Garrett 2U
Inspired by this thread, I want to ask HaloGAF a question: How many of you consider a Halo game to be your favorite game of this console generation? Or favorite game ever?
Halo is hands down my favorite game series, but I'm not sure if any of them individually are my favorite game ever. And as far as this gen goes, I think Super Mario Galaxy 2 -- beginning to end, pound for pound -- was more fun than any Halo game. It doesn't have the replayability of Halo, but it was nearly flawless while it lasted.
This could get way off topic really easily, but I'm still curious to hear what people think.
Halo 3 was probably my favorite game this generation. (no doubts Halo 4 will be)
Battlefield 3 and Minecraft are up there.
Favorite game ever, Halo 2.
I played and loved Super Mario Galaxy, never got around to playing 2.