See picture above. Ingame armor and skin. Armor : recruit
Skin : prime
Yeah, I know. It just goes to show how inconsistent messaging has been. It's confusing and frustrating. We can never be sure what to believe until we hear from 343 directly.
See picture above. Ingame armor and skin. Armor : recruit
Skin : prime
Yeah, I know. It just goes to show how inconsistent messaging has been. It's confusing and frustrating. We can never be sure what to believe until we hear from 343 directly.
I'd just like to point out that the retail descriptions for the LE never say anything about an exclusive armor, just a skin. I've checked several sites and they all list the same thing:
Armor skin, weapon skin, emblem and avatar prop and armor. No in-game armor.
See picture above. Ingame armor and skin. Armor : recruit
Skin : prime
Repost, final post ><
343i have really outdone themselves on the communication department.
What should i belive?
Fuck this.
Hard surface art is my bread and butter.
I prefer the details to be more localized and subtle rather than big painted on pattern and graphic designs over basic noisy diffuse metal textures.
Something like this:
Maybe not the best example as it is a little busy and some details are a little over the top and noisy, but the point is it's got readible details at a variety of frequencies and it's pretty dynamic in terms of materials and reflections adding interest to a pretty simple gun.
And most importantly the gun would fit the Xbox 360 spec pretty well.
It's a pretty cheap shader, average polycount and still manages to have good material definition and really pushes the specular reflections, but I guess it doesn't really fit with Halo 4's style.
If they had the system specs and where really willing to push their guns to the next level, they would need to get some more advanced shaders that could represent the more subtle specular highlight falloff of metals and they various other layers/materials around them.
Here is a turntable of an MP7 made with all these things in mind.
note how the color of the plastics and metals change with the camera and light angles and how much detail is present exclusively from specific angles. You can even see the oil left from the operator's hand.
(Seriously, watch the video, the gun is awesome because of teh detail that pops out when it's in motion)
This requires a much more expensive shader and dynamic object lighting system as well as a whole 'nother multichannel texture to take full advantage, so it is a bit to expensive for most games this gen.
Maybe next gen...
I am still really disappointed in CS:GO's/BF3's and really just this whole gen's weapons from a technical perspective (With the exception of Crysis 2, where they actually do a great job with their hard surface art), but that's another story...
EDIT: For Sources/Credit's click the pictures.
Does it? Because this information is so fucking unclear.
I wouldn't be surprised if this were the case.
Remember the reasoning behind no Legendary edition for Halo 4?
"343 Industries has confirmed that there will not be a "Legendary Edition" for Halo 4, citing that they didn't want consumers to have to choose what version-specific ancillary items they'd receive.[95]"
The problem is, this is (arguably) already happening. The LE Console, the LE, the regular edition (if the LE WGMP doesn't include the helmets). And arguably the pre-order bonuses could be counted as well.
Oddfellow's? Delish.I've had a burger like that. It was amazing, but I almost died.
Luckily, the scanner and strider are so fuckin' ugly, nobody cares if they're exclusive or not.
Is that a fried egg in there?Why not have both?
I'm still hoping that the specializations are attachments that potentially cover up the visor (like the plate over the visor for Engineer) and/or give us some visual clue as to what our opponent is using. I'm probably wrong, but at this point it's still fun to speculate over my favorite part of playing a FPS: costumes!!I'm excited about all the visor color options in Halo 4. Now we just need more helmets that actually have visors. And the visor colors aren't tied to specific helmets, right? I'm still a tiny bit unsure of that.
I think he's reading too much into it. I highly doubt the console armor isn't exclusive, yet the description reads the same.
Repost, final post ><
343i have really outdone themselves on the communication department.
What should i belive?
Fuck this.
I'm still hoping that the specializations are attachments that potentially cover up the visor (like the plate over the visor for Engineer) and/or give us some visual clue as to what our opponent is using. I'm probably wrong, but at this point it's still fun to speculate over my favorite part of playing a FPS: costumes!!
From the MicrosoftStore site
Oddfellow's? Delish.
Thts the same information that is on all sites. That picture is from expert zone.Official enough we can think of that as confirmation? If yes, i guess i'll go cancel my LE.
Doesn't tell if the Season Pass includes the helmets though.
And Gears. God, she's horrible. She publicly admitted to not reading any Halo books, or playing any of the games, and 343 responded by turning over most future Halo books to her.
In summary, FU KT.
Also, the Scanner and Strider helmets look better than most of the rest of what's out there. Still look like crap, but better crap.
Thts the same information that is on all sites. That picture is from expert zone.
Harsh, man, and if you need a couple teenage girls to express your emotional response, hmm. Ya know, the people that made the game may actually like them too. The strider looks silly to me but only cause the color. The scanner definitely looks weird but also kinda cool to me.
Why did Booties get banned?
Hopefully some scandanavian shooter kills all you laggy Europeans at this convention. Wouldn't mind if overdoze survives I guess, but meh
Why did Booties get banned?
Also, I think the scanner helmet is awesome.
.Hopefully some scandanavian shooter kills all you laggy Europeans at this convention. Wouldn't mind if overdoze survives I guess, but meh
Why did Booties get banned?
Also, I think the scanner helmet is awesome.
Wait, what, that one claims Recruit is exclusive armor?
Hopefully some scandanavian shooter kills all you laggy Europeans at this convention. Wouldn't mind if overdoze survives I guess, but meh
Yeah, they have since updated the details; it comes with unique armor and a unique skin.
Yeah, they have since updated the details; it comes with unique armor and a unique skin.
I was going to say F-Zero. But wipeout works.the helmets look like ships from Wipeout
Gotta be a perm. What a stupid post.RIP Booties, not to say it wasn't deserved
anyone know how long it is?
wow @ that postWe wish Booties the best in all his future endeavors
Why did Booties get banned?
Also, I think the scanner helmet is awesome.
What in the world prompted that comment from Booties lol?
Do it.Urge to go on a rant rising.
Do it.
I don't know what you said because I wasn't actually going to read the 3 pages that showed up while I was away.What'd I say?
I don't know what you said because I wasn't actually going to read the 3 pages that showed up while I was away.
Amen.Nevermind, we're on different figurative pages...your avatar is hot though