Holy fucking upset?
Yeah, it was my fault really. Thought I could get out of bed at 3am local time and still perform.
Felt like my thumbs were cased in lead.
Holy fucking upset?
I agree with you on this completely. When I played CE, the thing that stood out to me with the two weapon inventory was that every weapon was balanced in its own way. Unlike the FPS games I was used to before it where there was a clear weapon progression where you'd start with a dinky shotgun, and work your way up to finding better and better weapons because you could hold them all. In Halo a pistol was good because it could zoom and tackle any range with its three shots. A sniper could tackle long ranges with its one shot kills. A shotgun could tackle short ranges with its one shot kills. A rocket could handle mid range and vehicles with its ridiculous blast radius, but its capacity was extremely limited. I realize I'm mostly naming power weapons here, but it felt like a decent tradeoff between the AR and pistol that one would be the one you would spray with reckless abandon and the other would be more trusty with precision.In Reach, power weapons dictate the outcome of way too many games, if not most of them. Each new halo game seems to get worse in that area and that's not how it should be. Thinking back to combat evolved days, power weapons didn't dominate games and make you King Blainder of the universe. They just helped you get some extra kills here and there. The shotgun didn't really play like a power weapon in CE, and the sniper rifle was much, much more difficult to use. So, the rocket launcher and sniper rifle were really the only two power weapons. Now you have maps littered with power weapons, making Reach a cesspool of power weapon whoring. I don't like it. I don't like it at all.
TL;DR it's just deputy moonman
Squidhands, Tunavi – I'm really looking forward to some in-depth impressions from you guys.
We've yet to see CTF or any other non-Slayer or Regicide game have we?
From the discussion back several months ago, we were told about more Halo 4 maps being more objective based. It would be pretty nice to see Haven CTF or Longbow CTF action some time. And would Frankie or David Ellis clarify if Assault is coming back to matchmaking? It was not noted in the RTX statement when grouping up returning gametypes -- Oddball and KotH were mentioned, however.
I did say previously how I'm sure they'll keep it in for Grifball's sake, but it should be one of the dominant objective modes.
Same here.
Haven CTF could be quite good, purely from a map layout and flow perspective.
Someone should ask them if flag juggling is in. I just want a straight answer. Something so small can't possibly be a "We're not ready to talk about that" right?
Someone should ask them if flag juggling is in. I just want a straight answer. Something so small can't possibly be a "We're not ready to talk about that" right?
There are two ways of "drops". The Infinity Ordnance which resembles mostly the known system, just more random. The Infinity Ordnance is different in each playlist. This graphic from the latest bulletin shows the system understandable:So since I'm pretty much clueless most of the time, can someone clarify whether or not power weapons begin as a static drop at the beginning of matches, or do they only come from ordinance drops?
If they really only come from ordinance drops, I'm a fan of the new method. No more getting 2-4 easy kills simply for getting to a power weapon first. Now you at least have to earn it with killing sprees and good game play, assuming that's how it works. I know there is some strategy from a competitive standpoint in fighting over the power weapons, but unless you start off with purely even teams, which almost never happens (matchmaking, especially), power weapons are just a derp derp kill machine for whoever gets to them first. So I am continuing my campaign against them.
In Reach, power weapons dictate the outcome of way too many games, if not most of them. Each new halo game seems to get worse in that area and that's not how it should be. Thinking back to combat evolved days, power weapons didn't dominate games and make you King Blainder of the universe. They just helped you get some extra kills here and there. The shotgun didn't really play like a power weapon in CE, and the sniper rifle was much, much more difficult to use. So, the rocket launcher and sniper rifle were really the only two power weapons. Now you have maps littered with power weapons, making Reach a cesspool of power weapon whoring. I don't like it. I don't like it at all.
TL;DR it's just deputy moonman
Every few minutes the weapons respawn. Unlike previous titles, the weapons respawn at a different location. Power weapons like Rocket Launcher, Sniper will be shown in your HUD. Smaller weapons like Needler etc. not.
You could say this new site is like the Central Hub of almost all Halo Community Websites.
My buddy admins this site. So please take a quick look see =]
Someone should ask them if flag juggling is in. I just want a straight answer. Something so small can't possibly be a "We're not ready to talk about that" right?
The inclusion of sprint really screws up the controls. Default is looking the best so far, IMO, but crouch on the "b" really kills it for me.Here are the controller layouts
Bumper Jumper
Green Thumb
edit: these aren't final if you already didn't know.
