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Eh, the new lighting model makes them look pretty good actually. With 3 different 'maps' with different pieces/themes, I think it won't be nearly as bad as what we've been subjected to in Reach.
Terrain is and can still be an issue - we haven't seen any new features that makes me think any of that is better. Better layouts in these forged environments would be pleasing, and not hilly areas like we've seen in that ravine.

Hopefully those other two, no matter if they are urban, snow, jungle, Covenant - they need to be more flat surfaces. The pocket (where Asylum is located) in Forge World is a nice spot for 4v4 stuff but it's still limited.

Reach would have had 5 until they decided to jam them all together for absolutely no reason.
Bungie: "There's just way too much. You can't keep it all in your head at once. It was so beyond our production, and capability - we were just like, you know "That's crazy, you can't do that." I couldn't stop the artists who had started creating it."
I mean, they could have replaced Forge with a full scale map editor. Which would have been awesome, and much better than what we're getting. But I'm still excited by what they showed today.

Yeah, they really should have demo'd a different Forge map.

Halo 5. I know people say it all the time but with the more to the next xbox i could really see something like a Terrain editor becoming a realistic possibility.

Yes i know FC2 already did it but id imagine getting something like that off the ground and working has to be part of the core engine and its very difficult to shoe horn in.

Halo really is not setup in that manner at all as far as im aware.


Eh, the new lighting model makes them look pretty good actually. With 3 different 'maps' with different pieces/themes, I think it won't be nearly as bad as what we've been subjected to in Reach.

I think we expect too much from Forge. I would put your disappointments in the map makers and map selectors. I've been playing Forge Maps in MLG for years now and if they can do it....

Grey shit doesn't ruin my fucking day like it does for a lot of people but I can't knock anyone for wanting for variety at this point in the series.

I just don't like playing on user created maps, no matter how you slice it.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Yeah, because a thumbnail of a mass of generic grey geometry really would have helped.

Don't be an ass.

The thumbnail picture for Forge maps is something Bungie wanted to do for Forge to help end users distinguish between specific Forge maps because, as we have seen, remember Forge maps from name alone doesn't always work.

Screenshots are really fun to take in Halo too, so I think having that feature finally in there would greatly enhance the whole Forge experience. Maybe have a specific symbol thumbnail to ensure players now it's a Forge map though, as I imagine folks can get very creative with images and deception or the appearance of, would lead to an instant negative reaction from a portion of the players.

Actually, someone pin down Frankie or anyone from 343/CA and ask them. I really want to know if it's in.


Once I get my new computer built I do a write up on why those features are significant. Typing lots sucks on this thing though.
Forge isn't that unchanged? Put another checkmark down kids.

At least give us a flat map and create a bunch of ground, dirt, water, tree, pieces so we can create terrain for forgers maps.

a zoojoo




Forge isn't that unchanged? Put another checkmark down kids.

At least give us a flat map and create a bunch of ground, dirt, water, tree, pieces so we can create terrain for forgers maps.
Not sure about the others, but the flat map is definitely something that's needed. Wasting blocks building in the sky all the time is just annoying. Not to mention it makes the maps look a lot worse.



  • Too many.
  • Harder to learn compared to real maps.
  • Majority of users aren't map makers. They are almost always not of the same quality of real maps, in terms of design and layout, etc.
  • They don't get the same attention from developer as the real maps, since its not really possible. (Image assets, map callouts, heat maps, etc)
  • Unless made by the studio, users won't have tools good enough to make real maps.
  • Regardless of new lights/palettes/etc maps will still end up looking similar. I don't need crazy skyboxes and stuff but I do want maps I'm going to spend countless hours on to be visually appealing.

I just don't like them. Forge seems more like its for a subset of the Halo community, for the creators and experimenters, but not for the players.

I'd honestly rather not have it at all. Its cool for messing around with, creating wacky game types, or moving spawn and weapon placements around, and I wish that was all it was confined to.


Not sure about the others, but the flat map is definitely something that's needed. Wasting blocks building in the sky all the time is just annoying. Not to mention it makes the maps look a lot worse.
If anything, the lighting and shadows in those areas will make a Lockout type map less shitty looking.

But yeah, definitely needs more flatter surfaces.
If anything, the lighting and shadows in those areas will make a Lockout type map less shitty looking.

But yeah, definitely needs more flatter surfaces.
I think I spot the Forerunner cave their.( Below that Forerunenr structure). And we have not seen the whole map.


