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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


Striker said:
I've been through Halo 1-3, plus ODST and Halo Wars. But I guess since I enjoyed the beta and liked most of its changes, I'm not a die-hard like Mr. Funky here. Continue your elitist attitude, it's awesome.



(cellphone pic)

Rollercoaster ride for sure, but still sad to see it end. Can't wait for final product.
Letters said:
(cellphone pic)

Rollercoaster ride for sure, but still sad to see it end. Can't wait for final product.

Agreed, but I cant wait till E3, im sure they will have some new stuff. :D
Striker said:
I've been through Halo 1-3, plus ODST and Halo Wars. But I guess since I enjoyed the beta and liked most of its changes, I'm not a die-hard like Mr. Funky here. Continue your elitist attitude, it's awesome.

Continue to ignore all evidence as to why luck-based bloom does nothing but take away from the fun factor in this game :lol.

And elitist? Hardly. I just can't stand people who can't explain why something is good, in the face of a mountain of reasons of why it's not. As I stated, no one here, including yourself, can come up with good reasoning for bloom. There are other ways to keep the DMR and pistol from becoming godlike than this shitty and half-baked idea. I know it's a strange concept, but I actually prefer to use my head and the ability to objectively look at a situation before I take a side. If one side is based around 100% logic and the other is full of people who would still play this game if it completely turned into Unreal Tournament 2010, which do you think I'm going to listen to?

And it's hard to hear you with all that Bungie in your mouth.


FunkyMunkey said:
And elitist? Hardly. I just can't stand people who can't explain why something is good, in the face of a mountain of reasons of why it's not. As I stated, no one here, including yourself, can come up with good reasoning for bloom. There are other ways to keep the DMR and pistol from becoming godlike than this shitty and half-baked idea.

and they are?

Louis Wu

FunkyMunkey said:
Continue to ignore all evidence as to why luck-based bloom does nothing but take away from the fun factor in this game :lol.
I find it so awesome that people like you know more about what makes something fun for me than I do.

Thanks for being there, dude. Don't know what I'd do without you.


Photolysis said:
That's not really much of an answer. SIIIs had better augmentations, and at least in Reach, the same armour as SIIs.

In Ghosts of Onyx the main difference between the two is SIIIs have far less powerful armour, so obviously they would be weaker verses a SII counterpart in Mjollnir armour. The other major difference is some chemical which makes them more resistant to shock and traumatic injuries - it actually makes them tougher than SIIs (but at the expensive of losing the ability to think strategically, which would not really work for gameplay)!

So yeah, saying "They're SIIIs" doesn't cut it with regards to established continuity either.
SIIIs were always touted as weaker, smaller, cheaper mass produced Spartans. Look at the Spike TV Cinimatic Trailer: Jorge is a Spartan II and is clearly the biggest of the bunch. I'm not sure what more you're looking for.

And the chemical you're talking about is one that makes them go into an animalistic sort of nature, kind of the same deal as stim packs in Starcraft.
Louis Wu said:
I find it so awesome that people like you know more about what makes something fun for me than I do.

Thanks for being there, dude. Don't know what I'd do without you.

Oh PLEASE. There's no problem with luck playing a factor in Halo. But when it's the reticule itself, about as core of a gameplay element as you can get, it is a problem.

You're arguing your opinion against reason/evidence and it baffles me. It makes it more fun for you? Great. I'm sure you enjoy blackjack, roulette, and other games based on luck, correct?

Now, how does creating a luck element do anything but make it imbalanced? If you don't play Halo to win, congrats. Many people do though, and the competitiveness of the game gives it its heart. Bungie even plays off the competitive spirit, hence matchmaking, rankings, carnage reports, etc.

Making worse players better is absolutely hilarious as a point in favor of bloom. I'm glad other devs don't make gameplay changes based on that notion. But apparently you and a few others here wouldn't mind?

edit: I guess I'm just old-fashioned in the sense that I think a winner should be determined plainly by being outplayed and out-aimed... :lol. I understand it's Bungie's attempt to balance, I just know there are better ways regarding rate of fire, damage, etc. Messing with the idea of plainly whether a bullet hits or not is too much, in my opinion.

