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Halo: Reach |OT4| This Thread is Not Your Grave, But You Are Welcome In It


Tunavi said:
Reach is just all out of whack. Walking speed is very slow because there is sprint. There's fall damage because of jetpack. The grenades are strong because they put armor lock in. Bloom is in the game because the DMR is so damn accurate.

Bad game design, Sage. "Lets put bad game mechanics in the game that are balanced out by other bad game mechanics." Yuckkkk
I don't think the abilities are the cause of those mechanics, with the remotely possible exception of the sprint example. You can't attribute causality to any of those things with any degree of certainty without knowing the reasoning behind any of them. The armor lock example doesn't even make sense. They're not good, sure, but that doesn't mean they're related. A more likely explanation for something like the walking speed and fall damage is that they were going for a more grounded tone - something that they were pretty forward about during development. That doesn't make it the right decision, but linking things that are probably only coincidental isn't the way to go about it.
Couldn't agree more with that Louis Wu post. I get the feeling from reading here and in a few other places that if the ultra hardcore were truly listened to most of the "fun" of Halo for me would be left on the editing room floor. For my part absolutely everything about Reach is an improvement over Halo 3.

And stop looking at my jetpack like that. Cold dead hands and all that.
Havok said:
I don't think the abilities are the cause of those abilities, with the remotely possible exception of the sprint example. You can't attribute causality to any of those things with any degree of certainty. The armor lock example doesn't even make sense. They're not good, sure, but that doesn't mean they're related.
I hypothesize that the "Return to the battlefield" prompts were brought on due to jetpacks. An item made for greater exploration, but a game that limits you on it more than any of the ones before it.


Tunavi said:
Its funny that we're talking about how money affects how games are made right as NeoGAF cracks down with stricter policies because of advertising regulations and money.
Welcome to Reach America.
shame OT ....smh


Rickenslacker said:
I hypothesize that the "Return to the battlefield" prompts were brought on due to jetpacks. An item made for greater exploration, but a game that limits you on it more than any of the ones before it.
Maybe. I know they didn't want to just have invisible walls all over the place, and there's not really any other way to do it.
NullPointer said:
And stop looking at my jetpack like that. Cold dead hands and all that.
The jetpack would be fine if it were only available on maps that made sense with it. As it is, it breaks maps like Reflection to a painful degree.


Striker said:
On top of what you said, Reach uses a more accurate, up to date system compared to the 24-hour or whatever mark Halo 3 used.

The population in Reach is healthy, and fine. People think it's struggling for some odd reason because there aren't many GAF customs going on or because Halo is below CoD in the Activity Chart. MW and WaW weren't hitting over 800,000 all the time like MW2 and Black Ops are. Reach, meanwhile...


Not the norm, but it's been in the steady 700,000's for quite a while.
holy shit thats alot better than I thought... :eek: I remember Halo 3 never have more than 400,000 a year after release. how was it measured, over a week, a few days?


NullPointer said:
Couldn't agree more with that Louis Wu post. I get the feeling from reading here and in a few other places that if the ultra hardcore were truly listened to most of the "fun" of Halo for me would be left on the editing room floor. For my part absolutely everything about Reach is an improvement over Halo 3.

And stop looking at my jetpack like that. Cold dead hands and all that.
I respect your opinion and stuff....

But allow me to post mine....

That scares me. If 343 looks at Reach and loves Bloom, Armor Abilities, Slower Pace, Movement settings...

I'm really scared. I want 343 to either go the safe route and go back to the core Halo gameplay (of course add some new things, but keep the core experience classic) Or change things FOR THE BETTER. Which is risky.
Havok said:
The jetpack would be fine if it were only available on maps that made sense with it. As it is, it breaks maps like Reflection to a painful degree.
You're right. Its not something that works on every map, and I wouldn't mind any fine tuning of the loadouts to compensate for that.

A27 Tawpgun said:
I'm really scared. I want 343 to either go the safe route and go back to the core Halo gameplay (of course add some new things, but keep the core experience classic) Or change things FOR THE BETTER. Which is risky.
I respect your fear and stuff. I honestly do.

