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Halo |OT8| A Salt on the Control Room

The PAX Experience
First I would just like to say that PAX was a great experience thanks to the GAFers (Also got to meet and talk for a bit with Bravo and Nexy, good people) and 343 being absurd levels of generous and approachable. Say what you will about the game, but they were great to talk to and were very open to discussions about the game and design decisions they have made. Also, as seemingly a GAF tradition now, myself and a few others were approached at the booth and asked if we were 343 employees.

I’ve divided this up into several sections to attempt some form of organization.Keep in mind that I have made a big effort to go into this game with an open mind, and not be mad that it isn’t “Halo 2 HD”, I think you’ll find my opinions reflect that.

Core gameplay and systems
The core gameplay and gunplay is immediately recognizable as being superior to the past couple of Halo games. The movement in an odd egg to explain, I wouldn’t claim it feels like any previous Halo game, it absolutely has its own feel. You move faster, jump higher, can change directions quicker/strafe than Reach by significant margins, yet it doesn’t have the “floaty” aspect of movement that some of the past games had. Your character feels heavy and grounded, but also extremely athletic. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it feels good. You can sprint for quite a long time covering large sections of the map in little time and your movement aids you in combat, it doesn’t hold you back.

I really enjoyed the gunplay. Being able to choose the weapons to want is a great choice, and honestly something that should have happened quite a while ago in the franchise. There is a variety of starting weapons that are different enough that people will find their weapons that they really click with. There appears to be generally reduced aiming help from the game compared to the past few Halo games, which making aiming and shooting feel a bit more rewarding.Weapons are more powerful across the board than the past two Halo games (especially compared to Reach), and it is one of the largest contributors to making the game faster paced and more enjoyable. Not being knocked out of scope makes gunplay more enjoyable as well.

Grenades are still powerful, but they have significantly longer fuses, you have the player movement abilities to get out of the way, and without people pickup up grenades off dead bodies, there is less grenades in play. Melee was rare in the games I played, and the lunge for it was virtually nonexistent, although that may change with latency online. The AA’s are truly an augmentation to combat unlike dominating them like they do in Reach (individual impressions later). The armor mods are helpful, but I could never tell what armor mods other had in the game, if that helps you get an estimate of their effectiveness.Although things are definitely different in this game, and stuff like armor mods are understandingly worrisome, but the core gameplay dominates the game, and that core is focused on the very good gunplay.

Now there are a couple things that are concerning or I don’t like. First, the most concerning aspect of the game to me is the global ordnance drops. They are random weapons, on a selection of locations across the map and it has a number of significant implications on the game. One thing I noticed is that based on my general impression, it lead to significantly less power weapons in games (even in games that also had personal ordnance), especially compared to some of Reach’s maps that were littered with them. While this is nice in some cases, in others it was not. The example being playing CTF with a Tank, Banshee, and Gauss Hog on the map. There was one specific time when someone was wrecking with the tank, and we did not get an ordnance drop that was good for taking down a tank for maybe 5-6 minutes. I see a distinct possibility of global ordnance drops being significantly detrimental to Big Team play significantly where a certain set of weapons are a massive help in countering some of the more powerful vehicles in the game. While that is large and way my larger concern, there are few smaller ones as well. Double melee is still there, although WAY less prevalent than in Reach, it happened to me a few times, and it was very annoying. Game has sprint, it should be three melee’s to kill in my opinion. Another one is map setups, which I will cover in the map section for Exile. Finally, a very small complaint, but aim acceleration is still there, and the vertical axis still feels like it has more aim acceleration than the horizontal one. The aim acceleration levels are not bad at all, but for those such as myself that notice aim acceleration for whatever reason, it’s still there.

I got to play three of the four maps that have been publically shown so far:
-Exile: Good map that focused on mid to long range battles and had very open areas to grab the flag from meaning that you had to clear out the opposing team to get a pull. You could however move from one end of the map to the other very quickly, making combat very constant and flag runs extremely intense. When we asked 343 about the map setup having a tank, bansee, and gauss hog, they said that there are different setups on maps based on gametype and player count/playlist in matchmaking that this wasn’t for sure the 5v5 objective setup we’ll see in matchmaking. I’m hoping that this was the Big Team setup for the map, but they used it for PAX because they want to show off those vehicles.
-Haven: Haven is a great smaller map. The half-circle setup and two levels keep the action fast and dynamic. There are also lots of interesting jumps and routes to get around the map. I think this map is a clear winner.
-Adrift: A map that I haven’t really liked from the beginning from the layout and seeing gameplays, but it was better than I thought it was going to be. Still not a huge fan of the tight corridors and I seemed to spend a significant amount of time running around the outside of the map looking for people. Still, it’s not a nightmare to play in any way, just not the next Midship.

