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Halo |OT6| I will not allow you to leave this thread!

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The WolfGAF tax is not cheap.

So to get back on topic, and you know when I say that I mean further off topic, I was randomly looking at the GAF store and there is a set of Timedog shirts, which is hilarious. Also this gem:

How is every member of GAF not required to own this shirt? Lol so good.

Where's the fucking WolfGAF shirts?

I think both aspects of his avatar answer your question.

I don't even get that reference on that shirt.

I don't know, I don't think the problems are totally solved. I just tried playing Reach but I couldn't find Squad Slayer anywhere.

I never played Squad Slayer. Was it really that good? The amount of posts I see about its removal lead me to believe it was amazing. What made it so good?
Thanks, you're incredibly helpful. And sorry Juniors for giving us all a bad name :/
lol don't take it so seriously. When I was a junior it was a pretty small wave for HaloGAF, but this is like a tsunami which is why so much spotlight is being put here. ACT COOL!

Also the new Trocadero album just came out, anyone who likes/liked RvB should give it a listen.


I'm a junior and think alot of them are annoying, but it doesn't depend on some stupid forum rank.
thread repeat talk something something

so guys 4 sleeps
That means I have to talk to them. I don't want to talk to them. I really do not want to talk to them. Did I mention already I don't want to talk to them? I'm anti-social like that.

Part of your responsibilities as Lord of the Juniors.

tl;dr Tough shit!

I'm still waiting for a surprise September release
I wish :(

I tried you ease you September believers into it long long ago, but you guys wouldn't listen. Dax: "Holiday means September" :p

No AL, no forge.
It really is amazing how two seemingly basic changes can make the MM experience so much better. As a kicker, Squad Slayer also had party matching in a time when a lot of the playlists didn't have a strong MM restriction/filter set for parties matching up appropriately.


Quick question for all HaloGAF here:

Halo Reaches "Team Arena" with an average population of 5000, no booster/cheaters. 1 playlist.


Halo3's "Ranked Playlists". A half dozen playlists. Plalist populations range from from 5000-100000. 3-5%(generous) of players in each playlist are boosting and/or cheating.


Quick question for all HaloGAF here:

Halo Reaches "Team Arena" with an average population of 5000, no booster/cheaters. 1 playlist.


Halo3's "Ranked Playlists". A half dozen playlists. Plalist populations range from from 5000-100000. 3-5%(generous) of players in each playlist are boosting and/or cheating.

well, compared to reach, 5000 is pretty good, so i'll take that.

- DMR vs BR vs Carbine: DMR is a better overall weapon I'd say, although it's really a tossup between the DMR and Carbine. Carbine rapes on bigger maps like Longbow, but the DMR can hold its own mid to long range. The BR isn't useless at long range, esp. with team shooting, but in a 1 on 1 fight, the DMR/Carbine will beat the BR. However, it seemed like the BR was easier to aim close range and is a viable mid range weapon so it's not completely useless.

- DMR: has a fast RoF and the bloom doesn't hinder your shooting at all really. It might cause you to miss a few shots per game, but it's less than the bullets missed with the BR because of spread. The DMR will be my choice weapon because I prefer to play a mid to long ranged game.

- BR: not a bad starting weapon, RoF is slower than the DMR/Carbine but it's easier to hit shots close up than the DMR/Carbine. My guess is it has slightly more aim assist, but who knows. This is the weapon for the run and gun in your face player.

- Carbine: This weapon is really powerful in the right hands. It's hard to twitch shoot with it and be a threat because it does do less damage than the BR/DMR but it's really fast RoF makes up for the reduced damage. This weapon is for the player with a really steady shot and can keep the reticule on their opponent instead of sweeping it.

- Sniper: This weapon is legit. I talked to Frank and Jay about it and they were trying to make it harder than Reach's sniper but easier than 3's sniper. They succeeded. The shots feel like 3's sniper and the recoil with the slower RoF punishes you if you miss a shot. I think the sniper will have a large skill gap. Also, quick scoping will become the norm instead of no scoping I think. It seems like it's harder to no scope than it is to hit scoped in shots.