I think that the hardcore is just very resistant to changes, and has far too much nostalgia for the good old days to welcome some additions to the sandbox. Of course not everything is going to work out, but I don't think Reach's additions and changes are worthy of scorn. Its a different game on purpose.
NullPointer said:
Couldn't agree more with that Louis Wu post. I get the feeling from reading here and in a few other places that if the ultra hardcore were truly listened to most of the "fun" of Halo for me would be left on the editing room floor. For my part absolutely everything about Reach is an improvement over Halo 3.

And stop looking at my jetpack like that. Cold dead hands and all that.
NullPointer, I respect your likes and dislikes in Halo and all, and I respect your opinion, but maybe it's better for Halo that things you like would be on the "cutting room floor."

When it comes to those people who pay the most attention to the game, "the hardcore," and when they're not enjoying the game nearly as much as the previous two, then something's wrong. Domino Theory put it really well:
Domino Theory said:
As a core Halo gamer since the beginning, I'm disappointed in Reach because it's stripped Halo's core gameplay. Let's be honest, would any of you care about Armor Lock, Jetpacks and Evade if there wasn't any reticle bloom, if you were natively faster, if you could jump higher, if your health automatically regenerated, if damage from every weapon and melee had the shield-to-health bleeding effect of past Halos and if grenades were weaker?
Reach doesn't feel like a Halo game, and many of the "improvements" you said Reach makes over Halo 3 pulls it farther away from that core gameplay I enjoy so much. And that's not because I'm resistant to change.


Havok said:
I don't think the abilities are the cause of those mechanics, with the remotely possible exception of the sprint example. You can't attribute causality to any of those things with any degree of certainty without knowing the reasoning behind any of them. The armor lock example doesn't even make sense. They're not good, sure, but that doesn't mean they're related. A more likely explanation for something like the walking speed and fall damage is that they were going for a more grounded tone - something that they were pretty forward about during development. That doesn't make it the right decision, but linking things that are probably only coincidental isn't the way to go about it.
Bungie made grenades overpowered so that people would be more inclined to choose armor lock. It's an ability designed to withstand short bursts of extreme damage. Grenades are short bursts of explosions that are extremely powerful. They just go hand in hand. Why else would the grenades be so ridiculously unbalanced?


NullPointer said:
You're right. Its not something that works on every map, and I wouldn't mind any fine tuning of the loadouts to compensate for that.

I respect your fear and stuff. I honestly do.

I think that the hardcore is just very resistant to changes, and has far too much nostalgia for the good old days to welcome some additions to the sandbox. Of course not everything is going to work out, but I don't think Reach's additions and changes are worthy of scorn. Its a different game on purpose.

Disagree and Agree.

I agree that a lot of us are nostalgic but it's because of hindsight. Disagree that it's the reason we don't want change.

I just HATE the changes that are being put in.

Armor Lock is a TERRIBLE game mechanic and needs to be nuked across the board.
Jet Pack is breaking all map flow and making assaulting key map areas (usually on the highest points of maps) REALLY easy.
Evade on spartans has them dodging ALL attacks, rolling halfway across the map in a second, and making them CQC beasts.
Camo, which used to be a sought after power up, is now available on spawn. Camo snipers.
Bloom I have gotten used to but Halo Reach is the first Halo game where I actually fear losing every encounter because my opponent will get a lucky spam in while I'm pacing. This is a big one for me. In Halo 2 and 3 when I knew I was better than my opponent I could take him out with ease. Now my opponent can flip a coin to decide the victor.
The DMR's range and power against vehicles has crippled BTB in addition to an OP Banshee and terrible maps.
The melee system encourages melee rushing as a viable tactic.
Sprint turns the sword from a CQC weapon to an offensive powerhouse.
Drop Shields were things that used to be picked up to help and now people can spawn with them, and use them on objectives (removed almost everywhere across the board, but it sickens me it was even in there)
The slow movement because of Sprint, inertia, and general sluggishness of the players in addition to some grenade properties like the big radius, chain reactions, and such make them OP.
The sluggishness makes strafing trivial and forces players to rely on Bloom to out-DMR someone. Resulting in a really bad mid-range experience. Which is the main range on 4 v 4 maps.

Can you honestly say you don't have a problem with ANY of these?
Dax01 said:
NullPointer, I respect your likes and dislikes in Halo and all, and I respect your opinion, but maybe it's better for Halo that things you like would be on the "cutting room floor."
Whats funny about this is if you look way back in the archives of previous Halo threads I shared a lot of what I hoped and wished that Reach (or the next Halo game) would include. And like magic, Bungie checked almost everything off that list and then some.

