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Halo |OT8| A Salt on the Control Room

Fantastic post Henery.

Why thank you Oddone

To mw it's just a flatout weird one. As in I had to do a double take when I found out. Can't play regular ctf even in customs? Not even bungie had the temerity to flat out remove flag juggling. When flag drop cooldown was announced for reach, shiska was straight in the mlg forums calming the shitstorm by telling everyone you could turn it off for customs. A really bizzare one from 343.


Awesome art. The helmet looks weird though.
Wait a minute, there's a playlist with JUST that one gametype? Like, if I just wanted to play a gametype and not worry about somebody voting VIP on Valhalla or some shit, I can just...choose the gametype?

Sometimes taking stuff from CoD is for the best.


CTF playlists have always performed well in the past, so I'm glad they're doing it. But it does make me think Assault is less and less likely to exist. Skirmish was basically a CTF/Assault playlist with the way it was weighted, and it was rad. But where is Oddball gonna live (in a team-specific context, where the addition of throwing it is meaningful), it can't sustain its own playlist -- well, besides Grifball? Same with King, if it comes back. It's one of the reasons I liked grab bag Objective playlists that are weighted properly, you can get two or three smaller, but still core gametypes to mix things up every once in a while.
I guess they think all of their consumers will take the bungie-esque information that is shoveled out of their studio

So you're not buyng their game then? Because at some point you should really be considering the sheer amount of stuff you have been unhappy with and ponder if your purchase is really worth your money :/


Am I the only one who prefers 1 flag (one team defending a flag, one team grabbing)? I am glad CTF will have it's own playlist overall though.


So basically, we know weve got the following lists, right?

-Infinity Slayer
-Classic Slayer
-Team Flag
-Coop campaign
-Spartan Ops

I think it's safe to assume we will have some "everything else" objective list. So that's roughly eight. Not sure exactly how Ops in matchmaking will really work.
"I do believe 343 has good intentions. I think this decision was made with the general population in mind and to improve objective gametypes on some of the larger maps"

Translating from Polite to Real Talk:

These changes are dumb as fuck but I don't want 343 to hate me and I'm desperate to have an actually good Halo MP so I'll just blindly trust them.

But he's played it.


So Just read the bulletin and while I'm pissed Mark V won't be in I'm glad to see Mark Vi is and I do think the method for getting it is plenty fair assuming Halo 4's legendary difficulty is Halo 2 levels of bullshit.


So 343's tag line continues to be, "Just trust us, guys even though you have no reason to". Awesome.

From the bulletin I got, "STFU try the game when it's released, if people really don't like it we may be willing to change some things".

Seems reasonable as opposed to changing things due to internet rage (haters/doubters are always the loudest too).


Just read the update. I'm behind on the thread, so quick thoughts before I go back:

I'm optimistic about the new CTF settings, I still think it will be quite fun, but more accessible and hopefully more popular. A stand-alone CTF playlist is great news. I am worried about the flag cap medal being worth 100 points; this will increase betrayals for flag caps.

Very glad to see rounds possible in Grifball, it's a critical component of the game.

Was the vehicle setup on Exile planned to be what is used in matchmaking? -GhaleonEB

Vehicle setup was designed to show a ton of content for PAX. That map content will vary dramatically depending on game mode and playlist.


Hoping the video in next week's update is Promethean or Covenant weaponry.
Can't wait to see what they've done with their most popular playlist Living Dead!



Link?, What is this?

Was the armor that was available in the PAX build the full set? If so, why is there no Mark V armor? -ArchedThunder

The PAX build contains the full set of armor in Halo 4. In the final game, there are a variety of methods for unlocking armor and armor skins - ranking up, earning commendations, progressing through Specializations and completing goals on Waypoint. Some of the skins, helmets, and the FOTUS armor are exclusive to various retail offers. Some of these items MAY become available to all players at a later date. We wanted to focus on the Spartan-IV armors for Infinity, maximizing the amount of variety across the armor designs. However, we did want to include a reward for completing the Campaign on Legendary, so we decided to use the Mark VI armor as that reward. While we'd love to include every historical variant of the Chief's armor, it's just not possible to fit more armor sets into the available memory.


Am I the only one who prefers 1 flag (one team defending a flag, one team grabbing)? I am glad CTF will have it's own playlist overall though.
I like asymmetric gametypes, but they require maps that are very, very specifically (and smartly) designed but aren't really usable for most gametypes, so I can see why they'd cut it...or at least not focus on it. I'd imagine that they'd need all of their maps to be usable in several gametypes, and shoving Slayer onto something like Zanzibar is a pretty crappy experience.
So basically, we know weve got the following lists, right?

