Who ever first sang "rain rain go away" was doing it wrong.
I was being metaphorical, but I do like rainy weather. As long as it's not cold or flooding.Genesis Knight said:I hope some of you guys are talking about real water rain or otherwise I am dejected.
Today feels like I have to clean up a flooded basementGhaleonEB said:I was being metaphorical, but I do like rainy weather. As long as it's not cold or flooding.
Today feels like a nice, warm spring rain.
That can be taken in many wrong ways :lolLetters said:Will blow for wetness.
Oh ok well that's all cleared up then.Letters said:Make no mistake, I was talking about blowjob and semen.
Letters said:Make no mistake, I was talking about blowjob and semen.
Flipyap said:While I would strangle a kitten to get some new Firefight maps, I don't think I'm going to buy this map pack. I just can't imagine ever getting to play with, when the population of Firefight Limited rarely goes above 200-300.
Waah, this is such a bummer.
No score attack love? It's far and away what I've spent the most time playing. I could probably recreate Courtyard accurately to the pixel at this point.Flipyap said:While I would strangle a kitten to get some new Firefight maps, I don't think I'm going to buy this map pack. I just can't imagine ever getting to play with, when the population of Firefight Limited rarely goes above 200-300.
Waah, this is such a bummer.
I asked this on the last page. Curious how Unearthed will be implemented into the Firefight work. It's large map based by screens/video, and with vehicles - it'll be fun for Score Attack, sure, but it's more built for multiple players.Havok said:No score attack love? It's far and away what I've spent the most time playing. I could probably recreate Courtyard accurately to the pixel at this point.
I don't like Arcade. Customs aren't always an option, plus I like my credits and challenges.A27_StarWolf said:What about Arcade? You know you also have the firefight customs lobby.
I go to Score Attack only to quickly get some challenges done, Limited is by far my favorite and the new map is supposed to be huge with focus on vehicles, that doesn't sound like a good fit for Score Attack.Havok said:No score attack love? It's far and away what I've spent the most time playing. I could probably recreate Courtyard accurately to the pixel at this point.
I'm guessing it will be in a similar fashion to the Noble maps, with a hopefully higher bias of Unearthed being the first option if everyone in the party has it.Striker said:I asked this on the last page. Curious how Unearthed will be implemented into the Firefight work. It's large map based by screens/video, and with vehicles - it'll be fun for Score Attack, sure, but it's more built for multiple players.
A shame most other FF maps aren't genuine or rather poor. The Reach FF maps should have been more like Beachhead and Unearthed, and less like Holdout.
Oh, it is. It is.Flipyap said:I go to Score Attack only to quickly get some challenges done, Limited is by far my favorite and the new map is supposed to be huge with focus on vehicles, that doesn't sound like a good fit for Score Attack.
Sai-kun said:I'm literally too busy playing WoW.
You lucky, horrible bastard. ;-)GhaleonEB said:
Ask this guy for his copy http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=26392074&postcount=13105 lolololzlatko said:I'm going to try and snag a copy of this game back. If anyone has a copy they want to part with PM me. I already posted in the b/s/t thread, but I figured I'd post in here too in case someone wants to sell theirs for cheap.![]()
Secret?!GhaleonEB said:
JonCha said:I'm too busy playing Battlefield.
Your not really under NDA, just under a request. Personally I would respect that because its not like the maps are far off any way :lolHypertrooper said:Maybe I can give you a bit clarity.
We are not allowed to post any impression of the map till Monday. Sorry for you guys! *cough*But maybe I'm a bit drunk this weekend and don't care about the NDA
GhaleonEB said:
Interesting. Hopefully tomorrow we'll get word whether there will be a new DLC playlist,Intergration of this maps to the current playlist or one at all.GhaleonEB said:
I don't currently play any other shooter, add me. You use a mic, right?Genesis Knight said:I'm too busy trying to get people to play Halo and getting stuck playing goddamn Black Ops instead because I get outvoted. I'm pretty sure only one of my friends is even buying the map pack. Time to be forever alone (gaming wise).
I wonder if the other two maps are playable in other playlists. Maybe if everyone with the DLC goes into say, Team Slayer or something, and see if it shows up.Dani said:For anyone with the maps, Unearthed is playable in the Score Attack playlist.
