Webcam shot, kind of bright but it'll have to do for now

So should I go ahead and start trying to rock that "Sage" style beard or what?
A tad late I know but I finally got around to watching the latest Vidoc and I just wanted take this opportunity to give a very heartfelt "THANK YOU" to everyone at Bungie for 10 years (Good Lord has it really been that long?) of Halo goodness. No doubt there were some rough patches from time to time (SMG starts on Coags, DWing, equipment, armor lock, Chiron etc.) but overall I've had a heck of time immersing myself in this vibrant virtual universe while disposing of both Covenant and online piers alike since day one. Also very much looking forward to what Bungie and of course CA/343 have in store for us down the road (Definitely getting that FPS MMO vibe from those teaser shots).
The fact that we were more or less hours away from MP never even seeing the light of day absolutely just blows my mind.
Latest rendered clip courtesy of an ambush gone horribly wrong. STYLZ xl
Normally I'm not the T-bagging sort of guy but I guess I was just kinda pumped that I managed to come out of that seemingly dire situation relatively unscathed.