Demoncarnotaur said:
And here is looking forward to everything that may be revealed at E3. I really hope we get a good taste of the campaign, firefight and forge.. But I would bet on them pacing the reveals. Still, this should be fun.

We've seen almost nothing of campaign, and E3 seems about the right time :). Im more excited for that than almost anything else videogame related this year (Mario Galaxy 2 oomg).
Mikasangelos said:
and they are?

Leave that up to the experts, I personally wouldnt have had the imagination to have thought up anything in Halo. The Bungie guys could probably come up with a better alternative.

P.S. I dont condone anything else FunkyMunkey says, I just agree there are better alternatives to bloom. I agree with some of his points, but not all of them. :lol (bailout.gif)
Sad to see the beta go. its going to be awkward to go back to Halo 3. Hopefully I get some time to get some games in before its over.

And here is looking forward to everything that may be revealed at E3. I really hope we get a good taste of the campaign, firefight and forge.. But I would bet on them pacing the reveals. Still, this should be fun.


Demoncarnotaur said:
Sad to see the beta go. its going to be awkward to go back to Halo 3. Hopefully I get some time to get some games in before its over.

And here is looking forward to everything that may be revealed at E3. I really hope we get a good taste of the campaign, firefight and forge.. But I would bet on them pacing the reveals. Still, this should be fun.

I'd like to get the game and know nothing about the campaign.
FunkyMunkey said:
Continue to ignore all evidence as to why luck-based bloom does nothing but take away from the fun factor in this game :lol.

And elitist? Hardly. I just can't stand people who can't explain why something is good, in the face of a mountain of reasons of why it's not. As I stated, no one here, including yourself, can come up with good reasoning for bloom. There are other ways to keep the DMR and pistol from becoming godlike than this shitty and half-baked idea. I know it's a strange concept, but I actually prefer to use my head and the ability to objectively look at a situation before I take a side. If one side is based around 100% logic and the other is full of people who would still play this game if it completely turned into Unreal Tournament 2010, which do you think I'm going to listen to?

And it's hard to hear you with all that Bungie in your mouth.

Ok, here's my explanation. Bloom helps define weapon niches while still affording flexibility to the player. The spreading reticule and resulting loss of accuracy (or 'randomness') is a PUNISHMENT for taking the weapon outside its intended niche. Player's have the option to take the chance and 'get lucky' or they can be smart and use the appropriate weapon for the appropriate situation. Different weapons have advantages at different ranges, but the battles arent decided before the first shot is fired.

Let's use the pistol as an example.

The pistol's niche is mid-range. In order to keep the weapon within than niche and prevent it from being an overpowered POS (see: Halo CE) they have defined a particular rate of fire to suit that range (balanced against damage, accuracy and ammo count).

Now, in previous Halo games, that ROF would be locked, and any player that stepped outside mid-range would be screwed. The damage-per-second with the locked rate of fire wouldnt be high enough for it to contend at close range, and the accuracy wouldn't hold up at long-range with longer-range weapons.

With reticule bloom, players have options. They CAN opt to take the pistol into short-range combat and try to achieve a very high DPS by spamming the trigger. But doing so goes outside the weapon's niche, so the player is punished for that behavior with decreasing accuracy. A pistol firing in perfect cadence will beat a pistol-spammer at mid-range every time.

At close range a pistol spammer CAN take out an AR if they get lucky (and as the old adage goes, you have to be good to get lucky on a frequent basis), but more often than not the AR, which is meant for CQC, will beat out a spamming pistol thanks to the pistol's crappy accuracy at such a high ROF.


The Nutter Butter Reach Sheet

I do not think Ill play much more of Reach from here on out, so might as well post my thoughts on it. This was originally very LONG, well over 6 pages [MS word] of stuff, but I decided against posting that.

First of all thanks to Bungie for their FnF invitation. Keep in mind these are all IMO, and I know this is a beta, many things have already been confirmed to be fixed in the retail. For all intents and purposes though I will still write about them. I do not expect everyone to agree with me. I am just voicing my concern over a few things.