So maybe, just maybe, I'm accidentally more in touch for what they're going for than many here. I still have gripes about Armor Lock, and think they should tweak ranges on weapons, but on the whole Reach is almost a personal Halo dream come true.

For the record my wishlist included getting rid of floaty jumps, redoing the graphics (especially to reduce jaggies), jetpacks, reimplementing equipment as cooldowned persistent items, loadouts, a new xp system across game modes, firefight customizations, sprint, contextual battles between Covenant and Spartans instead of just red vs. blue arenas, building a special area for the purely hardcore, level callouts, the works.

When you wish upon a star...

A27 Tawpgun said:
Can you honestly say you don't have a problem with ANY of these?
Oh I have my gripes, definitely. But for me its a matter of tuning, and less of tossing things out. Armor Lock in particular is hilariously fun and awesome when you're not facing a team of armor lockers, then it drags the game down. I'm a fan of tuning it so that melee kills/executions cut right through it - but in the words of Bettenhausen, "its nice to want things".


Tunavi said:
Bungie made grenades overpowered so that people would be more inclined to choose armor lock. It's an ability designed to withstand short bursts of extreme damage. Grenades are short bursts of explosions that are extremely powerful. They just go hand in hand. Why else would the grenades be so ridiculously unbalanced?
That's not a leap of logic I'm even close to willing to make. Armor lock never needed to be incentivized, and I think it's crazy to assume that a broad balance change like that would be made so arbitrarily. I'd think that the grenades being as powerful as they were was a counter to people being able to sprint and evade away from them, if anything. There are things wrong with the elements of the game you mentioned, I'm not going to debate that, but to kind of loosely tie them together is not really convincing me, and sounds vaguely conspiracy-theory-ish.


NullPointer said:
Couldn't agree more with that Louis Wu post. I get the feeling from reading here and in a few other places that if the ultra hardcore were truly listened to most of the "fun" of Halo for me would be left on the editing room floor. For my part absolutely everything about Reach is an improvement over Halo 3.

And stop looking at my jetpack like that. Cold dead hands and all that.

So did you not like Halo 2? Because, that's all most of us want.
Kuroyume said:
So did you not like Halo 2? Because, that's all most of us want.
I loved it back when I played it, but moved on after a time. Its not what I was looking for in Reach though.

So you want a remake of Halo 2? Who knows - maybe with the Chief back at the center of things 343 will take that as a basis before adding their spin. I don't expect Halo 4 to be Reach part 2, that's for sure.



Not with higher base speed :-/

Dax01 said:
Domino Theory put it really well:

Reach doesn't feel like a Halo game, and many of the "improvements" you said Reach makes over Halo 3 pulls it farther away from that core gameplay I enjoy so much. And that's not because I'm resistant to change.
So true. I wouldn't hate it nearly as much if it had the Halo feel we know and love and then all the stupidity (Armor-lock, jetpack, bloom,sprint, camo/jammer, etc) added on top. A bloom-less BR could probably be part of the sandbox too just fine. At least customs and the classic/mlg playlists could still be extremely enjoyable.

But hey, I have to play Halo 3 right now for my Halo fix and noone cares, I wouldn't mind at all seeing people crying about having to stick to Reach because Halo 4 doesn't feel at the base level like they want.
neoism said:
damn that flag slayer game.. :/
Damn that lag. That's the first time I've had laggy matches in Reach, and it was laggy over the course of several matches.

Sorry about that, guys.

Just look at the bullshit I'm dealing with right now:

Letters said:
...I wouldn't mind at all seeing people crying about having to stick to Reach because Halo 4 doesn't feel at the base level like they want.
Oh you know this is going to happen ;P

I'm trying to preset my expectations accordingly. Master Chief makes a difference, so I expect some more retro stylings in Halo 4, even if they add a bunch of new elements to the mix.


neoism said:
better than walking like a fucking snail.

... This is why everyone is asking for a higher base speed.

You know what. I have to ask....

Is anyone here REALLY against a higher base speed?


Hitmonchan107 said:
Damn that lag. That's the first time I've had laggy matches in Reach, and it was laggy over the course of several matches.

Sorry about that, guys.