-Infinity Slayer: This was a ton of fun. Earning personal ordnance was great, it really drove me to be aggressive and gain points for both killing and assisting teammates so I could get personal ordnance. I’m sure this gametype will dominate a Team Slayer playlist in MM, and I’ll be right there playing it.
-Regicide: As someone that’s always though objective FFA gametypes have sucked/only worked with very specific maps or setups, I thought regicide was a ton of fun. Very dynamic, fast paced, and intense.
-CTF: Here’s the big one. I tried not to compare it to past Halo games CTF, and it was very fun based on its own merit. Very fast paced and very intense. Flag runs for your team or defending against them got the blood pumping. There is a big emphasis (part of it was the map) of setting up defensive perimeters and trying to hold them, for both ensuring a flag cap and defending an away flag. There are some questionable decisions that were made with this version of CTF, but it really is a lot of fun.

I’ll go through quick impressions of each of the weapons and AA’s that I used. As a general statement, the weapons are more powerful than in the past couple of games, and they’re damage and effectiveness changes significantly with range without stuff like bloom (except the Magnum of course).

AR: I didn’t use it too much, but it was quite effective in short range, and could be out to a decent range. The damage you do it dramatically higher when you get close.
BR: It’s the BR. Feels a lot like the Halo 3 BR, but more reliable, especially at range.
DMR: Easily my go to Primary. Super accurate single shot rounds, feels more difficult to aim than the other mid-precision weapons, but much more satisfying. Bloom only has an impact at extreme ranges, and even them, much less of a pace is required than Reach.
Magnum: To be blunt, it sucks. I quickly starting using Firepower in order to use a primary weapon as a secondary.
Shotgun: A BEAST! Best shotgun since CE, I loved it. (Still balanced well because all weapons kill faster and weapons like the AR, Storm Rifle, and BR kill very fast at close range if you are a good shot.)
SAW: Only used it briefly, but it is quite powerful, and obviously has a very deep clip. Doesn’t have great range though.
Sniper Rifle: Feels more difficult to use than Reach, but still manageable.
Railgun, Sticky Detonator, Laser: Didn’t get a chance to use these
Storm Rifle: Quickly became my go to secondary with Firepower. Shreds at close range, and decent out to mid-range. Shallow clip, but very powerful.
Carbine: Only used it very briefly, not enough to form an opinion.
Energy Sword: Still the sword, very powerful with sprint, but you will get slowed down if people shoot you while you try to rush them.
Concussion Rifle: Felt more like the Brute Shot, fires faster than Reach’s, quite powerful up close.
Plasma Pistol, Gravity Hammer, Needler, FRG, Beam Rifle: Didn’t get to use these.
Supressor: Only used it briefly, but similar to the AR and Storm Rifle, felt less powerful, but with more ammo though.
Light Rifle: Horizontal burst/less damage unscope and single shot/more damage scoped. Very powerful, every bit as good as BR/DMR.
BoltshotTakes most of the clip to kill, but can be fired very quickly. Also as a charge shot which I was never able to hit someone with.
Scattershot: Less range and less powerful than the Shotgun, but can be fired very quickly.
Incinerator Cannon: The rocket launcher to end all rocket launchers. Insanely powerful, it features impact explosion and a secondary physics-based explosion. Have to reload after each shot.
Binary Rifle: Didn’t get a chance to use this.
They dropped a bunch between Halo 3 and Reach. Hawk, Mark of Shame, and Brute, for example. Seemed like it might be copyright reasons, given the timing.


It appears that it is not in Halo 4 either...too bad. Ah well, Ill probably use the T-Rex. I wonder if there is anyway to make it look like a Carnotaurus...
I ran out of room for AA's, and I'm going insane a little bit right now, so I didn't want to write about them.

If you have any questions about those or anything in my post, let me know.
Finally all nestled in back at home from PAX. This weekend has been pretty exhausting, but amazing. I don't know if or when I'll do a big write-up post like Steely's up there, but I'll try to answer any questions I can.

Oh, and here's my first Inconceivable in Halo 4. Tank beats everything.


This post has been brought to you by the newest member of Team SLRP.



It appears that it is not in Halo 4 either...too bad. Ah well, Ill probably use the T-Rex. I wonder if there is anyway to make it look like a Carnotaurus...
I know the feeling. Hawk was my go-to before, but at least I discovered Runes, the secret best emblem.

I love that there's a goddamn dinosaur emblem, even though I'll never use it. We haven't seen all the emblems, have we? All the videos I've seen have had that part cut short, so there may be hope.
As long as Flaming Ninja is still there, I'm happy. Had that since H2

and I liked Breach the most of the stances. Looks like a James Bond cover, which I think is the idea of the name, like breaking into an enemy base.


I know the feeling. Hawk was my go-to before, but at least I discovered Runes, the secret best emblem.

I love that there's a goddamn dinosaur emblem, even though I'll never use it. We haven't seen all the emblems, have we? All the videos I've seen have had that part cut short, so there may be hope.

Can anyone confirm that they still have the fleur-de-lis? Been rocking that since Halo 3 and I'd love for my Spartans to keep matching.


Finally all nestled in back at home from PAX. This weekend has been pretty exhausting, but amazing. I don't know if or when I'll do a big write-up post like Steely's up there, but I'll try to answer any questions I can.

Oh, and here's my first Inconceivable in Halo 4. Tank beats everything.

This post has been brought to you by the newest member of Team SLRP.