Things Reach did RIGHT + comments



- Matchmaking / Lobbies / Player Lists –

The only thing I would change here is that make it so that the people who do not vote shouldn’t have their vote count at all

- Net Code -

Though having a FAT PIPE did not really help me at all, I was hardly host if ever.

- AR + Melee Combo –

It being made irrelevant was a step in the right direction.

- Sprint / other AA’s –

There are some things I would change
~Armor Lock
- No Shield regen while in Armor Lock.
- The recover time afterwards should be longer. So a person can’t keep tapping the armor ability button.
- The person should not be able to come out in any position he chooses. It should go back to facing the same direction he was in when he initiated Armor Lock.

- Player Investment / Leveling / Arena -

A person should be able to move up or down in divisions if he either continues to dong on his own divisional players or if the player starts to lose many of his games in that division.

Now my personal BEEFS with the game

- Weapons

Plasma Launcher has way too much ammo
Focus Rifle has way too much ammo.
Rockets have a gigantic blast radius, even behind walls.

Bloom needs to be toned down/taken out, the inconsistency brought to the table because of it has been very frustrating overall, much more so then the “spread” of the BR bullets in Halo3.

[Comment: with AA’s thrown in to the mix, the 1v1 encounters take a new approach, so I personally do not see why it should take even longer to kill someone with bullets.]

- Grenades

You die from one frag as long as you had less then 100% shields or health [i.e. 70% Shields + 100% health, or 100% shields + 70% health]. Please tone down the damage model for this mini rocket.

[Comment: People shoot 2 bullets and throw a grenade for a kill; vs. throw a grenade and go for head shot like the previous Halo’s]

- Health System

The best thing about the Elites in Reach is that they have health just like Halo 3. Why it couldn’t be kept for Spartans albeit at a slower rate?

[Comment: I personally do not have major problems with this new health system, just that the way it behaves with grenades, its just too frustrating, perhaps with tweaks to the grenades this issue will be addressed as well.]

- Melee system

The quick double melee is annoying as hell so please, please increase the time required for the player to hit melee again.

[Ed note: This has been supposedly fixed for fall]

- Sound /Footsteps

Why can’t I hear people walking/running up to me behind me?
I could clearly hear the footsteps in Halo 3, allowing for many metrowned scenarios, but in Reach. I can not hear any thing.

- Vehicles

What happened to the staple warthog controls/feel, why does it feel so different? Also the vehicles’ having their own separate health is a good thing, but at least let the player know with some visual indication that hey your vehicle is about to blow up, get out. Right now just scratching the banshee on some wall will lead to a suicide. Tank is way too powerful; perhaps a tone down for it is needed. The tank makes the wraith its bitch every time.

I would love it if the player could jump over a 3 feet high ledge and not get stuck every time.


I did not want a Halo 3.5, but I also did not want Halo: Shadowrun edition. I was unable to enjoy it at the same level as I have the previous Halo’s, even when we beat the opposing team 50 to 19, the game still makes you think you suck. If there is one thing I could change about Reach right now, it would be the bloom; it is/was way too inconsistent.

Thanks for Reading. :)


bobs99 ... said:
I think you need that beeping, if it was any later you would only realize you need to be careful a headshot away from death. I already find it pretty difficult to guage how much health I have at the moment.

It has caused me to prematurly bail out of a few situations earlier than I would have in Halo 3 though.

Are you being serious? You think the shield beeping from a well placed fart is a good decision?
Didnt wanna quote all that, but you opened my eyes to this:

[Comment: People shoot 2 bullets and throw a grenade for a kill; vs. throw a grenade and go for head shot like the previous Halo’s]

Now I know why I hate the new nade's so much!

Also this:

I did not want a Halo 3.5, but I also did not want Halo: Shadowrun edition. I was unable to enjoy it at the same level as I have the previous Halo’s, even when we beat the opposing team 50 to 19, the game still makes you think you suck.

... and this is very important, because while I didnt want Halo 3.5, Bungie have thrown away a lot of concepts that worked in older Halo, things I played older Halo for. Essentially despite newer games coming out, I always went back to Halo for my fix, going so overboard with the changes is a little alienating.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Great list, Nutter. I agree with almost everything.