Under 343's new rules I believe flag juggling is cheating. You're talking about skill, but all skill does is ruin accessibility and scare away novices. When you attempt to flag juggle in Halo 4, it should actually warp you back to the flag spot, but only at random intervals because randomness is more fun and can help out people new to the game. The announcer repeating his words could also be scary to new players, as is the clanking sound of the flag being thrown, so I really see no reason to have it in the game at all. Adapt, trust, believe. 343 hears you, but the game has to change to evolve.
Unfortunately, those vids took a great deal of prep (the MLG guys showed up quite early to the bar that was hosting the after-hours party, and wired a bank of displays for video capture). They didn't do this at RTX, and nobody else stepped in to do it either.I put these three gameplay videos from RTX into the OP. I wish, however, we had gameplay videos like the MLG videos from E3 (an example) where it's nothing but the game's sound design filling up the audio space (or a developer clarifying gameplay elements).
Same guy (Firestream). HaloUnity is the evolution of that idea.Someone I used to know made something similar (and a lot nicer looking) where it was a flash version of a halo ring and different sections were different communities. Not sure if this is the same guy, but, http://haloring.org/
If the drop location is set, it is not complete random. You can fight over the location and hope it will be worth. But at the end it forces the player to use the BR/DMR/Carbine or the Assault Rifle because he/she cannot rely anymore that the drop will give him/her resupply for the PW.This right here. Look at it. Look at those arrows. It looks like goddamn programmed randomness.
Can Frankie or Ellis say that its at LEAST predictable in a way? Like, oh, a drop is coming in, its going to be at this location because last time it was here, and its gonna be a sniper since last time it was a rocket.
Or is it really just a random power weapon in one of a few drop zones....
I agree with you on this completely. When I played CE, the thing that stood out to me with the two weapon inventory was that every weapon was balanced in its own way. Unlike the FPS games I was used to before it where there was a clear weapon progression where you'd start with a dinky shotgun, and work your way up to finding better and better weapons because you could hold them all. In Halo a pistol was good because it could zoom and tackle any range with its three shots. A sniper could tackle long ranges with its one shot kills. A shotgun could tackle short ranges with its one shot kills. A rocket could handle mid range and vehicles with its ridiculous blast radius, but its capacity was extremely limited. I realize I'm mostly naming power weapons here, but it felt like a decent tradeoff between the AR and pistol that one would be the one you would spray with reckless abandon and the other would be more trusty with precision.
Anyhoo this was just my initial impression of the design for the game and what made it appealing to me in the first place, naturally some of the weapons fell by the wayside-- but I feel like the division between utility and power has become more and more stark as the series progressed. In my time with Reach, it's like you said, power weapon or don't bother.
Under 343's new rules I believe flag juggling is cheating. You're talking about skill, but all skill does is ruin accessibility and scare away novices. When you attempt to flag juggle in Halo 4, it should actually warp you back to the flag spot, but only at random intervals because randomness is more fun and can help out people new to the game. The announcer repeating his words could also be scary to new players, as is the clanking sound of the flag being thrown, so I really see no reason to have it in the game at all. Adapt, trust, believe. 343 hears you, but the game has to change to evolve.
I agree with you on this completely. When I played CE, the thing that stood out to me with the two weapon inventory was that every weapon was balanced in its own way. Unlike the FPS games I was used to before it where there was a clear weapon progression where you'd start with a dinky shotgun, and work your way up to finding better and better weapons because you could hold them all. In Halo a pistol was good because it could zoom and tackle any range with its three shots. A sniper could tackle long ranges with its one shot kills. A shotgun could tackle short ranges with its one shot kills. A rocket could handle mid range and vehicles with its ridiculous blast radius, but its capacity was extremely limited. I realize I'm mostly naming power weapons here, but it felt like a decent tradeoff between the AR and pistol that one would be the one you would spray with reckless abandon and the other would be more trusty with precision.
Anyhoo this was just my initial impression of the design for the game and what made it appealing to me in the first place, naturally some of the weapons fell by the wayside-- but I feel like the division between utility and power has become more and more stark as the series progressed. In my time with Reach, it's like you said, power weapon or don't bother.
Someone should ask them if flag juggling is in. I just want a straight answer. Something so small can't possibly be a "We're not ready to talk about that" right?
Can't wait to get a Scattershot and Needler as personal ordnance drops while everyone gets a Sniper on Longbow. Good times.
If the drop location is set, it is not complete random. You can fight over the location and hope it will be worth. But at the end it forces the player to use the BR/DMR/Carbine or the Assault Rifle because he/she cannot rely anymore that the drop will give him/her resupply for the PW.
