 had theatre mode.