I would say to make the bloom more consistent and/or a little more forgiving, but not remove it entirely because if they did that, all the weapons would be nerfed or else people would be dropping like flies left and right.

And I can't have my beloved Shotgun and Pistol be nerfed. They're perfect. <3


I hated on the game for the majority of the beta, but I'm still sad to see it go. It's still fun to group up with 3 buddies and trounce BKs all night.

Excited to see if the changes actually make that much of a difference, I feel the headshot hitbox bug or w/e will alleviate a lot of my complaints, because headshots felt very random to me in the beta. I realize bloom isn't going anywhere, just make it a little tighter or something, it is way too inconsistent at times. Vehicles are trash, beef them up, and make it so that anti vehicle weapons are really the only thing that hurts them. It's a little silly to destroy a Banshee with one DMR, or the Sword blowing up tanks and stuff. Focus Rifle/Plasma Launcher have way too much ammo, and the Launcher shouldn't track infantry.

Overall, I had a blast when playing with friends, playing by myself was probably the most frustrating gaming experience ever, so I guess that's really the only main difference between Reach and 3 for me, I could play 3 by myself all day no problem, this one is so reliant on teamwork that one person can't really take over a game anymore. I still wish you all could find some way to bring back the fast paced clutch scenarios that have been in past games, as someone said, if it's 2 on 1 you might as well start high tailing it, because you really have no chance of winning a 2v1 in Reach, unless you have Rockets/Hammer/Or they play with their feet.

Edit: For all that is holy, get rid of the sword block, it's dumb.

It'll be interesting going back to Halo 3, I know Reach's netcode is going to make 3 unbearable for me at least, I had problems with lag in that game before I got a taste of this delicious netcode.


FunkyMunkey said:
You're arguing your opinion...
You're the one arguing opinions. I don't particularly care for bloom,
except on the sniper,
but I'm not going to tell Wu his opinion is wrong.
FunkyMunkey said:
edit: I guess I'm just old-fashioned in the sense that I think a winner should be determined plainly by being outplayed and out-aimed... :lol.
No matter what they come up with to make the game more accessible for nubs... skilled, more experienced players will always be more successful at it than non-skilled, new players.

That's the great fallacy of 'balance'. Making the guns less effective, more random, harder to kill with.. widens the skill gap. Doesn't close it. Good players will adapt to these nerfs, average players will just be even more confounded by them.

Lookit Eazy, I doubt he's ever gone 81 wins in a row in H3, without the weapon bloom that you claim takes the edge away from skilled players.


Striker said:
Grenades on the map were god-awful for Halo 3 also. Not sure if people are forgetting that. I think the worst map for this is Construct, but maps like The Pit, Heretic, and Guardian can be this way often as well. Even Valhalla, at least in the middle, is scattered with leftover frags from dead bodies. I just hope they address this moreso than any changes to the power/radius of the current grenades in Halo Reach, because the amount of grenades is what's causing frustration, not the actual grenade themselves.
I can't tell if this is a joke post or not.

I'll pretend you're being serious though.
Grenades make up 3% of my kills in Halo 3 and 5% of my deaths. There were vital in dropping someone's shields, turning the tides in battles, and preventing/forcing someone to move. I know some have argued that grenades weren't powerful enough in Halo 3, that people didn't "fear" them as much as they should, but you're obviously not one of these people as you're (joke?) arguing that grenade spam was "god awful." Yes, it was worse on some maps than others but you're definitely exaggerating:

Kill % | Death %
Orbital: 8|10
Construct: 6|8
The Pit: 4|5

I think Orbital is a nade spamming piece of shit but guess what, here's my stats from Reach
Sword Base: 10|11
Powerhouse: 9|13

They're both worse than Orbital and that's with me choosing AL (or as I call it my anti-grenade class almost exclusively).