Just look at the bullshit I'm dealing with right now:




NullPointer said:
Oh you know this is going to happen ;P

I'm trying to preset my expectations accordingly. Master Chief makes a difference, so I expect some more retro stylings in Halo 4, even if they add a bunch of new elements to the mix.
I think we'll end up with a new style of Halo game that pleases noone looking for a familiar feel from the past, considering it's a new dream team of developers who won't want to settle for mimicking old games. By old games I mean old Halo games, so aiming down sights is of course, expected.
Letters said:
I think we'll end up with a new style of Halo game that pleases noone looking for a familiar feel from the past, considering it's a new dream team of developers who won't want to settle for mimicking old games. By old games I mean old Halo games, so aiming down sights is of course, expected.
Anything but that.
I'm taking a Halo break (playing/writing/forums) for a little while. Too many plates spinning right now, and something's gotta give. I'd rather it be this temporarily than something major permanently.


NullPointer said:
Higher base speed would be fine.

Along with sprint. Even if using sprint drains shields.

If we have a high base speed Sprint would be INSANE. I can't see this working and sprint draining shields is just an annoying mechanic.

Either high base speed. Or slow base speed and sprint. I'm literally in awe that anyone would take the latter...

Please no... I want to have hope for Halo 4....

Letters said:
I think we'll end up with a new style of Halo game that pleases noone looking for a familiar feel from the past, considering it's a new dream team of developers who won't want to settle for mimicking old games. By old games I mean old Halo games, so aiming down sights is of course, expected.

But I draw the line there. I don't care if Infinity Ward took the reigns of Halo. No developer in their right mind would implement ADS in a game. At least not one where you play as Spartans. No. Fucking. Way.
Hitmonchan107 said:
I'm taking a Halo break (playing/writing/forums) for a little while. Too many plates spinning right now, and something's gotta give. I'd rather it be this temporarily than something major permanently.

No Halo vidoc plate-spinning guy.gif?


PsychoRaven said:
Wow our little discussion today has brought us to just under 200 posts to thread cap.
Wow, you're right. That was quick. As soon as OT5 launches, I'm going to be posting my list for the changes I would like to see in the playlists and the title update. Anyone who wants to prepare a list is welcome to join me, might be a great way to discuss how the game should go under 343's control.
A27 Tawpgun said:
If we have a high base speed Sprint would be INSANE. I can't see this working and sprint draining shields is just an annoying mechanic.
That's a good point. If the base player speed is increased, that means Sprint will have to be considerably faster to justify itself. And that may be too fast.

Of course, if Sprint is a pick-up, then it may work. But as a default option? It can't work like that.


Letters said:

Not with higher base speed :-/

So true. I wouldn't hate it nearly as much if it had the Halo feel we know and love and then all the stupidity (Armor-lock, jetpack, bloom,sprint, camo/jammer, etc) added on top. A bloom-less BR could probably be part of the sandbox too just fine. At least customs and the classic/mlg playlists could still be extremely enjoyable.

But hey, I have to play Halo 3 right now for my Halo fix and noone cares, I wouldn't mind at all seeing people crying about having to stick to Reach because Halo 4 doesn't feel at the base level like they want.
still I disliked all halo base walling speed. I haven't played halo 1 or 2 in a while, but I think I remember 3s being the fastest of the 3, but it was just too slow. I feel like Reach plays like a real spartan. I'm all for no bloom, and no AAs but something that is in every FPS I've played, and not even an ability, or a power up but just something all players can do it is run for a few second in battle. It's stupid not for it to be something a spartan can do.
I will be really disappoint in 4 if chief can't run. :/ I mean he has a fucking jet-pack now. :(
Dax01 said:
The Roche! Glad to see a post from you. Thought you disappeared. And good point. :)

Yeah, I'm back man. Feels good and all that.

I wanted to echo what others have said about Reach. It's not really what I want from a Halo game (I don't feel like a super-powered futuristic robot soldier by default) but it's close enough for now.

We need better base traits (faster, jumpier, agility-er).

Would anyone object to AAs behaving identically to weapons? You spawn with basic ones, better ones are placed in strategic locations on each map, are dropped on death/pickup-able after death, and they have ammo (so they run out eventually).


Hitmonchan107 said:
Damn that lag. That's the first time I've had laggy matches in Reach, and it was laggy over the course of several matches.

