kylej said:You see wolf pack, I see scary ass furries.
You want this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=411921&page=165
Have fun beating retarded kids.
kylej said:You see wolf pack, I see scary ass furries.
Stripper13 said:Pics or it didn't happen.
xxjuicesxx said:You want this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=411921&page=165
Have fun beating retarded kids.
Dude I swear you intentionally open up that window because it's there every time you take a screencap of your browser. :lolDomino Theory said:
You're using Bing AND internet explorerDomino Theory said:[img
Devin Olsen said:You're using Bing AND internet explorer![]()
Crucio said:So far every BPR 100 also has a 1.7+ K/D. Seems to be like the K/D is pretty decisive.
Crucio said:So far every BPR 100 also has a 1.7+ K/D. Seems to be like the K/D is pretty decisive.
Devin Olsen said:You're using Bing AND internet explorer![]()
Domino Theory said:Best search engine and best browser? Why wouldn't I?
Interesting. Lower K/D but higher BPR than me. Must involve number of games/wins aswell, among other things. Well at least it's more complex than 1.7=100 or anything else as simplistic.Tashi0106 said:Not necessarily. I don't think 1.7 k/d equal 100 rating. I think all the stats just seem to go hand in hand. High k/d probably equals a higher win %. More assists too I guess. It also counts betrayals.
Might as well post mine even though we've already discussed it.
edit: Don't ask me how invasion works lol
Stripper13 said:Interesting. Lower K/D but higher BPR than me. Must involve number of games/wins aswell, among other things. Well at least it's more complex than 1.7=100 or anything else as simplistic.
7echnicolor said:Ok.. Please please PLEASE tell me Bungie is going to do something about all of the fucking idle boosters in Firefight. Like.. A fucking rank reset.. Some sort of ban. I don't know.. ANYTHING.
I mean.. Bungie knows about them right?
You didn't even grab the superior IE9 RC: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=421372Domino Theory said:Best search engine and best browser? Why wouldn't I?
Plywood said:You didn't even grab the superior IE9 RC: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=421372
Well that explains it.Domino Theory said:Waitng for the final version before I make the switch.
Anyways, according to this video on Waypoint, BP takes into consideration "kills, wins, assists, deaths and betrayals across all the matches you've played."
Stripper13 said:Well that explains it.
Damn you Propipe, Rocket Lawn Chair and Plasmas!
SmallBlueblur1 said:Good thing I decided to check this thread tonight because I would have missed the Waypoint stats update. I never even bother to visit that site; I find it's visual design to be repugnant. And hell, these stats page(s) aren't any better. I'm sure Bungie is going to pull the plug on hosting Halo stats on their site eventually but I hope it isn't anytime soon. If there is any hope of people actually migrating over to Waypoint for this stuff then the Waypoint team really needs to polish it up. I'd start by copying B.net and ditching the soft blue background (definitely not what Halo-esque at all) and curved design.
Oh and my response to BPR: Unnecessary and ridiculous.
Blueblur1 said:Good thing I decided to check this thread tonight because I would have missed the Waypoint stats update. I never even bother to visit that site; I find it's visual design to be repugnant. And hell, these stats page(s) aren't any better. I'm sure Bungie is going to pull the plug on hosting Halo stats on their site eventually but I hope it isn't anytime soon. If there is any hope of people actually migrating over to Waypoint for this stuff then the Waypoint team really needs to polish it up. I'd start by copying B.net and ditching the soft blue background (definitely not what Halo-esque at all) and curved design.
Oh and my response to BPR: Unnecessary and ridiculous.
Hydranockz said:I've kinda been blown away by the opinions of the juniors. Quality posts guys. eez... way to leave me without a lot to say
I have a feeling customs might be a tad busier this weekend.
Stripper13 said:Smallconfirmed.Penis
Yep.. So damn frustrating.Crucio said:I've never heard of Bungie actively doing anything to prevent Firefight Idlers. It sure pisses me off too.
I hope they manage some sort of fix, at least have something where you have to earn your "game complete" credits. Maybe, I don't know, get 5 kills per wave kind of thing.
I and others have been posting about them in detail in the Optimatch forum on bungie.net, pointing out map exploits, etc. No one has responded, but I do hope they're doing something about it. I think it's probably what's preventing Firefight Classic (unlimited) from being put into matchmaking. They'd be the last man standing in perpetuity.Crucio said:I've never heard of Bungie actively doing anything to prevent Firefight Idlers. It sure pisses me off too.
I hope they manage some sort of fix, at least have something where you have to earn your "game complete" credits. Maybe, I don't know, get 5 kills per wave kind of thing.
I love BTB in Reach. Tomorrow shall be the day Kibbles reigns death upon the masses.GhaleonEB said:BTB and Firefight Arcade & Limited.
BTB and Firefight Arcade & Limited.Kibbles said:What's the fastest way to gain XP (fairly)? I assume doing Challenges and stuff, but what game mode? I want new, sexy armor, but I don't play enough...
It's the map pack.wwm0nkey said:Just so you guys know some 343 guy was hinting they are going to show stuff at the Microsoft Press thing tomorrow.
Halo CE remake confirmed
No floaty jumping, but jumps akin to Halo 2 and base speed. No equipment or AA's but I welcome powerups like Invis, Overshield and perhaps new ones if created with proper adjustments. Oh, and many, many Halo 2 maps.I really hope Halo 4 is a return to form; floaty jump, power-ups and all
Barrow Roll said:I personally wouldn't put too much weight in these ratings, and from what I can see most of you don't either. I would say that my performance in Reach has increased dramatically lately and a stat rating system like this which seems heavily weighted on KDR obviously can't account for you getting better at the game. Nor can it account for poor teammates, Griffball, and Objective gametypes.
I'm totally just making excuses for why I suck. :3
Striker said:We better get that damn Covenant Forge World.
I think 343i will do their own thing with Halo, but in some ways I do think they should pare it back to the roots a bit. Especially for a new team taking on the series for the first time, they need to nail the core before laying in everything that Bungie did as the series went on.Striker said:We better get that damn Covenant Forge World.
No floaty jumping, but jumps akin to Halo 2 and base speed. No equipment or AA's but I welcome powerups like Invis, Overshield and perhaps new ones if created with proper adjustments. Oh, and many, many Halo 2 maps.![]()
Plywood said:
GhaleonEB said:I think 343i will do their own thing with Halo, but in some ways I do think they should pare it back to the roots a bit. Especially for a new team taking on the series for the first time, they need to nail the core before laying in everything that Bungie did as the series went on.
As much as gameplay, I wonder how they'll tackle the feature set. I identify Halo with Firefight, theater and Forge as much as multiplayer gameplay, and it took Bungie years to build and iterate those aspects out. But any subsequent Halo game really needs to include them as they've come to help define what Halo is about as well.