The grenades may've been plentiful in Halo 3 but you weren't going to get a ton of kills with them unless you utilized them well. Making the decision to toss a nade in a firefight wasn't always the best idea because unless you anticipated the opponent's movement very well you would loss valuable time during which the enemy would've BRed you. Nades in Reach are almost always the go to solution in a firefight, the damage and especially the radius make the risk of relying on it very minimal.

You want to leave the grenades as they are. Give players who've spawned an even greater advantage against players who've been through a firefight or two (spending their grenades and maybe having less health). Want player to be able to toss them haphazardly, with little anticipation, and be rewarded for such "efforts." Instead limiting the amount of grenades at play, removing that facet of the sandbox out more often instead of nerfing them.

I just can't agree with any of that. And I really hope the was a useless post in response to a joke post.

Mikasangelos said:
and they are?
Limit their RoF or damage per shot and bump up the recoil (how much the reticule moves, not some expanding reticule of randomness). I think the damage should be reduced any more than it is right now but the bloom hurts my enjoyment of the game even if it allows me to occasionally drop an opponent with 5 quickly spammed shots.

Spasm said:
Lookit Eazy, I doubt he's ever gone 81 wins in a row in H3, without the weapon bloom that you claim takes the edge away from skilled players.
I think the streak had more to do with the skill level of my opponents than anything else. If I had played many of those kids in Halo 3 they would not have gotten a single kill on me. Only through taking advantage of ridiculously overpowered power weapons like the plasma launcher, rockets, focus rifle, and shotgun was a able to scrape by with a 1.75 K/D ratio and using armor lock to avoid the many things that allow terrible players kills over more skilled players melee and grenades (which are being fixed IIRC) and the instances where my pistol's bloom allowed some scrub to AR me to death.

It's not that a more skilled player won't win against a scrub more often than not, it's just that they'll get a lot of BS kills along the way and in competitive games a lot of shootouts become somewhat of a toss-up.
Dirtbag said:
Are you being serious? You think the shield beeping from a well placed fart is a good decision?

Yeah, essentially its HARD for me to keep track of my Health bar in Reach (why couldnt they just keep it a simple slider???), I like having that auditary cue to know when to bail out.

Then again I actually didnt mind it much in ODST either, and people HATED it in that, so im probably not the best person to judge. :lol


bobs99 ... said:
Yeah, essentially its HARD for me to keep track of my Health bar in Reach (why couldnt they just keep it a simple slider???), I like having that auditary cue to know when to bail out.

Then again I actually didnt mind it much in ODST either, and people HATED it in that, so im probably not the best person to judge. :lol
Then just remove it all together if you think not being able to tell how much health you have is a bonus. At least there isn't this annoying chirping in my ear. Get it?
randomlyrossy said:
Would anyone be kind enough to render this video of my buddy getting killed by a weapon drop-pod? :lol


Anyone? :(

I have to say while watching some invasion saved films I was reminded how much I love the way the Warthog handles and moves in Reach. It's not especially different from before but there's just something about the way it moves across the terrain that feels really nice.


randomlyrossy said:
Anyone? :(

I have to say while watching some invasion saved films I was reminded how much I love the way the Warthog handles and moves in Reach. It's not especially different from before but there's just something about the way it moves across the terrain that feels really nice.

Edit: \/\/\/ HA! This is why I didn't actually start it rendering till I posted here. Bungie must be making a mint on double-renderings from this thread alone.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
randomlyrossy said:
Anyone? :(

I have to say while watching some invasion saved films I was reminded how much I love the way the Warthog handles and moves in Reach. It's not especially different from before but there's just something about the way it moves across the terrain that feels really nice.


edit: -________________________-


FunkyMunkey said:
You're arguing your opinion against reason/evidence and it baffles me. It makes it more fun for you? Great. I'm sure you enjoy blackjack, roulette, and other games based on luck, correct?

Blackjack and roulette have nothing to do with luck. The skilled player takes into account statistical averages to minimize the rate at which they are throwing their money away. Similarly, the bloom mechanic gives rise to an statistically optimal firing rate that depends on range. Learning this rate and effectively managing it based on individual situations moves the game away from simple twitch reflex, and towards a more cerebral ideal in which the skilled, thoughtful player is rewarded over the long term. I'll always take that trade-off; with your Vulcan-like "100% logic" you should too.
Dirtbag said:
Then just remove it all together if you think not being able to tell how much health you have is a bonus. At least there isn't this annoying chirping in my ear. Get it?

