Gabotron ES
Happy bday Hitmon!
Ah, birthday, the celebration of being one orbit around the sun closer to death.
Happy Birthday Hitmochan.
Have you considered, what if it's the size of the map and the type of skilled players that are placed with or against that is mainly the real factor than the weapons?I'm sure that was by accident.. If it's anything that these videos of bad players confirmed to me is that they probably won't be picking up Halo 4 lol - For lesser skilled players the automatics are too weak/short ranged, the kill times are too long and the precision weapons are too difficult to use.
Happy Birthday, Chanhitmon. Here's a free slurp.[IMG]
Hunter themed, just for you.[/QUOTE]
Next time please leave out the offensive imagery. Thanks in advance.
also, will Cyren get his $10 back if noone else donates?
Happy Birthday Hitmon!
Next time please leave out the offensive imagery. Thanks in advance.
also, will Cyren get his $10 back if noone else donates?
inb4 server browser...oh wait.It's available in Halo 3 and Reach via custom game settings, just never used in matchmaking.
Also, just played some BF3 on 360. Quickmatch. Join a server. Disgunbgood...
"Retards and Tryhards will be kicked. Knifing the admin or mod to be kicked. 500% tickets. No dogfights"
Guide button -> Y -> Dashboard
The BF3 server browser would have been great if there was a way to filter between DICE and private servers. That's the only issue. Also, quick match should never put you in private servers.[IMG]
Wow. I think you will surely scar someone for life with that image. Horrifying.
Wow. I think you just scarred some lurker for life with that image.
Wow. I think you will surely scar someone for life with that image. Horrifying.
Did that. 91 pages filled with empty DICE servers. And the problem is that if you search for names you cant filter on anything else.Search for "DICE".
Have you considered, what if it's the size of the map and the type of skilled players that are placed with or against that is mainly the real factor than the weapons?
My observation: for a small map like Haven, its a way bigger size of Zealot/Guardian and these guys don't really use sprint a lot or arent used to playing reach competitively to adapt the game style quicker. imo.
Did that. 91 pages filled with empty DICE servers. And the problem is that if you search for names you cant filter on anything else.
Wow. I think you will surely scar someone for life with that image. Horrifying.
James has been watching the whole me a favour. Do not visit the awesome fan art thread. many of my childhood favourites....
James has been watching the whole time.
Play more Soldier (sans rocket jumping) or Heavy.Going from Team Fortress 2 to Reach is really jarring. Reach feels like I'm walking through mud.
I play the soldier class exclusively.Play more Soldier (sans rocket jumping) or Heavy.
I think he scarred some members for life with that image.
I play the soldier class exclusively.
Random class is best class.I play the soldier class exclusively.
Valid points. With the addition Suppressor and Boltshot side arm; AR loadouts should be fine for CQC. I'd prefer BR, DMR, Carbine start instead.I definitely understand what you're saying and it's a valid point because the size of the map and the type of player are two factors that would influence the weapon's effectiveness, but we know for sure the automatics are still where they were in previous Halo games: Overlooked.
I mean, it makes sense really.. 343 knows they can't make automatics extremely powerful because of how people would react to spray/prayers, but slowly they're inching towards making them more useful. For lesser-skilled players, what scenario do you think they would prefer: A game that takes tons of practice to be remotely decent at or a game that kills are instant and anyone can feel like a pro?
That's just how I see it. It's the automatics conundrum with this generation of CoD players. That being said, I actually think the automatics in Halo 4 are going to be useful in CQC as a good turning-the-corner-with weapon and for surprise up-close attacks.
So here's to hoping:
I play the soldier class exclusively.
I play the soldier class exclusively.
ew why stop it gross
go huntsman sniper and own face in the easiest way possible (unless you go pyro which is even easier)
Demo is OP, where is your TF2 honour.That isn't Demo. That isn't Demo at all.
ew why stop it gross
go huntsman sniper and own face in the easiest way possible (unless you go pyro which is even easier)
ew why stop it gross
go huntsman sniper and own face in the easiest way possible (unless you go pyro which is even easier)
We are brothers now. Unless you use Liberty Launcher, then I maybe hate you.
I'm sure this has been discussed before but I haven't been able to keep up with this thread since E3. Are there going to be anymore Promethean enemies outside the 3 we saw at E3? I hope there is a little more variety.
Dev info indicates that they were initially going for a chess motif with the Promethean enemies but it was eventually scrapped. Whether it was just in name (hence Bishops are Crawlers but Knights are still Knights) and we still have a suite of multiple "pieces" or it's just those three are unknown. Given the sheer amount of sentinel diversity we've already seen, I wouldn't be surprised if we got new enemies, even if it's just in the form of reworked old ones. For example, a Promethean Enforcer.
i made this tentative connection before, and it sounds possible.
pawn = crawler
bishop = watcher
knight = knight
King = didact
Queen = librarian
Rook = ??? (war sphynx?)
Dev info indicates that they were initially going for a chess motif with the Promethean enemies but it was eventually scrapped. Whether it was just in name (hence Bishops are Crawlers but Knights are still Knights) and we still have a suite of multiple "pieces" or it's just those three are unknown. Given the sheer amount of sentinel diversity we've already seen, I wouldn't be surprised if we got new enemies, even if it's just in the form of reworked old ones. For example, a Promethean Enforcer.
Aww, didn't even think of the Sphinxes. That would fit pretty well.
(Although aren't they all outdated by the time of the Flood War? Or did Cryptum just mean the Didact's own Sphinxes by his cryptum?)
On a semi-related note, there better be Hunters. Or something that is just as fun and dangerous as Hunters.
I'm sure this has been discussed before but I haven't been able to keep up with this thread since E3. Are there going to be anymore Promethean enemies outside the 3 we saw at E3? I hope there is a little more variety.
Are we going to be seeing any enemies other than the ones shown in the E3 Stage Demo? Negative 9
The new enemy class has been unveiled, but we havent revealed all of the enemy types yet, or the ancient evil...
Let's break down roles compared to Covenant, because why not?
So clearly we need a "heavy" Promethean enemy to match the Hunters, and a sniper/shield-wielding enemy to match the Jackals.
On a semi-related note, there better be Hunters. Or something that is just as fun and dangerous as Hunters.
Was it really Duncan? Duncan made a comment in a post but at the end the donation was from the real CyReN. Or at least I think.Why hasn't Suddoth's friends and family donated anything? One joke donation from Duncan is all he's got..
This is embarrassing.
I still think using the Chess Motif would have been really interesting. Wouldn't crawlers be Pawns, though?
I can sort of see where the Knights got their name, then, with the teleportation.
Rooks could be tougher, more Hunter-type enemies; the Watchers wouldn't particularly have a proper parallel, unless you wanted to go with the Bishop > Priest > Healing > Support class thinking.
There's nothing wrong with naming things after what they are (Grunts, Elites, Brutes), but I also enjoy a slight difference in nomenclature.
Was it really Duncan? Duncan made a comment in a post but at the end the donation was from the real CyReN.