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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


Maybe (and this is a longshot I know), they'll include a perfect aim loadout AA that's always active. Like by selecting this aiming AA, you have zero bloom, like a precision upgrade or something.
Then they can do whatever they want with the rest of the bloomed generation. It'd be sad to see my sprint go, but I'd select it for a bloomless gun.

Sharpshooter loadout

Precision Shot
Dirtbag said:
Maybe (and this is a longshot I know), they'll include a perfect aim loadout AA that's always active. Like by selecting this aiming AA, you have zero bloom, like a precision upgrade or something.
Then they can do whatever they want with the rest of the bloomed generation. It'd be sad to see my sprint go, but I'd select it for a bloomless gun.

Sharpshooter loadout

Precision Shot

LMAO, yeah cause being able to fire the pistol or DMR as fast as you want with perfect accuracy wouldnt be overpowered in the slightest! :lol


dslgunstar said:
LMAO, yeah cause being able to fire the pistol or DMR as fast as you want with perfect accuracy wouldnt be overpowered in the slightest! :lol


No more overpowered then a hammerlunge + sprint/evade/camo

Or a Plasma Launcher + Jetpack
Or a grenade vs. anything


I really think they add a little recoil kick up that climbs faster the more you spam on the pistol / DMR / Nerfle and call it a day. Bloom is trying to simulate the idea of recoil, but rather then have the crosshair remain accurate and disturb your view, they went with a system that you can't judge on your own.

Might also help give the weapons some feedback like they actually have some power... something I think the rifle weapons presently lack. The guns almost seem bored, if that makes any sense.
Dirtbag said:

No more overpowered then a hammerlunge + sprint/evade/camo

Or a Plasma Launcher + Jetpack
Or a grenade vs. anything

Touche, but I'd rather they fix those things than do what your suggesting. That would be Halo CE's broken pistol all over again. :lol

Dirtbag said:
Might also help give the weapons some feedback like they actually have some power... something I think the rifle weapons presently lack. The guns almost seem bored, if that makes any sense.

Now THIS, I agree with wholeheartedly. I dont know if some of you guys noticed, since some of you seem to go by a headshot-or-nothing mentality, but the AR and the new Plasma Repeater give a HUGE amount of visual feedback. You unload those and sparks start flying all over enemy's shields, and you can feel the weapon just grinding through those shields.

With the single-shot weapons, each shot gives off a tiny little spark on impact. It doesnt give any sense for how powerful each shot is. They need to make that splash of shield damage bigger and bolder for those weapons.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Kibbles said:
I wonder if Bungie is giving them an early look at what they will demo at E3 so they have it in time for their E3 issue.

Excitement! E3 is less than a month away.

Yea it's gonna be nuts. I can't wait to see how Reach is going to implement Natal.

AwesomeSyrup said:
I think the best part of the beta has been all the people defending it that will move on to the next big thing after a couple of weeks. :lol

Im thinking this aswell, a lot of people LOVE Reach for trying something different, but wont those guys just move onto something, you know... different. The CoD guys who love Reach because it doesnt feel like Halo will probably move to Black Op's, and theres a new Medal of Honour game round the corner aswell. Essentially the realism fans will find games that suit theyre needs more than Halo does, and theres even a new Gears game coming out next year.

Bungie has its work set out keeping up with the competition.

Tashi0106 said:
Yea it's gonna be nuts. I can't wait to see how Reach is going to implement Natal.


bobs99 ... said:
Im thinking this aswell, a lot of people LOVE Reach for trying something different, but wont those guys just move onto something, you know... different. The CoD guys who love Reach because it doesnt feel like Halo will probably move to Black Op's, and theres a new Medal of Honour game round the corner aswell. Essentially the realism fans will find games that suit theyre needs more than Halo does, and theres even a new Gears game coming out next year.

Bungie has its work set out keeping up with the competition.


Not really, at least for me. There are so many things that I hate about modern Call of Duty (series peaked at 2 IMO- no bullshit killstreaks, single-shot weapons that weren't totally useless, actual teamplay) that I doubt anything would be able to save it.

I really, really hate not seeing anyone for 2 minutes and then getting killed 3 times in thirty seconds from noobtubes and the worst spawning system in the history of anything.
Thagomizer said:
Not really. There are so many things that I hate about modern Call of Duty (series peaked at 2 IMO- no bullshit killstreaks, single-shot weapons that weren't totally useless, actual teamplay) that I doubt anything would be able to save it.

