If halo 5 is more like halo 4 than halo 2, I give up on halo multiplayer
If you don't listen to your fan base, then go fuck yourself
I'm tired of having to fight with developers over common sense issues
Blizzard: "oh let's make diablo 3 like WoW"
Valve: "oh let's make Counter-Strike GO shitty!"
343: "oh let's make Halo 4 like Call of Duty, but worse!!!!"
It's so fucking exhausting having to fight for a proper fucking sequel (or proper generational iteration) people are still waiting for a proper halo 2 multiplayer uh variant/sequel but bungie and 343 at one point decided to vomit mediocrity
I bought halo to be halo, I bought diablo to be diablo and counter-strike to be counter-strike, max payne to be max payne...
Why, come this fall, am I not going to have a single game the fans actually wanted?
This has been the most disappointing gaming year that I can remember
Seriously Does no One remember them Specifically saying a New gametype was going to be announced and playable at Pax. This is just a New variant of CTF not just CTF. I remember them talking about this long ago and you all seem surprised? Really? Wow You guys sure do know how to Overreact.
What they said was "we are showing off a game type that has been announced, but not shown off yet, we hope"
That game type specifically being Capture The Flag. Not a new variant. That was CTF in their eyes