-Infinity Slayer
-Classic Slayer
-Team Flag
-Coop campaign
-Spartan Ops

I think it's safe to assume we will have some "everything else" objective list. So that's roughly eight. Not sure exactly how Ops in matchmaking will really work.
At this point, with the gametypes we've seen, and with a guess that King of the Hill will return over Assault, I wouldn't be surprised if the "everything else" list was a new Team Control. The gametype in that leaked Hardlight Shield picture where the UI was very similar to 3 Plots could fit into something like that.
And I agree with the general sentiment that while I'm still not happy with a bunch of these changes, I love that they're sticking to their guns and not making a dozen different variants. Why not include the custom options though is bizarre as shit.

and yaaaaay mark vi


I can understand the whole "this is our Halo, and this is how we believe it's meant to be played".

However, I think it'd be ridiculous not to offer custom game settings that can create classic Halo CTF. I mean, I can create a gametype with forced magnum starts, 300% movement speed and no jumping, and that doesn't conflict with their "vision for Halo"? You literally have a playlist (MLG) that is designed for competitive play by removing all variables. Like, the exact opposite of the standard matchmaking experience. I'm not even asking for classic flag settings in matchmaking, just let us have custom options.

I am glad there's a CTF playlist at launch though. Kinda disappointed it's 2-Flag only, but it's not a big deal.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
IMO if they were going to go this route they should have just had the flag go on the Spartans back like in COD and just disable AAs and allow sprint.


That's the kind f logic that could be applied to maps. It's nice to want old ones but I want new content. Not the same old historical tuff, as nice as that was.

I'll trade Adrift in for Mark V.

On a serious note I don't think this is comparable. Armors are only cosmetic stuff, pure fanservice, while maps have gameplay purposes.

And like I said it is fanservice, I think it is crazy to not include the original Halo helmet but include some stuff like the VCR taped on a helmet or the Unicorn.
I heard the exact same argument regarding Bungie's bloom in Reach. A week after release people were begging on the forums to have a no bloom option patched in just for customs. Naysayers arrogantly dismissed these pleas with "It's Bungie's vision of the game" and told players to "adapt". We eventually got that option but it took a year (because of the changeover).

Custom game options do not impede upon a developers vision of their game, ever. The developers vision is the one that appears in matchmaking, which is the version of the game that gets played the most by a very very significant margin.

Does 300% speed in custom games impair 343's vision of the game? Does invincibility enabled, backsmacks only unlimited sticky detonator starts in custom games muddy 343's rendition of Halo?.......... Of course not. So why can't 8 guys, playing with their friends, having a beeeer, it's Awesoooome... why can't they play normal CTF that has been present in Halo since its inception and is as ingrained upon its tapestry as warthog's, rechargeable shields and a field with a base at either end? Why shit on their parade in a custom game setting?

I thought Halo 4 was all about customising your own experience, fine tuning your own engine.

Despite all that, as far as MM management goes, I'm happy that they're launching with their new CTF mode as a playlist. Hopefully this means 'fringe' gametypes won't be cluttering up MM playlists. Having a limited set of gametypes that are tuned and tested to specific map setups is a good thing and preferable to using Team Objective as a dumping ground for every wacky Megalo gametype you can think up.

I'm all for streamlined playlists. I'm not all for homogenised, inflexible gametypes in custom games and nobody else should be.

This is the kind of critical post I like to read.

Bravo, Henery.

Although, I am greatly anticipating playing the new CTF in MM.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
No talent?
Forgot to bring your resume to PAX?
Not kissing ass in this thread hard enough?
jk brah

Hmm, maybe all three. :p

PAX is not the place for resumes anyways. The PR/Devs there have too much to worry about as-is, and the PAX-goers have too much going on as well.

I told Frank his bald head reminded me of the good side of the moon on a clear night, is that not kissing ass enough?
That is the total armor count? Beh, I hope to god we get DLC.

No ODST/Security/Mark 5 is horrible hell id even like to see something like Hayabusa return.

Also not pleased we have seen the full set before launch. Takes away some of the surprise.

Cant say im displeased with armor because i actually like it, Id like it more if it was expanded.

Noble Team stuff should of returned aswell, and the EU stuff like SPI.


That is the total armor count? Beh, I hope to god we get DLC.

No ODST/Security/Mark 5 is horrible hell id even like to see something like Hayabusa return.

Also not pleased we have seen the full set before launch. Takes away some of the surprise.

Cant say im displeased with armor because i actually like it, Id like it more if it was expanded.

Noble Team stuff should of returned aswell, and the EU stuff like SPI.

Yeah. Hopefully this time around the game allows for DLC armor, with a free pack for people to be able to see what everyone is wearing (like SSFIVAE).

Now just need to know how all these armors unlock, and the time investment involved.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I realllllllly don't think they are going to announce every armor set pre-launch.

Wait, there is no ODST armor? That's just stupid. We have a retarded sadface helmet but no ODST.

This one is actually fine by me. Spartans are Spartans, not ODSTs. I always found it jarring seeing someone with big Spartan armor, then an ODST helmet on.

Everything was at PAX they said.

Yeah, but do you think there isn't any hidden armor, or fan-service armor that they are just keeping under wraps?


I quit out of one game yesterday to play with a friend and then I was booted from a game today for betraying.

Now I'm temporarily banned from matchmaking?

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