While im not exactly infatuated with CoD I have a few friends who HATE Halo but love Reach - but somehow I dont see them sticking with Reach when theres a CoD game on the horizon.

Black Ops could be a carbon copy of MW2 and itl still make millions.

electricpirate said:
Yea, people who like Reach are Totally not the TRUE halo fans.


Im glad you said it and not me, because that sounds ridiculous. :lol If you read my post im wondering how the guys converted from CoD will find it, its pretty clear the core Halo fans who already dont like CoD will stick around.

Its also pretty clear that Reach is a HUGE step up from Halo of old, and im just curious to see how the new fans who have been converted from games like CoD find it, will they stick around?
bobs99 ... said:
While im not exactly infatuated with CoD I have a few friends who HATE Halo but love Reach - but somehow I dont see them sticking with Reach when theres a CoD game on the horizon.

Black Ops could be a carbon copy of MW2 and itl still make millions.

It's not like everybody who played Halo 3 stayed with it once MW came out, mate.
Thagomizer said:
It's not like everybody who played Halo 3 stayed with it once MW came out, mate.

CoD took away a lot of the Halo population, Halo didnt really have a big competitor till CoD came out (except Gears). I dont expect CoD to suddently take any more fans away now though, its pretty obvious by now which game you prefer, I doubt the core Halo fans will flock to CoD now.

Its pretty clear that Reach is a HUGE step up from Halo of old, and im just curious to see how the new fans who have been converted from games like CoD find it, will they stick around?


bobs99 ... said:
Its pretty clear that Reach is a HUGE step up from Halo of old, and im just curious to see how the new fans who have been converted from games like CoD find it, will they stick around?

In what way? I don't see this HUGE step outside of some big improvements to the graphics.
Some elements have even taken HUGE steps backwards, vehicles for example.
And so far we've only been given mostly flawed gametypes and map combinations.
This is a HUGE overstatement.


bobs99 ... said:
Im thinking this aswell, a lot of people LOVE Reach for trying something different, but wont those guys just move onto something, you know... different. The CoD guys who love Reach because it doesnt feel like Halo will probably move to Black Op's, and theres a new Medal of Honour game round the corner aswell. Essentially the realism fans will find games that suit theyre needs more than Halo does, and theres even a new Gears game coming out next year.

Bungie has its work set out keeping up with the competition.
I think you're making some big generalities there. I hate Call of Duty multi-player. HATE. I love Halo 3's though, and Reach's only seems to be that much better. I think the Beta had quite a few problems but it sounds like Bungie is already addressing all of my complaints except jumping height of spartans.
Dirtbag said:
In what way? I don't see this HUGE step outside of some big improvements to the graphics.
Some elements have even taken HUGE steps backwards, vehicles for example.
And so far we've only been given mostly flawed gametypes and map combinations.
This is a HUGE overstatement.

Whether its a step forwards or backwards, its a pretty big change full stop. Bungie certainly didnt get lazy, it seems like they went out of there way to radically change parts of the game, the combination of movement, weapon, equipment changes all add up to make a game that feels REALLY different.

I cant really explain my point, but friends who didnt typically like Halo in the past have found Reach quite enjoyable.
Natakuu said:
I think you're making some big generalities there. I hate Call of Duty multi-player. HATE. I love Halo 3's though, and Reach's only seems to be that much better. I think the Beta had quite a few problems but it sounds like Bungie is already addressing all of my complaints except jumping height of spartans.

If you re-read my post im wondering specifically how the guys converted from CoD will find it (the realism fans), its pretty clear the core Halo fans who already dont like CoD will stick around.


Letters said:
Was this posted here? OXM podcast that supposedly has a pretty big segment with ManCannon and Carney talking about the beta.
credit to halo.bungie.org
People should listen to this. The Reach segment starts about a half hour in.

I'm only partway in, but they're going into a lot of the changes made or in the process of being made. Offhand:

  • Armor lock modified
  • Grenade damage, number on a map and "effect" (which is larger than the damage area) tweaked
  • CTF on Sword Base completely modified (different flag, spawn and cap points)
  • Flag location moved on Powerhouse
  • Visual polish pass on Sword Base, making areas more distinct

Quite a bit more already, but that's the idea. It's chopped the list of stuff I was going to gripe about in my summary post on the Beta down quite a bit. :D
bobs99 ... said:
...who didnt typically like Halo in the past have found Reach quite enjoyable.

