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Halo: Reach Beta Thread

Spent about 3 hours fooling around with a party in Reach, 30+ minutes then taking 50+ screenshots.

<3 Reach.
Not ready to say bye...

I'm going to be sad in a few days when I can't play the game. :(

Haven't got anywhere near the amount of screenshots and video I wanted off my system.


I think the beta ending today is a good thing, the unfinished nature of the product is starting to really sour me on the product. I think it's a good time to pull the plug if my experience is even somewhat universal. I have heard a huge amount of complaining online from my random teammates though, so I'd say the honeymoon period of the beta has definitely worn off.
Only on Halo can a group of friends just mess about on a beautifully made map, with a crazy awesome engine that caters for all sorts of wacky moments. Theater is the most valuable tool to ever grace a game, ever!


AwesomeSyrup said:
I think the best part of the beta has been all the people defending it that will move on to the next big thing after a couple of weeks. :lol

Well, naturally. The beta ends today.

Dax01 said:
With additions like bloom, I think I'll feel like I'm being hampered by stuff I shouldn't have to worry about in a Halo game, especially since there wasn't any bloom in ODST and because I'm playing a super soldier this time around.

Skill, timing, and finesse are in your Haloz now!!!

I think some people are WAY too used to the BR after all these years.
soldat7 said:
Well, naturally. The beta ends today.

Not if you keep your Xbox on!

Hello Soldat7 I want to play a game, you dont know me, but I know you. You have constantly been defending the beta havent you? Well now you are attached to a chair, with your xbox next to you, your only chance at playing Reach is to slowly watch as your Xbox RRoD's. Live or Die? Make your choice...

Yeah that sucked, needs more scary Jigsaw voice.


bobs99 ... said:
Not if you keep your Xbox on!

Hello Soldat7 I want to play a game, you dont know me, but I know you. You have constantly been defending the beta havent you? Well now you are attached to a chair, with your xbox next to you, your only chance at playing Reach is to slowly watch as your Xbox RRoD's. Live or Die make your choice...

Yeah that sucked, needs more scary Jigsaw voice.

:lol nice.

I know I've defended the beta rather profusely, and probably pissed a bunch of people off (*shows butt*), but I'm sorry. After YEARS of nothing but the BR, and what amounts to two extremely similar Halo experiences in a row (with 3 being inferior to 2), Reach is FRESH. It feels more fair and more fun, that is the essence. I love the new mechanics, the look, and the feel of both the Spartans and Elites. Almost every single weapon feels useful (save the AR and Needle Rifle, and someone will tell me I'm wrong about that I'm sure, and they're probably right), and the grenades have meat (which is probably going to be taken away.) Melee feels a bit off, but overall, the game is SOLID and better in almost every way imaginable (vehicles need work though.)

I think ultimately, Bungie will make some very smart decisions (and non-decisions) over these next few months. I'm very optimistic about the future of this game, and look forward to playing it in the fall.
soldat7 said:
:lol nice.

I know I've defended the beta rather profusely, and probably pissed a bunch of people off, but I'm sorry. After YEARS of nothing but the BR, and what amounts to two extremely similar Halo experiences in a row, Reach is FRESH. It feels more fair and more fun, that is all. I love the new mechanics, the look, and the feel of both the Spartans and Elites. Almost every single weapon feels useful (save the AR and Needle Rifle, and someone will tell me I'm wrong about that I'm sure), and the grenades have meat (which is probably going to be taken away.) Melee feels a bit off, but overall, the game is SOLID and better in almost every way imaginable (vehicles need work though.)

I think ultimately, Bungie will make some very smart decision (and non-decision) over these next few months. I'm very optimistic about the future of this game, and look forward to playing it in the fall.

You havent pissed me off, and as someone who constantly bitched about the beta im glad there where voices to balance out my bitching. Its easy to forget Bungie is made up of a lot of hardworking guys who push the bar forward (its also easy to forget that this is a unfinished beta, not a demo), and quite honestly im not bitching that they fucked up, im bitching because I dislike aspects of the game. At the end of the day though the game is fantastic and is even grabbing the attention of hardcore CoD fans, Bungie are clearly doing something right.

So yeah, while the beta has dissapointed me in a few ways, it has a lot going for it, I cant wait to see how the full game turns out because im sure a lot of my dissapointments are already fixed for fall.

EDIT: Falagard, they have already confirmed nades are going to be toned down a little thank god.


bobs99 ... said:
:lol :lol :lol

Im so glad this game had a beta, its funny now, but I wouldnt be laughing if this is how the final game played out.

Yeah, because Halo 3 beta was completely different than the final game. Oh wait... no, just the carbine and trip mines.



Halo Novel Trilogy to be Republished with Updates, New Content

Halo Novel Trilogy to be Republished with Updates, New ContentThe publisher of the original Halo novelizations will reissue the original trilogy "with updates and all new original content" in August, beginning with Halo: The Fall of Reach, the prequel that predates the upcoming game by almost a decade

Tor Books, the well-known science fiction imprint, no doubt plans to capture interest in the Halo canon as the game's release date nears. In a news release about the reissue, the publisher reminded fans that Eric Nylund's Halo: The Fall of Reach, Halo: The Flood, and Halo: First Strike will be joined later in 2010 by "The Forerunner Trilogy," which is being written by Greg Bear.