- Scatter shot: fun weapon to use. It's pretty powerful and has quite a bit of range to it. From what I've seen, it looks to be more consistent than the shotgun in Reach

- Sticky Detonator: This weapon takes a lot of time to get used to, I finally got a kill in my last game with it. You press the trigger once to fire it, and then after it attaches to something, you pull the trigger again. It's not like the GL where you have to hold the trigger down. Also, we don't think you can detonate while it's mid-air. You have to wait for it to hit something.

- Rockets: they have a really slow travel time and they don't seem to be as powerful as they were in Reach. The blast radius seemed to be smaller so you'd have to place the rocket better to get the kill.

- Assault Rifle: Looked a little bit more powerful than Reach's but the kids who used it were still getting mowed down by the kids using the BR/DMR/Carbine

- Strom Rifle: Seemed underpowered to me. I didn't see a single finished kill with it. It took out shields well enough, but the finishing power was definitely lacking

- Spartan Laser: I didn't get to pick this up, but I was told that it had a really long charge time. I'm not sure if that's good or bad

- Pistol: Great secondary weapon. It's useful and can headshot enemies from fairly long range. I found myself using this after I ran out of DMR ammo and still being able to get mid to long range kills. It's just weaker than the 3 main primaries.

- Plasma Pistol: I didn't use it, but it seems about the same

- Needler: Powerful weapon. It's definitely stronger than it was in previous Halos. I liked using it
LIES!!! Honestly I hope he's right. Still a doubter though until I see someone actually put it to good use in one of these videos.
six shots to kill is still too much especially if 343 gimps the clip
And I hate the idea of people excusing weaker weapons as secondary weapons if you have the ability to hold two primary weapons and bypass the purpose of having weaker weapons. It's silly.
Part of your responsibilities as Lord of the Juniors.

tl;dr Tough shit!

I tried you ease you September believers into it long long ago, but you guys wouldn't listen. Dax: "Holiday means September" :p

It really is amazing how two seemingly basic changes can make the MM experience so much better. As a kicker, Squad Slayer also had party matching in a time when a lot of the playlists didn't have a strong MM restriction/filter set for parties matching up appropriately.
Wolf I'm confused!
LIES!!! Honestly I hope he's right. Still a doubter though until I see someone actually put it to good use in one of these videos.
six shots to kill is still too much especially if 343 gimps the clip

The weapon looks pretty accurate and fires very quickly, but that clip size makes it totally useless. I saw someone in one of the videos today have to reload the Magnum trying to get a single kill. I know it's a secondary weapon, and they want to treat it as such, but you at least have to give it a little room to breathe. 8 shots per clip with a 6 shot kill weapon is simply ridiculous.

Wolf I'm confused!

I tried to tell people way back before the release date was announced that a November release date was likely, but there was a group that was adamantly set that Halo games were now destined to come out in September until the end of time.

You meant no user created forge maps.
True, but there was only Asylum out of the Bungie forge maps. No Pinnacle or Cage, which are the culprits of the origin of evil itself.
Quick question for all HaloGAF here:

Halo Reaches "Team Arena" with an average population of 5000, no booster/cheaters. 1 playlist.


Halo3's "Ranked Playlists". A half dozen playlists. Plalist populations range from from 5000-100000. 3-5%(generous) of players in each playlist are boosting and/or cheating.

So...Halo 3's playlists then?

Yeah, I'll take that.
The weapon looks pretty accurate and fires very quickly, but that clip size makes it totally useless. I saw someone in one of the videos today have to reload the Magnum trying to get a single kill. I know it's a secondary weapon, and they want to treat it as such, but you at least have to give it a little room to breathe. 8 shots per clip with a 6 shot kill weapon is simply ridiculous.

I tried to tell people way back before the release date was announced that a November release date was likely, but there was a group that was adamantly set that Halo games were now destined to come out in September until the end of time.
Agreed. I edited my post just a second ago. But I should just say it here, too. I don't like the idea of a secondary weapon if you're not required to carry a secondary weapon at all times. It would be a drastic change from previous halos actually having power weapons, primary weapons, and secondary weapons defined, but it would also give a point to even having weaker weapons in the game. If you can just bypass secondary weapons and wield two primarys or two power weapons, putting secondary weapons in the game is somewhat laughable to me.