I believe I've mentioned this before, but even at only 13.5 hours in the Reach beta, I've already surpassed the amount of time I put into any other Halo multiplayer. So the changes they've made have, at the very least, done something positive for me.

GhaleonEB said:
  • CTF on Sword Base completely modified (different flag, spawn and cap points)

1-Flag on Sword Base is perfect as it is :lol


For those that want to submit clips for the beta, if you do not PM me the rendered clips, I will most likely not see them. Thanks

Louis Wu

Wait... what?

I thought the highest rank you could achieve in the Beta is Warrant Officer Grade 3 - someone said that when they got there, it said "Next Rank: None".

However, I just got there - and now it says "Next Rank: Captain"

Did they add this at the last second, or something? Or can I just never get there?


Louis Wu said:
Wait... what?

I thought the highest rank you could achieve in the Beta is Warrant Officer Grade 3 - someone said that when they got there, it said "Next Rank: None".

However, I just got there - and now it says "Next Rank: Captain"

Did they add this at the last second, or something? Or can I just never get there?

I think it was "Next Rank: Captain" from the start. You just can't get there
GhaleonEB said:
People should listen to this. The Reach segment starts about a half hour in.

I'm only partway in, but they're going into a lot of the changes made or in the process of being made. Offhand:

  • Armor lock modified
  • Grenade damage, number on a map and "effect" (which is larger than the damage area) tweaked
  • CTF on Sword Base completely modified (different flag, spawn and cap points)
  • Flag location moved on Powerhouse
  • Visual polish pass on Sword Base, making areas more distinct

Quite a bit more already, but that's the idea. It's chopped the list of stuff I was going to gripe about in my summary post on the Beta down quite a bit. :D

Im really interested in the cryptic comments about us only seeing a sub segment of the sandbox, im expecting more AA's but the way he talked about them balancing things we have already seen intrigues me.

Grr, from the sounds of it nades arent gonna change too much? getting shot like once and then naded is pretty much the same as getting killed in one go by a single nade.

Wait... what?

I thought the highest rank you could achieve in the Beta is Warrant Officer Grade 3 - someone said that when they got there, it said "Next Rank: None".

However, I just got there - and now it says "Next Rank: Captain"

Did they add this at the last second, or something? Or can I just never get there?

Interesting! Will that mean anyone who's reached the max rank will pretty much immediatly become captain after 1 more game? (If they have removed the max cap that is).

Sean P.

Louis Wu said:
Wait... what?

I thought the highest rank you could achieve in the Beta is Warrant Officer Grade 3 - someone said that when they got there, it said "Next Rank: None".

However, I just got there - and now it says "Next Rank: Captain"

Did they add this at the last second, or something? Or can I just never get there?

Once you reach captain the bar maxes out and it just says none, you never actually get captain


EazyB said:
I can't tell if this is a joke post or not.

I'll pretend you're being serious though.
Of course it'll be different in terms of kills and deaths, because it's an entirely different game in terms of jump height, speed, and armor abilities. Still, that said, Halo 3, with the jump height set from the moon, still had a major problem with grenades lying on the map. Think of the gold lift in Construct, for example. That place is a mad-house littered with frags and what else more -- the purple lifts are also a trap, or a goldmine, for grenades. That made the map pure garbage, especially since radar controlled everything.

Also, I Bungie needs to increase the melee lunge back to Halo 2/3 levels. Melees no longer feel powerful nor satisfying anymore, and are quite annoying to use.
Halo 2 or Halo 3's melee lunge have no business in this game. It was awful to begin with.

FunkyMunkey said:
Continue to ignore all evidence as to why luck-based bloom does nothing but take away from the fun factor in this game :lol.

And elitist? Hardly. I just can't stand people who can't explain why something is good, in the face of a mountain of reasons of why it's not. As I stated, no one here, including yourself, can come up with good reasoning for bloom. There are other ways to keep the DMR and pistol from becoming godlike than this shitty and half-baked idea. I know it's a strange concept, but I actually prefer to use my head and the ability to objectively look at a situation before I take a side. If one side is based around 100% logic and the other is full of people who would still play this game if it completely turned into Unreal Tournament 2010, which do you think I'm going to listen to?

And it's hard to hear you with all that Bungie in your mouth.
:lol :lol

Yeah, I'm a Bungie-whore. That's rich. I think you would fit right in at HaloReachSucks.com; dang, I said that before, just like the constant bloom, grenade, armor ability, and others. It's a recycling course and has gone from annoying to eye-gouging. Bungie went from Halo 1 to Halo 2, and it was a fairly large change of course. That's why Halo 1 loyalists were pissed off. We're in the same story here, and the Halo 1 players have become Halo 3 players, and we still haven't set up the forum for the anti-Reach discussion, yet.
Been gone awhile working...