Sorry about that, guys.

Just look at the bullshit I'm dealing with right now:

yep it was weird lag too, it just seemed like it was skipping frames or something. lulz that's probably why... no worries good games.


A27 Tawpgun said:
... This is why everyone is asking for a higher base speed.

You know what. I have to ask....

Is anyone here REALLY against a higher base speed?
nope but it would have to be 130 or so, and then it feels like your on ice-skates. I'm just too big a fan of sprint.
A27 Tawpgun said:
But I draw the line there. I don't care if Infinity Ward took the reigns of Halo. No developer in their right mind would implement ADS in a game. At least not one where you play as Spartans. No. Fucking. Way.
They could always split the difference. ADS doesn't make sense in the fiction of spartans so they can always hold their ground, but they could always make another ODST spin-off that does use it.

Hell, when it comes to Halo 4 anything goes. I wouldn't even be too shocked to hear that it was third person. In fact I'd be surprised if there wasn't a third person Halo or spin-off at some point.
NullPointer said:
They could always split the difference. ADS doesn't make sense in the fiction of spartans so they can always hold their ground, but they could always make another ODST spin-off that does use it.

Hell, when it comes to Halo 4 anything goes. I wouldn't even be too shocked to hear that it was third person. In fact I'd be surprised if there wasn't a third person Halo or spin-off at some point.
Nullpointer, I hope I didn't sound like I was putting down or gave that impression.


neoism said:
still I disliked all halo base walling speed. I haven't played halo 1 or 2 in a while, but I think I remember 3s being the fastest of the 3, but it was just too slow. I feel like Reach plays like a real spartan. I'm all for no bloom, and no AAs but something that is in every FPS I've played, and not even an ability, or a power up but just something all players can do it is run for a few second in battle. It's stupid not for it to be something a spartan can do.
I will be really disappoint in 4 if chief can't run. :/ I mean he has a fucking jet-pack now. :(
It wasn't the fastest. That's why you thought it was slow.

Also, just because it's in every MODERN FPS doesn't mean its a fit for Halo. The Halo Games have never managed to accurately portray a Spartans true abilities. We would either need an absurd amount of auto aim or it would need to be played on a PC because at a Spartan's true abilities the game would play more like Unreal than Halo.

Which brings me to my next point. Forgive me if I'm reading you wrong but to me it seems to me like you want things to be in gameplay because they would fit a spartans abilities, or be canon, or something like that.

I'm arguing everything for the sake of game play.

To me, all sprint adds to Halo is an easier way to run from gun fights. Melee rushing. Sword Abuse.

Please tell me. What does sprint add to gameplay.
Dax01 said:
Nullpointer, I hope I didn't sound like I was putting down or gave that impression.
Not at all Dax. I knew I wasn't going to run into a torrent of responses agreeing with me ;P

A27 Tawpgun said:
To me, all sprint adds to Halo is an easier way to run from gun fights. Melee rushing. Sword Abuse.

Please tell me. What does sprint add to gameplay.
It allows you to cross more open areas with a degree of security through mobility without needing a vehicle, which is especially important in game with as many open areas and vehicles as Halo. Yes, it also lets you disengage easier from disadvantaged fights, lets you close the distance with your teammates faster after a respawn, gives you more variance to your movement speed to help with defensive moves, and fulfills the psychological desire for a "go faster dammit" button. And hell, the master chief sprints - we want to be like the chief!

I'd agree with its possibly overpowered nature when mixed with melee weapons, but that's exactly the kind of thing that could be tuned. Like a slightly longer recovery-after-sprint period.


A27 Tawpgun said:
Please tell me. What does sprint add to gameplay.
Its a gimmick

Honestly, when I first heard about sprinting in Reach I was thinking, "OMG THAT'S SO COOL!" I now realize that Halo didn't need it. To me, that what a gimmick is. Something that sounds cool but isn't needed.


A27 Tawpgun said:
... This is why everyone is asking for a higher base speed.

You know what. I have to ask....

Is anyone here REALLY against a higher base speed?

I'm not against it, but I've said a few times I quite like the base player traits of Reach.

If they are increased, I wouldn't want it to drastic. If it gets you guys to stop whining though, then whatever I don't care. :p

A27 Tawpgun said:
Please tell me. What does sprint add to gameplay.