I'm struggling with the whole pistol issue, because it's not like any of the previous halo games have been any different. There has always been weaker (useless) weapons that you just avoid, but it's tough seeing the BR get so much love. I'm still waiting for the pistol to get the same treatment. Some day... In that video that Massacre linked of Longbow, you hear one of the 343 guys talk about how they wanted to bring back it back because of all the nostalgia. Why does Combat Evolved get so neglected in this area?

BTW I'm still expecting a September release ;) Frankie make it so!


Quick question for all HaloGAF here:

Halo Reaches "Team Arena" with an average population of 5000, no booster/cheaters. 1 playlist.

I love how you think Arena has no Boosters. Never seen an account purposely 95% Bronze in a team of 4 with Onyx ranks? They do this to get lower level players. It's exactly the same thing as what happens in Halo 3 with "Booster Accounts".
The fact of the matter is you're never going to stop cheating. So I choose Halo 3 Ranked every time. Plus I got an Onyx without trying, they mean nothing. I actually had to work for my 50.


I love how you think Arena has no Boosters. Never seen an account purposely 95% Bronze in a team of 4 with Onyx ranks? They do this to get lower level players. It's exactly the same thing as what happens in Halo 3 with "Booster Accounts".
The fact of the matter is you're never going to stop cheating. So I choose Halo 3 Ranked every time. Plus I got an Onyx without trying, they mean nothing. I actually had to work for my 50.

In my hypothetical there are no booster/cheaters in Arena. That's all that matters. What do you choose?


Morning Gaf.

Just watched the Halo 4 gameplays from RTX yesterday. Game looks great, can't wait to play it. (Halo 4 to Europe Frank?)

Also, Adrift does look like a half decent FFA map. Longbow also looks fun.
Morning Gaf.

Just watched the Halo 4 gameplays from RTX yesterday. Game looks great, can't wait to play it. (Halo 4 to Europe Frank?)

Also, Adrift does look like a half decent FFA map. Longbow also looks fun.
Impossible to know until we play on it, but I got a halo2 vibe from watching the Longbow video. Fingers crossed.

Louis Wu

Let's all move past such tedious titles. We're all people on a forum with the same privileges, junior or not.

People like you give "juniors" a bad name to the already clique-minded "members" :[
Really - what the hell is your problem? You don't have the same privileges as members, and there's a reason for that - you're demonstrating it nicely. If you get banned as a Junior, you're permabanned - take from that the lesson that you should spend at least a LITTLE time trying to figure out how the community CURRENTLY works, and fit yourself in without too much unneeded arrogance.

My impression of you so far: you write weirdly-formatted, hard to read posts... you've already gotten into a pissing match with one of the most easygoing members of HaloGAF... you have a misplaced sense of entitlement... and now there's an unprovoked attack on another junior. For me, this adds up to a pretty deep hole to dig yourself out of; I'll have trouble reading your posts without the tinge of 'oh, it's that guy again'.

::shrug:: or whatever, just keep doing what you do.

Wait? What happened to Halo.bungie.org?

HaloUnity is a completely different beast; it's there to get different subcommunities to interact with each other. We just try to be a news hub (and a community showcase, but even that's not really 'interaction' so much).


I was playing Firefight earlier and I realised how disappointing the AI is on Installation 04. They're useless... Shame really. The idea had a lot of potential.
So since I'm pretty much clueless most of the time, can someone clarify whether or not power weapons begin as a static drop at the beginning of matches, or do they only come from ordinance drops?

If they really only come from ordinance drops, I'm a fan of the new method. No more getting 2-4 easy kills simply for getting to a power weapon first. Now you at least have to earn it with killing sprees and good game play, assuming that's how it works. I know there is some strategy from a competitive standpoint in fighting over the power weapons, but unless you start off with purely even teams, which almost never happens (matchmaking, especially), power weapons are just a derp derp kill machine for whoever gets to them first. So I am continuing my campaign against them.

In Reach, power weapons dictate the outcome of way too many games, if not most of them. Each new halo game seems to get worse in that area and that's not how it should be. Thinking back to combat evolved days, power weapons didn't dominate games and make you King Blainder of the universe. They just helped you get some extra kills here and there. The shotgun didn't really play like a power weapon in CE, and the sniper rifle was much, much more difficult to use. So, the rocket launcher and sniper rifle were really the only two power weapons. Now you have maps littered with power weapons, making Reach a cesspool of power weapon whoring. I don't like it. I don't like it at all.