Some interesting discussions going on. I really liked Nutter's review, it was well thought out from a person who's played more than 98% of all players in the beta.

Dirtbag's debate about bloom and inaccuracy - I read it all and it makes complete sense: If you are spamming a pistol in real life, "bloom" doesn't necessarily happen, but the pistol does kick back (so UP and maybe LEFT or RIGHT), but the degree of inaccuracy presented is NOT
1. Spartan training standard that we've all been told by the books, and
2. Just plain illogical for real world standards.
If you point your gun in a general direction, it should go THERE, not as much as 4 feet to the left or right when you are 7 feet away from your target.

Eazy's grenade debate - Eazy is a skilled player and his stats show that he dies more and gets more kills with grenades than Halo 3. Granted, the time frames are smaller, so the statistics are slightly skewed, but he is a player who can gauge a grenade's given path and evade appropriately the majority of the time. He has some ground to stand on here with grenades being a bit too 'non-skill dependent'. It is less calculating and more 'throw and forget'.


Major Williams said:
Been gone awhile working...

Some interesting discussions going on. I really liked Nutter's review, it was well thought out from a person who's played more than 98% of all players in the beta.

Dirtbag's debate about bloom and inaccuracy - I read it all and it makes complete sense: If you are spamming a pistol in real life, "bloom" doesn't necessarily happen, but the pistol does kick back (so UP and maybe LEFT or RIGHT), but the degree of inaccuracy presented is NOT
1. Spartan training standard that we've all been told by the books, and
2. Just plain illogical for real world standards.
If you point your gun in a general direction, it should go THERE, not as much as 4 feet to the left or right when you are 7 feet away from your target.

Eazy's grenade debate - Eazy is a skilled player and his stats show that he dies more and gets more kills with grenades than Halo 3. Granted, the time frames are smaller, so the statistics are slightly skewed, but he is a player who can gauge a grenade's given path and evade appropriately the majority of the time. He has some ground to stand on here with grenades being a bit too 'non-skill dependent'. It is less calculating and more 'throw and forget'.
Fire a gun rapidly, like as fast as you can in Reach, tell me its going to hit exactly where you initially aimed when you started? Not that Reach or Halo in general is or should be realistic, but there are reasons why things happen the way they do, bloom or no bloom.

The problem with your grenade statement is you are saying that because it can be used to 'spam' non-tactically that it excludes skilled usage of them. That is wrong, they can be used skilled even more now with the extra force behind them. Don't get me wrong, a tweak is in order, but most of the grenades issues aren't from the grenade. See spartan movement.
Striker said:
Halo 2 or Halo 3's melee lunge have no business in this game. It was awful to begin with.
Oh no. It has every business to be in this game. Melee feels so pathetic as it stands, but that could be due to the awful melee system more than the short lunge, but increasing the lunge would go a long way.



Per the OXM podcast: you will NOT be able to access the Theater in the Beta after the Beta ends, if you turn your 360 off. Once the beta ends and you shut down, you lose access to the Beta. Render those videos while you can.


Dax01 said:
Oh no. It has every business to be in this game. Melee feels so pathetic as it stands, but that could be due to the awful melee system more than the short lunge, but increasing the lunge would go a long way.
If you whiff a lunge by throwing it too early, keep running at your target. I've 'politely bumped' into my enemy, elbow first, and killed them several times. Always makes me :lol
chapel said:
Fire a gun rapidly, like as fast as you can in Reach, tell me its going to hit exactly where you initially aimed when you started? Not that Reach or Halo in general is or should be realistic, but there are reasons why things happen the way they do, bloom or no bloom.