On the other hand the memorization skill gets reduced a lot with this system.
It boggles my mind how much effort they put into stopping players from juggling objectives when resources could have gone somewhere else. They said they removed it but you could still manage to juggle in the beta so they went in and made you slow and un-able to pick anything up for what seems like 3 whole seconds. They mentioned this in multiple weekly updates and also mentioned how they fixed the audio issue with flag juggling which negated the only real problem they explained with it.
Halo development in general boggles the mind. In Halo 4 we have
the list goes on. If you had told me 5 years ago that that's what Halo would be like in 2012, I would've taken a hit off the joint you were smoking.
- bloom
- recoil
- spread
- flinching
- matchmaking UI changed to Web 19.0 look
- bumper jumper changed
- sniper scope changed to Wall-E
- x-ray vision
- riot shield
- forge world is grey again
- maps focused on canon not streamlined structures
- no dedis
- no spectator mode
- no custom server browser
- no proper ranking system
- no 60fps
- no terrain editor
- instant respawn
- randomized spawn locations
- killstreaks
- perks
- pre-order bonus gun camo
It is boggling how much effort they put into stopping players from juggling objectives when resources could have gone somewhere else. They said they removed it but you could still manage to juggle in the beta so they went in and made you slow and un-able to pick anything up for what seems like 3 whole seconds. They mentioned this in multiple weekly updates and also mentioned how they fixed the audio issue with flag juggling which negated the only real problem they explained it had.
I think one of the strongest arguments against the changes being made to Halo is the argument for evolution.
They say they want to evolve the game, but evolution is governed by natural selection.
A slug doesn't randomly grow a pair of horns just because it might be useful against a predator. It involves a long, slow process of keeping and improving on favorable traits, and removing unfavorable ones.
I think things like the removal of bloom show signs of this and I hope the new loadout system is a logical step forward from Reach's loadouts.
Granted, but back in 2001 it was a pretty swanky idea and a refresher among all the iD and Epic shooters I was playing at the time.This brings up one of the most common misconceptions about "balance" in my eyes.
Game balance isn't equality, game balance is beneficial inequality upon player choice.
I hope flag juggling is in too.
With intermittant flag dropped notices.
Pok3R Fac3D said:FLAG TAKEN +10
With intermittant flag dropped notices.
Only complaint I've heard is that Fyrwulff's teammates can't do it so it shouldn't be in there.I never understood the complaints against flag juggling. The only people I ever saw complain about it were people on the B.net forums that felt that anything that was unintended by Bungie was literally the worst thing in the world.
The audio cue was annoying, sure, but nothing worth raging over.
I'm still totally unclear on what the actual involvement of bloom is in 4. I think it's purely visual, but I honestly have no idea. Some impressions make it seem like it isn't.
I'm still totally unclear on what the actual involvement of bloom is in 4. I think it's purely visual, but I honestly have no idea. Some impressions make it seem like it isn't.
More like #stupidassdecisions
So is Team JonCha playing Team kylej? The spreadsheet is a little confusing.
I hit the Tashi ceiling yesterday because of a flag pole.And I hope for Tashi's sake that the flagpole acts as geometry that can block bullets and grenades...gotta have that realism that he loves!
Yeah we should probably schedule that. :/
Btw, I capped the first game already and plan on capturing the second and uploading both soon so we have HD vids.
It seems to be most involved with automatic weapons.
However, I do think there is SOME influence on the DMR where if you pull the trigger at the highest RoF, you will experience bloom that only extends to the outer, more pronounced reticule. You can also have pinpoint accuracy with the inner, more faint circle if you let it reset before each shot.
It'll be easy to test once the game actually comes out for sure.
Halo development in general boggles the mind. In Halo 4 we have
the list goes on. If you had told me 5 years ago that that's what Halo would be like in 2012, I would've taken a hit off the joint you were smoking.
- bloom
- recoil
- spread
- flinching
- matchmaking UI changed to Web 19.0 look
- bumper jumper changed
- sniper scope changed to Wall-E
- x-ray vision
- riot shield
- forge world is grey again
- maps focused on canon not streamlined structures
- no dedis
- no spectator mode
- no custom server browser
- no proper ranking system
- no 60fps
- no terrain editor
- instant respawn
- randomized spawn locations
- killstreaks
- perks
- pre-order bonus gun camo
Considering they've only limited your abilities with the flag as the series progressed I doubt that would be the case.heres a thought:
what if carrying the flag is no longer default? it just goes on your back like in cod, which removes flag juggling..