TL;DR it's just deputy moonman
I don't normally do this multi-quote thing, but...
Here are the controller layouts

Bumper Jumper
Green Thumb

edit: these aren't final if you already didn't know.
I know these aren't final, but if Green Thumb doesn't get changed (RB on reload, primarily), I'll have to switch to Recon. First time in six years I will have switched.
Shzlss thoughts on H4 from RTX
No mid-air detonation on the SD is a bit worrying.
Why wouldn't it? It sounds a lot more intuitive than the GL--tap once to shoot, it hits something, tap again to 'splode. With the launcher I was never really sure if I should aim for an impact, try and bounce it to connect, or just try and take out his shields and finish him off with a headshot.
That's what's so great about it, though. The pro-pipe had so much versatility to it. You had to be adept at knowing how best to use it given your situation.
Can anyone confirm my emblem is in?

I wish to know the same about the Librarian's symbol.
When I first joined everyone seemed to dislike me, mostly due to my old avatar. Now about 3 people on here like me. It took some time. They guy who disliked me the most, well, we ended up becoming boyfwend and gurlfwend, heckfu.gif. The rest is history.

Just be yourself, get involved, and be nice.
What was your first avatar? I don't remember any great animosity towards you.

Me, on the other hand...oh boy. Not that it wasn't deserved for the most part or anything.


So since I'm pretty much clueless most of the time, can someone clarify whether or not power weapons begin as a static drop at the beginning of matches, or do they only come from ordinance drops?

If they really only come from ordinance drops, I'm a fan of the new method. No more getting 2-4 easy kills simply for getting to a power weapon first. Now you at least have to earn it with killing sprees and good game play, assuming that's how it works. I know there is some strategy from a competitive standpoint in fighting over the power weapons, but unless you start off with purely even teams, which almost never happens (matchmaking, especially), power weapons are just a derp derp kill machine for whoever gets to them first. So I am continuing my campaign against them.
If I remember correctly in a video showing Adrift, the sword was there at the beginning of the match. So I guess there will be some static drops.


So since I'm pretty much clueless most of the time, can someone clarify whether or not power weapons begin as a static drop at the beginning of matches, or do they only come from ordinance drops?

They're static at the start of the match, I believe. Then they come from ordinance drops.

Louis Wu

TL;DR it's just deputy moonman
I lol'd (this was my reaction before I got to the end :) ).

Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that there are power weapons on-map at the start of the match (at least in the versions we've seen so far). You're probably right that they're derp derp kill machines... but I LIKE that. If I had to rely on skill alone to beat my opponents, I'd lose far more often. :)


Maybe in regards to that one example I gave, but their are so many scenarios that could used to show the problems associated with PV. The fact that PV extends past the range of radar is already a huge problem. Anyone using PV already has an advantage over everyone else that isn't using it. (radar become useless because a person using PV will already know the best possible way to engage a player without PV before that player even knows they are a threat)

The fact that a pinging noise is made to warn players that they have just been seen with PV can't even be considered a drawback. That player that just got pinged now is thinking, where the hell is the player that just saw me?! (more than likely they won't even know where to begin to look)

If an ability's only drawback is the fact that another ability can be used, it means two things. 1) it is completely useless and other abilities are much better than it or 2) It is OP and there is no drawback to using it. (so the next closest thing to a drawback is the fact that you can be using another ablity, which frankly is true if you use any other ability anyway..)

I don't think it's a good ability, but I don't think it's OP.


Can't wait to see how BTB objective plays on it.
We've yet to see CTF or any other non-Slayer or Regicide game have we?

From the discussion back several months ago, we were told about more Halo 4 maps being more objective based. It would be pretty nice to see Haven CTF or Longbow CTF action some time. And would Frankie or David Ellis clarify if Assault is coming back to matchmaking? It was not noted in the RTX statement when grouping up returning gametypes -- Oddball and KotH were mentioned, however.

I did say previously how I'm sure they'll keep it in for Grifball's sake, but it should be one of the dominant objective modes.
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