Alright guv'ner, im on my way to Bungie studio's to delete that sound effect (while im at it I think ill remove the code behind the bloom and also see if I can sneakily up the movement values).

Wait what? Im so confused, I said I like it because it warns me when im about to die, the HuD doesnt do a good job of this, I dont think not being able to see your health is a bonus at all, its a horrible thing - seeing your health is VITAL.

They need to sort out that Health Bar so its a little more obvious (current health bar is placeholder maybe?), and then ide gladly not have that sound effect. I kept my mouth shut about this extremely tiny nitpick, but why doesnt the Health bar just deplete from left to right? I hate it at the moment how I cant really tell when im half shields, and I still dont know if those larger boxes near the ends of the shield bar are worth more shields than the rest?
Blackjack and roulette have nothing to do with luck. The skilled player takes into account statistical averages to minimize the rate at which they are throwing their money away. Similarly, the bloom mechanic gives rise to an statistically optimal firing rate that depends on range. Learning this rate and effectively managing it based on individual situations moves the game away from simple twitch reflex, and towards a more cerebral ideal in which the skilled, thoughtful player is rewarded over the long term. I'll always take that trade-off; with your Vulcan-like "100% logic" you should too.

dslgunstar said:

I dont see where the 'cerebral ideal' fits in, you fire faster at closer range, its not rocket science. :lol

As a side effect though, the close range game becomes a pretty loose spam fest, it may be more 'cerebral', but its certainly not more fun (in my opinion).


Blackjack and roulette have nothing to do with luck. The skilled player takes into account statistical averages to minimize the rate at which they are throwing their money away. Similarly, the bloom mechanic gives rise to an statistically optimal firing rate that depends on range. Learning this rate and effectively managing it based on individual situations moves the game away from simple twitch reflex, and towards a more cerebral ideal in which the skilled, thoughtful player is rewarded over the long term. I'll always take that trade-off; with your Vulcan-like "100% logic" you should too.
It introduces an a good deal of pure chance into a gameplay element that had very little. So I have a 75% chance of coming out on top because I'm doing it the "right way" but I also have this 25% chance of losing out because the opponent got lucky. Yes, in matches where the skill gap is quite large the skilled player will win in the long run, but in competitive matches to much is decided on what they game chose to do with the player's bullet within some wide circle.

Thoughtful players have always been rewarded by anticipating opponent's moves, strategizeing with (or without) teammates, psyching players out with creative movement through the maps, map/weapon/vehicle/spawn control.

Halo doesn't need this and IMO doesn't benefit from it.
Photolysis said:
That's not really much of an answer. SIIIs had better augmentations, and at least in Reach, the same armour as SIIs.

In Ghosts of Onyx the main difference between the two is SIIIs have far less powerful armour, so obviously they would be weaker verses a SII counterpart in Mjollnir armour. The other major difference is some chemical which makes them more resistant to shock and traumatic injuries - it actually makes them tougher than SIIs (but at the expensive of losing the ability to think strategically, which would not really work for gameplay)!

So yeah, saying "They're SIIIs" doesn't cut it with regards to established continuity either.
Not really. Spartan IIs are stronger, faster, and had far more extensive training than their SIII counterparts. SIIIs are a cheaper version of the Spartan IIs.
Nutter said:
- Vehicles

What happened to the staple warthog controls/feel, why does it feel so different? Also the vehicles’ having their own separate health is a good thing, but at least let the player know with some visual indication that hey your vehicle is about to blow up, get out. Right now just scratching the banshee on some wall will lead to a suicide. Tank is way too powerful; perhaps a tone down for it is needed. The tank makes the wraith its bitch every time.
The new vehicle health model is pretty lame. The system employed in Halo 2/3 was much better and it allowed the vehicle occupants to take damage separate from the vehicle. That's not the way it is in Reach.