As much as I want to know about the new maps, if you did this I think it would piss me off. I'm already jealous that I don't have the maps yet, but if I see people who were trusted with the maps abuse that trust, it just makes it seem even more unfairHypertrooper said:*cough*But maybe I'm a bit drunk this weekend and don't care about the NDA
Lol I wouldn't say that. Maybe in Halo 3, but I notice a lot of people on my friends list play objective games too these days... and swat...(sigh)Steelyuhas said:Only three achievements?
Most people won't get those achievements consider 97% of Reach's matchmaking population has no idea what an objective gametype is.
Edit: And yep, straight from xbox.com. I just went there and now it says I have 1250/1400 points for Reach and it listed those three achievements.
I know it's 3-4 pages back, but I feel compelled to make a list of things that 343 could realistically get wrong here.Plywood said:What's the worst they could do? Let you move around with armor lock?
An AA which makes your opponents bloom get bigger?
Major Williams said:I know it's 3-4 pages back, but I feel compelled to make a list of things that 343 could realistically get wrong here.
- Revamped physics make for clunkier game play.
- 1 powerful rifle that overpowers the game and improperly balances it
- A worse cross hair/reticule that is static but there is still bloom behind the scenes
- AA that gives you more powerful bullets
- Multiple splazers on all BTB maps
- Have the announcer announce literally everything (i.e. HEADSHOT, SHOTGUN KILL, BANSHEE FLYING, TANK STOLEN, etc) that would get annoying real quick
- etc etc
There's lots that could go wrong here.
Mojo said:Ask this guy for his copy http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=26392074&postcount=13105 lololol
Major Williams said:- Revamped physics make for clunkier game play.
- 1 powerful rifle that overpowers the game and improperly balances it
- A worse cross hair/reticule that is static but there is still bloom behind the scenes
- AA that gives you more powerful bullets
- Multiple splazers on all BTB maps
- Have the announcer announce literally everything (i.e. HEADSHOT, SHOTGUN KILL, BANSHEE FLYING, TANK STOLEN, etc) that would get annoying real quick
- etc etc
There will be a beta to catch all the stuff that could go really wrong, and they will pay attention to all the well written, elaborated, rational complaints of the longtime fans (I'm imagining a big ass Ghal post being printed out and passed around a meeting room). On their first game they won't be aiming to please the COD masses, and won't be arrogant and unwilling to admit mistakes like Bungie.Major Williams said:There's lots that could go wrong here.
- A worse cross hair/reticule that is static but there is still bloom behind the scenes
OuterWorldVoice said:great list. Adding to to-do list.
Well shit. Sorry guys.OuterWorldVoice said:great list. Adding to to-do list.
You fucked up man.Major Williams said:Well shit. Sorry guys.
Dani said:For anyone with the maps, Unearthed is playable in the Score Attack playlist.
For anyone with the maps
For anyone with the maps
Major Williams said:I know it's 3-4 pages back, but I feel compelled to make a list of things that 343 could realistically get wrong here.
- Revamped physics make for clunkier game play.
- 1 powerful rifle that overpowers the game and improperly balances it
- A worse cross hair/reticule that is static but there is still bloom behind the scenes
- AA that gives you more powerful bullets
- Multiple splazers on all BTB maps
- Have the announcer announce literally everything (i.e. HEADSHOT, SHOTGUN KILL, BANSHEE FLYING, TANK STOLEN, etc) that would get annoying real quick
- etc etc
There's lots that could go wrong here.
At least we'll know who to lynch first.Major Williams said:Well shit. Sorry guys.
Don't worry press F5 enough time and something will eventually happen.Account Attempt #4 said:Congrats on the codes guys! Access. You haz it. *f5, checks PMs*
I'm actually content to wait, it's not that far away. *f5, checks PMs*
No really I probably won't even get to play it 'til this weekend anyway *f5, checks PMs*
Of course I wouldn't turn down a chance to check it out early mind you. *f5 f5 f5 f5* is this thing working!!!
Is it something awesome?wwm0nkey said:Don't worry press F5 enough time and something will eventually happen.