It adds plenty. I can get over to help friends faster. I can get away faster. Getting away isn't a bad thing. I know to you it is because a kill just got away, but maybe to someone not as good its a great thing. Its not like AL where they are invulnerable. Give chase, lead them into your team. I can sprint-jump over gaps and obstacles. I can sprint to rockets or other power weapons when they come back.

Some of you need to step back, stop calling things you don't like "gimmicks", and see the game from other's views.

Note: I'm going to be just fine if Sprint doesn't make it back to 4, just saying I quite like it. I also want many of the changes you guys want, but I also like a lot about Reach. I feel like many of you maker a bigger deal out things than you need to and act like your opinions are the only ones that matter. Tone it back a bit.


Neo Member
A27 Tawpgun said:
To me, all sprint adds to Halo is an easier way to run from gun fights. Melee rushing. Sword Abuse.

Please tell me. What does sprint add to gameplay.
Not that I'm defending Armor Abilities, but I've always viewed Sprint as the AA to get power weapons first. It could be viewed that sprinting to the rocket launcher allows you to combat the slower player with Active Camo.

It hardly ever plays out that way though...


A27 Tawpgun said:
It wasn't the fastest. That's why you thought it was slow.

Also, just because it's in every MODERN FPS doesn't mean its a fit for Halo. The Halo Games have never managed to accurately portray a Spartans true abilities. We would either need an absurd amount of auto aim or it would need to be played on a PC because at a Spartan's true abilities the game would play more like Unreal than Halo.

Which brings me to my next point. Forgive me if I'm reading you wrong but to me it seems to me like you want things to be in gameplay because they would fit a spartans abilities, or be canon, or something like that.

I'm arguing everything for the sake of game play.

To me, all sprint adds to Halo is an easier way to run from gun fights. Melee rushing. Sword Abuse.

Please tell me. What does sprint add to gameplay.
too me it adds fun shame it doesn't for you. I really don't care about canon.I think it's funny that Bungle even tried to explain the different weapons in each game.... its a video game poeple. I'm all for game play. I just really love sprint though, I'm also a fan of inertia, yes its an easy way out. Sad for the pros and not soo sad for me. I enjoy REACH more mainly because its an easier game. I wasn't good or bad a 3, but you definitely need more skill. But Halo will have to be "easier" now I think. But yeah, sprint to me is fun. This core game-play talk doesn't make much sense to me. Every game has been different, and I don't want 4 to play or feel like an 7 year old game. I think neither does 343.
Also I'm surprised at 3 not being the fastest I can't really remember, haven't touched 3 since REACH. Which game had the fastest base speed?


NullPointer said:
Not at all Dax. I knew I wasn't going to run into a torrent of responses agreeing with me ;P

It allows you to cross more open areas with a degree of security through mobility without needing a vehicle, which is especially important in game with as many open areas and vehicles as Halo. Yes, it also lets you disengage easier from disadvantaged fights, lets you close the distance with your teammates faster after a respawn, gives you more variance to your movement speed to help with defensive moves, and fulfills the psychological desire for a "go faster dammit" button. And hell, the master chief sprints - we want to be like the chief!

I'd agree with its possibly overpowered nature when mixed with melee weapons, but that's exactly the kind of thing that could be tuned. Like a slightly longer recovery-after-sprint period.

So it's only useful in BTB maps... And that seems like a problem with the maps, and not the base traits.

So you admitted it lets you flee fights easier. Which I don't like since running away was in all the Halo's. I don't want it easier.

Regrouping with teammates isn't much of an issue. Never has been. Unless its the maps fault. The 4 v 4 maps are small enough that you can help teammates from almost any point on the map.

Also, variance in movement speed for defensive maneuvers? I have NEVER seen sprint used like this. What you described is strafing. Something useful at higher movement speeds.


plus one of the other reasons its probably just me. But REACH has the best head-bob feel ever in a FPS. The way your weapon sways... love it. Its fucking terrible in DICE games though... just got BC2 on PC :|


You know all this talk about 343 not wanting to build on what has come before I don't buy. Frankie and others have said several times that it will be Halo. To most I think we can all agree that it needs to play like Halo. If they go and drastically change things they'll drive the fans away damn fast.

And t minus 150 posts to OT 5.
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