The Fall of Reach was published in 2001, with The Flood and First Strike coming in 2003. The Fall of Reach of course serves as a prequel to the Halo continuity; The Flood concerns events of the first game, with First Strike bridging it to Halo 2, which had yet to be released when the book was originally published.

That's the reissuing's new cover art above.
Source: http://kotaku.com/5543023/halo-novel-trilogy-to-be-republished-with-updates-new-content

I bought the originally trilogy set from ye olde Bungie store and I've wanted to re-read them because I barely remember them. But then I remember reading about some errors in dates and such so I'm definitely getting these.


big ander said:
Sorry Letters and Cuban. Lets uhh...lets just say my power died and leave it at that.
That's alright, we still won :)

Feel free to jump in again when you get power back
(edit- nevermind, taking a break, just had the most awful performance of the day), and holy shit, what a coincidence meeting up in matchmaking!
Dani said:
All aboard the S.S. RETCON!

Let's see if they can make the Flood not suck.

And frankly, the books (especially FoR) need a bit of a retcon considering that the games have pretty much thrown that book out the window.


Blueblur1 said:

Source: http://kotaku.com/5543023/halo-novel-trilogy-to-be-republished-with-updates-new-content

I bought the originally trilogy set from ye olde Bungie store and I've wanted to re-read them because I barely remember them. But then I remember reading about some errors in dates and such so I'm definitely getting these.
I read it so long ago I forgot a lot of it, might pick it up again. That Press Release was totally void of details on the changes though.

p.s.: The "L" in Halo looks messed up. Actually the whole Halo logo looks funky.


Falagard said:
Yeah, because Halo 3 beta was completely different than the final game. Oh wait... no, just the carbine and trip mines.

Bungie has already detailed a large number of changes that either have already been incorporated into the latest version or will be incorporated by release. And that's not counting the multitude of tweaks they haven't told us.

P.S. That's the new AR in the Chief's hands in that new cover for FoR. I still need to buy Eric Nylund's Halo books. I read them all thanks to the magic of my local library and I'd love to have my own copies. Now I might have an excuse.


Somebody hurry up and find a way to access Customs! ;P

Gonna hop on in a bit. Not feelin' my best, but I want to get my fill of Reach before the beta closes.

big ander

Letters said:
That's alright, we still won :)

Feel free to jump in again when you get power back
(edit- nevermind, taking a break, just had the most awful performance of the day), and holy shit, what a coincidence meeting up in matchmaking!
Yeah, I rarely expect to happen across Gaffers, especially when I was expecting it to be busy in the final hours.
I just played my final Halo:Reach beta game. 148 Games. 29 hours and 33 minutes played. It was a good run, and I had a blast! If I feel so inclined, I might write up some of my feelings on the Beta, but I'll have to see.

I really had a lot of fun with the game over the past few weeks and I am really looking forward to the final product. I know a lot of you guys are down on the decisions Bungie has made with the game, but I haven't had this fun with a Halo game since Halo 2! I like the infusion of the more tactical elements, as well as the variety that the Armor Abilities afford.

But hey, that's just me. Can't wait to see the fall this.....fall?
Oh man yes. 100% aboard for a fixed Fall of Reach.

That novel, while great at the time, is now riddled with niggling inaccuracies due to the way the universe has expanded since it's publication. Really fantastic move, I'll gladly buy it again. Just hope we don't see any MAJOR retcons or changes, though I suppose they might be necessary in order to lay the groundwork for the game. Hopefully the damage to the core story is minimal though.


I had planned to play tonight until I hit 200 games played, but stopped after game 199. A game where you pull 2 Killing Frenzies is a pretty good one to go out on. On a related note, it also yielded my first clip that was even vaguely montage worthy. If anyone could render it, that would be wonderful.

And this is probably asking too much, but if anyone could render this full game, you will have my eternal thanks. It was my second game in the beta and I'd love to have it as a keepsake of sorts. I uploaded this one and not my first, because my first one was unremarkable, but I tore it up in this one lol. When I first signed on, there were only 56 people online. The 8 GAFfers in that party made up 14% of all people online in Reach at that time.


Oozer3993 said:
Bungie has already detailed a large number of changes that either have already been incorporated into the latest version or will be incorporated by release. And that's not counting the multitude of tweaks they haven't told us.

P.S. That's the new AR in the Chief's hands in that new cover for FoR. I still need to buy Eric Nylund's Halo books. I read them all thanks to the magic of my local library and I'd love to have my own copies. Now I might have an excuse.

I've read all the changes they mentioned, but what I specifically understood from their changes was that they're doing some minor tweaks and balancing, but the core changes to the Halo gameplay are going to stay the same.