The problem with your grenade statement is you are saying that because it can be used to 'spam' non-tactically that it excludes skilled usage of them. That is wrong, they can be used skilled even more now with the extra force behind them. Don't get me wrong, a tweak is in order, but most of the grenades issues aren't from the grenade. See spartan movement.
Without going too much into detail, but when you fire a weapon, in order to pull the next shot off accurately and quickly requires a few things, some in your control, and some out:

Out of your control:

- Caliber of pistol
- Amount of force from the explosion to hurl the projectile forward
- Weight of the weapon

In your control

- Dexterity
- Muscle Memory
- Strength
- Good aim

There are other factors at work as well, but what I'm trying to say is that if you are big, strong, intelligent, and lightning quick, you should be able to get a weapon back into a reconcilable aiming point faster inbetween shots than is presented in Halo Reach. The error calculations used seem like its a 12 year old firing a .50 caliber pistol and doesn't know how to handle recoil/blowback - not a Spartan III who's been firing weapons for the past 25+ years as a career.
Striker said:
Yeah, I'm a Bungie-whore. That's rich. I think you would fit right in at HaloReachSucks.com; dang, I said that before, just like the constant bloom, grenade, armor ability, and others. It's a recycling course and has gone from annoying to eye-gouging. Bungie went from Halo 1 to Halo 2, and it was a fairly large change of course. That's why Halo 1 loyalists were pissed off. We're in the same story here, and the Halo 1 players have become Halo 3 players, and we still haven't set up the forum for the anti-Reach discussion, yet.




I don't think it sucks, that's a strong word. I don't understand heavy game changes without explanation, though. The improvements and changes going from Halo 1 to 2, and 2 to 3, were obvious and naturally expected, unlike 3 to Reach. There wasn't anything close to AA's for instance, other than the ability to play as an Elite (which Bungie fudged up on, the hitbox for elites during a SWAT game is ulcer-inducing).

And as you can see, I'm whooping ass at the beta(as I did in Halo 3/H3 beta), and yet I'm still displeased. Am I having fun? Of course, but winning doesn't mean I'm going to magically understand nonsensical changes to a winning formula. And I wouldn't spend so much time playing if I couldn't see the beacon of awesome that's lying underneath the bit of mud the all-powerful Mr.Shadowrun guy has, with originally good intent, thrown onto it.
While I'm still hyped for the campaign, my time with the multiplayer has given me cause to worry that some of the new mechanics that aren't necessary in campaign, mainly bloom for the pistol, DMR, and Nerfle, will just hurt the game in the long run. With additions like bloom, I think I'll feel like I'm being hampered by stuff I shouldn't have to worry about in a Halo game, especially since there wasn't any bloom in ODST and because I'm playing a super soldier this time around.

There's gotta be a good middle ground. At the beginning of the beta, I liked the bloom for the NR/DMR/pistol, but now I just find it more frustrating than fun (probably because I suck at it).


Dax01 said:
While I'm still hyped for the campaign, my time with the multiplayer has given me cause to worry that some of the new mechanics that aren't necessary in campaign, mainly bloom for the pistol, DMR, and Nerfle, will just hurt the game in the long run. With additions like bloom, I think I'll feel like I'm being hampered by stuff I shouldn't have to worry about in a Halo game, especially since there wasn't any bloom in ODST and because I'm playing a super soldier this time around.

There's gotta be a good middle ground. At the beginning of the beta, I liked the bloom for the NR/DMR/pistol, but now I just find it more frustrating than fun (probably because I suck at it).

I was confused at first.
Then I adjusted to it, and then liked it because it finally clicked.
Now that I understand it, and spent some time with it, I hate it.

I totally understand how overpowered the pistol would become without it in it's current form, but I've got to believe there are other solutions. I really dislike how weaksauce the DMR feels, it really handles nicely on boneyard, but the rate of fire should be enough to cage it - not the extra shot for the kill. I spent sometime going between comments on here and back to the beta, and thinking about the game more philosphically... and it's really put an emphasis on controlling the hammer / rockets / plasma launcher / shotgun and ultimately the grenades.

I laugh everytime I see a jetpack / AR guy "Raining death" and think if the pistol or DMR were actually worth a damn, they'd shred that idiot everytime.


Jesus, 3 pages into my Final Reach Beta impressions/suggestions and I haven't touched so many subjects (bloom :p).

No idea who's going to read this shit :lol


EazyB said:
Jesus, 3 pages into my Final Reach Beta impressions/suggestions and I haven't touched so many subjects (bloom :p).

No idea who's going to read this shit :lol
Bullet point list at the bottom.
Though I think your delivery style probably got you tuned out by now, by most of the important people that have control over the changes.


Dirtbag said:
Bullet point list at the bottom.
Though I think your delivery style probably got you tuned out by now, by most of the important people that have control over the changes.
I know one person on the inside is listening. I'll make sure it gets to them.

I'm going to avoid playing the beta today which will hopefully keep down the haggard-induced inflammatory deliver that's colored my previous posts :lol
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