Yes it does.
I was toasted by a Gauss Hog five or six times off spawn in one game. I never spawned inside the base - just out front.
So it DOES feel like Halo.

Thanks for all the work you did at PAX HaloGAF. The impressions from everyone are getting me hyped. I may curse you all later for this.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep

From the Microsoft Expertzone site a long while back. I believe the highlight graphic was provided by The Examiner, as that's where I found the image.

Something tells me it is going to be how Halo 2 was when in matchmaking, how Bungie displayed your friends and you could see information about what they were playing and who they were playing in but maybe they will allow you to group your friends into categories.

I don't know, I am just trying not to get my hopes up too much about that.
I know the feeling. Hawk was my go-to before, but at least I discovered Runes, the secret best emblem.

I love that there's a goddamn dinosaur emblem, even though I'll never use it. We haven't seen all the emblems, have we? All the videos I've seen have had that part cut short, so there may be hope.

While the T-Rex is awesome, this would have been better:


Of course they couldn't use the exact imagery, but something like that would have been so good.
Oh btw, I don't think I saw this posted at all, but the active roster/friends list looks a lot like BF3's. Pops up on the right side of the screen and you can toggle through lists of invites, friends, etc.


Great first impressions huh? Lol

Yeah. It was my second game of Halo 4, and I got camped by the Gauss Hog, Scorpion and Banshee the entire game. Really hoping it was just a crazy set up for exhibition, but the way they reintroduced the vehicles at the panel made me worried it was not.

I'll do my last post on PAX tomorrow, I seem to have picked up some form of plague from the show (an annual tradition) and my throat is drying while my muscles are getting sore. Gonna crash early. Joy!
Yeah. It was my second game of Halo 4, and I got camped by the Gauss Hog, Scorpion and Banshee the entire game. Really hoping it was just a crazy set up for exhibition, but the way they reintroduced the vehicles at the panel made me worried it was not.

I'll do my last post on PAX tomorrow, I seem to have picked up some form of plague from the show (an annual tradition) and my throat is drying while my muscles are getting sore. Gonna crash early. Joy!

Based on a discussion with David or Josh at the booth (can't remember who) emphasizing different setups for different gametypes and player counts/playlists, I'm hoping that vehicle setup is for Big Team, and they just wanted to use it to have those vehicles at the show.
What exactly does the Stability Armor Mod do? Anyone know?
Reduces kick/flinch when you take fire while scoped in. Honestly didn't really notice much difference, the kick isn't bad without the mod on, you can still aim your shots well.
Thanks man. Did you hop on the vehicles and drive around? How did they feel?

A bit, but not much to get an impression. Drove the Hog briefly, and people will be glad to hear that it feels heavy and grounded. Ghost felt pretty similar to the past couple of games. I flew the banshee briefly before crashing it by trying to fly under a branch that was far too low.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Yeah. It was my second game of Halo 4, and I got camped by the Gauss Hog, Scorpion and Banshee the entire game. Really hoping it was just a crazy set up for exhibition, but the way they reintroduced the vehicles at the panel made me worried it was not.

I'll do my last post on PAX tomorrow, I seem to have picked up some form of plague from the show (an annual tradition) and my throat is drying while my muscles are getting sore. Gonna crash early. Joy!

Yea we'll just have to see how it turns out in a regular matchmaking experience.
Reduces kick/flinch when you take fire while scoped in. Honestly didn't really notice much difference, the kick isn't bad without the mod on, you can still aim your shots well.

Oh wow I didn't want to believe it but they really did add a flinch huh.. I thought Stability allowed you to stay scoped in - guess that leaves me with Dexterity as my only Armor Mod.


Kyle got in my head. Just took my beard off with a 1 guard. Going to grow it from this length and get it a little more full.
Oh wow I didn't want to believe it but they really did add a flinch huh.. I thought Stability allowed you to stay scoped in - guess that leaves me with Dexterity as my only Armor Mod.
I was skeptical of not getting knocked out of scope and flinch, but I really enjoyed it. No more getting knocked out of scope aka you're dead if someone gets the drop in an open area from mid to long range anymore, you have a chance to fight back.
Kyle got in my head. Just took my beard off with a 1 guard. Going to grow it from this length and get it a little more full.
Medals Pics or it didn't happen.
I find it kinda funny how naked eli's vids show that there is a 'generic kill' medal in Halo 4. That means, no matter what, you will get at least one medal for every kill you get. Hell, you'll even get a medal for walking around and getting shot at.

Distraction! + 10


I was skeptical of not getting knocked out of scope and flinch, but I really enjoyed it. No more getting knocked out of scope aka you're dead if someone gets the drop in an open area from mid to long range anymore, you have a chance to fight back.

That's good to hear. Outside of H1, the series has rewarded the player with first shot during scoped-in battles entirely too much.

I am a little concerned about how this change will work with the sniper though.


Even if Halo 4 multiplayer is awesome, I will always make fun of the distraction medal.

You're literally getting praised for sucking.


Do you get medals for distraction sprees, like rampage/dreamcrusher/etc?

"Punching Bag!"
"Target Practice!"
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