Personally, I don't mind that at all - I like Reach, but want people to understand that this Beta is not going to magically morph into a different game that fixes everything people are complaining about by Fall.


Falagard said:
Personally, I don't mind that at all - I like Reach, but want people to understand that this Beta is not going to magically morph into a different game that fixes everything people are complaining about by Fall.
From what's been said so far, several of my major complaints are being addressed, just not in the ways I'd prefer they be addressed. Still, from what's been talked about so far, the shipping game is going to be a whole heck of a lot better than the Beta, even if some of the core issues aren't tackled.

Mind you, I still give the core gameplay a big thumbs down.
Generic said:
My suggestion for alternate to bloom: What if instead of the retinal expanding to give an element of randomness, it moves a bit on screen. The pistol remains as accurate, but the recoil has the retinal move from the center of the screen. If you fire rapidly, the retinal will move all over the place, but at least you'll visibly see where you are aiming at, and it will center if you decide to pace your shots, giving better aim.
How about instead of bloom, we have to deal with the range, firing rate, accuracy and recoil of each weapon?


My suggestion for alternate to bloom: What if instead of the retinal expanding to give an element of randomness, it moves a bit on screen. The pistol remains as accurate, but the recoil has the retinal move from the center of the screen. If you fire rapidly, the retinal will move all over the place, but at least you'll visibly see where you are aiming at, and it will center if you decide to pace your shots, giving better aim.
Generic said:
My suggestion for alternate to bloom: What if instead of the retinal expanding to give an element of randomness, it moves a bit on screen. The pistol remains as accurate, but the recoil has the retinal move from the center of the screen. If you fire rapidly, the retinal will move all over the place, but at least you'll visibly see where you are aiming at, and it will center if you decide to pace your shots, giving better aim.
I hope this is a joke. :lol

A Penguin

K/D of my last few Reach matches: -10, -7, -9
What a way to send it off. Oh, I finally broke down and got Bungle Pro today, but it isn't showing up for me on B.net yet. Will I still be able to render videos after the beta ends tomorrow?


Generic said:
My suggestion for alternate to bloom: What if instead of the retinal expanding to give an element of randomness, it moves a bit on screen. The pistol remains as accurate, but the recoil has the retinal move from the center of the screen. If you fire rapidly, the retinal will move all over the place, but at least you'll visibly see where you are aiming at, and it will center if you decide to pace your shots, giving better aim.

This would take some getting used to, but it could be cool (though I'm not saying bloom needs a full replacement).

A similar thing to do would be to actually make the reticule become smaller until it vanishes. That means if the player fires too quickly, he/she loses the visual aid, and must rely on naked eyesight.

Just throwing out ideas, I suppose.
Immortal_Daemon said:
This would take some getting used to, but it could be cool (though I'm not saying bloom needs a full replacement).

A similar thing to do would be to actually make the reticule become smaller until it vanishes. That means if the player fires too quickly, he/she loses the visual aid, and must rely on naked eyesight.

Just throwing out ideas, I suppose.
No, it does that in Rainbow Six Vegas and it sucks. Keep that away from Halo.


Hey guys I just got one more pack of 50 render minutes for the HaloGaf Dongtage™ so if your on the fence about submitting, just do it- send me a PM with the link to your fileshare and ill render it for ya. These clips don't have to be Tashi level in skill, god knows mine aren't, just as long as you had fun while playing they will be added- Thanks:D


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
As long as you save your games they will not be erased from the Beta right? They don't have to be uploaded to your file share, correct?


chapel said:
For those that want to submit clips for the beta, if you do not PM me the rendered clips, I will most likely not see them. Thanks

Couple clips incoming... I will PM you the link to DL them. Don't have bungie pro but a HD capture card :D


I wish I had more time with the sniper. I wish there would have been a team snipers gametype, I hope it gets a playlist in the final game.


Ramirez said:
So basically everyone hates it and hopes the final game is better? :p
Yeah I feel like I might be the only one who enjoys it how it is now. I can fly and shoot a Halo 1 pistol, what's not to love.


Ssparks said:
Yeah I feel like I might be the only one who enjoys it how it is now. I can fly and shoot a Halo 1 pistol, what's not to love.

Your not alone... I loved the beta. I know they will change somethings, but I really hope they keep things very close to how they are. Probably the most enjoyable Halo experience I have had since Halo CE.


GhaleonEB said:
I played a couple games and then realized I was only playing because it was the last night of the Beta. :\

That's the story of my day, I'm trying to get my last thoughts on it.
I can honestly say that this beta is among the most disappointing halo moments for me. It actually outranks the halo 2 campaign for me since the multiplayer is my main draw. If the game doesn't hook me, I'll probably just go back to not playing video games at all again.

Crunched said:
Vocal detractors, horrified that this isn't Halo 3.
Idiots like yourself wrapping up criticisms in simple little packages for your simple understanding.


EazyB said:
I want your version of the beta.
Haha yeah maybe that was a little bit of a leap, but its pretty close compared to the H3 pistol. Regardless it's really fun to shoot people with.
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