Going back to the Reach beta discussion for a quick sec... the public beta is actually more of a delta build, IIRC. Things like bloom and armor lock etc. are not subject to removal at this point in the development. They were presumably proven internally before it ever got to the public for "testing". Whatever they tested in the public beta would not have changed the inclusion of those mechanical things, regardless of the feedback. Balance was adjusted for and so forth but these things obviously weren't up for removal. The extent of the community's influence on Reach's gameplay during the Beta was very narrow in scope, albeit very important. These are just my humble thoughts on the subject. One truth to it all: without bloom, Reach would be a completely different game.
EDIT to mention Juices' well crafted critique on the Beta: I remember reading your thoughts. It was quite enjoyable, would read again. Can't wait to see what else you've come up with.