343i Lead Esports Producer
  • Too many.
  • Harder to learn compared to real maps.
  • Majority of users aren't map makers. They are almost always not of the same quality of real maps, in terms of design and layout, etc.
  • They don't get the same attention from developer as the real maps, since its not really possible. (Image assets, map callouts, heat maps, etc)
  • Unless made by the studio, users won't have tools good enough to make real maps.
  • Regardless of new lights/palettes/etc maps will still end up looking similar. I don't need crazy skyboxes and stuff but I do want maps I'm going to spend countless hours on to be visually appealing.

I just don't like them. Forge seems more like its for a subset of the Halo community, for the creators and experimenters, but not for the players.

See but you can't judge them all the same. You just haven't played a great one yet. Keep your head up, they're out there :)


See but you can't judge them all the same. You just haven't played a great one yet. Keep your head up, they're out there :)

If I haven't played a great one yet, I don't believe they exist. I've played the ones in the MLG playlist bro. ;) They are still "meh". Bland and boring.

  • Forge seems more like its for a subset of the Halo community, for the creators and experimenters, but not for the players.

  • I'd say without a doubt this is my major issue with forge, Iv played a handful of unique forge maps id gladly replay.

    Virtually every forge map in Matchmaking is Horrible i have zero idea where most stuff is spawning and no idea about at what time. Everyone is running around with no direction just aimlessly walking until they find someone on the other team.

    Potentially it could be great and i think dynamic lighting could add better visual flare to the maps but if all im going to see is the same ugly grey box map with white textures then screw that.

    Please please please do not fill Halo 4 MM with horrible community maps id rather play backwash if only for the extended range in colour pallet it has.

    What the hell did I miss.

    Oh wow, nice avatar. /creeper
Forge sounds about like what I was expecting. A lot better than it was, but not all it could be. Looking forward to trying it out.

Not what I heard. If your good enough the DMR is more versatile than the BR even a close range.

They BR really needs to be a 4shot. Same similar balance as Anniversary Magnum v DMR

Ah, that's lame. Then yeah, BR would make more sense as a 4 shot then.


If I haven't played a great one yet, I don't believe they exist. I've played the ones in the MLG playlist bro. ;) They are still "meh". Bland and boring.

I assume you do you not count remakes. The Pit plays well, though it looks just as ugly as its Halo 3 predecessor.
If someone has to remake it in Halo 4 as well, please make it look good this time...
I'd say without a doubt this is my major issue with forge, Iv played a handful of unique forge maps id gladly replay.

Virtually every forge map in Matchmaking is Horrible i have zero idea where most stuff is spawning and no idea about at what time. Everyone is running around with no direction just aimlessly walking until they find someone on the other team.

Potentially it could be great and i think dynamic lighting could add better visual flare to the maps but if all im going to see is the same ugly grey box map with white textures then screw that.

Please please please do not fill Halo 4 MM with horrible community maps id rather play backwash if only for the extended range in colour pallet it has.

Oh wow, nice avatar. /creeper

Seriously, how much are three forge environments going to matter if we're going to be playing on the same gray boring puzzle pieces anyway?
Forge Breakdown by APK.

-$1,000,000 budget: Halo 4's Forge features 10x as much budget. Although the budget it "larger" numerically, the significance of this numerical increase is dependent on the scaling of how much the pieces cost.

Also the budget in no way means that you can use the whole thing and actually have a map that performs.

The Forge reveal was what I expected. Some nice improvements (magnets and lighting are very nice), but it remains a map editor, not a creator (which I expected). I said this before I saw Forge in H4, and it holds true now: Forge is a great tool for editing maps, and creating fun variants for different gametypes and new gametypes altogether. What it is not good at is creating real MP maps for MM. I do not want to see a flood of Forge maps in the core MM playlists in Halo 4. As long as we don't, I'm cool with Forge.

On returning gametypes, I only heard King, Oddball, and CTF? I assume that's not a full list, just giving some examples? Assault?

The shotgun looks almost identical to the scattershot.
Except that you can start the game with a Shotgun. Iwishthatwasatrollpost.gif


Yup, Every time you exit monitor mode now it generates shadows for the objects you have placed.

Mother of god. This is actually a bigger deal than most anything in Reach Forge tbh. I'm a bit nervous though as surely it has to be a resource hog. If not, bravo.

Are you implying that you had a boner before the event started?

You seem to have insinuated that on your own, you dirty little man.

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