Also, I Bungie needs to increase the melee lunge back to Halo 2/3 levels. Melees no longer feel powerful nor satisfying anymore, and are quite annoying to use.
Trasher said:
Comparing Reach to a card game? That's a new one. o_O

If cant take into account and react to luck in Poker, then your a bad Poker player and as a side effect a bad Reach player. You have the Pistol, well I have my pocket aces, get out of here n00b.

HaloGaf is awesome, in the last few days we have gone from discussing whether reticule bloom is a new thing all the way to comparing it too card games. :lol


Dax01 said:
Also, I Bungie needs to increase the melee lunge back to Halo 2/3 levels. Melees no longer feel powerful nor satisfying anymore, and are quite annoying to use.


It's still retarded. Nothing worse than seeing a slow ass Spartan suddenly fly 5 feet to melee someone. If you want to play a first person melee game go ahead and do that.


bobs99 ... said:
If cant take into account and react to luck in Poker, then your a bad Poker player and as a side effect a bad Reach player. You have the Pistol, well I have my pocket aces, get out of here n00b.

HaloGaf is awesome, in the last few days we have gone from discussing whether reticule bloom is a new thing all the way to comparing it too card games. :lol

We do need substitutes to the AR/BR discussions =P


bobs99 ... said:
Wait what? Im so confused, I said I like it because it warns me when im about to die, the HuD doesnt do a good job of this, I dont think not being able to see your health is a bonus at all, its a horrible thing - seeing your health is VITAL.
It warns you, that you have been hit with anything, not that you are in danger of dying. One shot, it beeps. It serves no purpose other then to induce a false sense of panic.
It should beep when you are in actual danger of dying/shield has been popped. This current system is almost as annoying as the ODST beep, minus the blood red screen.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
About the Beta ending from Bnet;

We should note that after the Beta officially ends, our test team is planning on jumping into the live environment to simulate a host of horrible conditions in order to better prepare themselves for the retail launch. They'll be unceremoniously pulling plugs, pouring coffee into server banks, and pressing buttons that are clearly marked, "Do Not Press." If you're still playing the Beta after 10:00am tomorrow, you should expect to witness some strange and suspect stuff going down.

Stuff like:

* Unpredictable gameplay behavior!
* Long and unsuccessful Matchmaking times!
* Unceremonious disconnects from the Beta!

Sounds like a hoot.
Dirtbag said:
It warns you, that you have been hit with anything, not that you are in danger of dying. One shot, it beeps. It serves no purpose other then to induce a false sense of panic.
It should beep when you are in actual danger of dying/shield has been popped. This current system is almost as annoying as the ODST beep, minus the blood red screen.

Ah I get you, to be honest I have never noticed it till I was half shields or more, so I didnt realize it kicked in so early. I never seem to lose just a bit of shields - but now that you mention it I totally agree, I think the beep should only kick in when your 1/4 shields just so you know to bail out before your too weak to escape.


I still think bloom could be solved with visible recoil that settles down to the center while keeping the gun accurate. This system is like having a fake recoil system that you can't predict.

Have the pistol have a higher kick when rapid fire and the DMR has a much lower kick but the slower rate of fire.


Dirtbag said:
It warns you, that you have been hit with anything, not that you are in danger of dying. One shot, it beeps. It serves no purpose other then to induce a false sense of panic.
It should beep when you are in actual danger of dying/shield has been popped. This current system is almost as annoying as the ODST beep, minus the blood red screen.
Except if you are shot by just one bullet then you are already in danger of dying to one grenade. The beeping knows this! :lol


Trasher said:
Except if you are shot by just one bullet then you are already in danger of dying to one grenade. The beeping knows this! :lol
Was going to say. It lets you know when you are about to be killed; beeping after one shot means the system is working.
Trasher said:
Except if you are shot by just one bullet then you are already in danger of dying to one grenade. The beeping knows this! :lol

:lol :lol :lol

Im so glad this game had a beta, its funny now, but I wouldnt be laughing if this is how the final game played out.


Any GAFFers have an invasion party going on right now or want to play some invasion? Please send me a msg, GT: A New Brototype
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