I didn't see any, sorry.FyreWulff said:I manually typed in Ghaleon and Frankie's tags for invites, no idea if they went through though.
I didn't see any, sorry.FyreWulff said:I manually typed in Ghaleon and Frankie's tags for invites, no idea if they went through though.
Not everyone. In fact "let's play Reach" would be THE most improbable thing to leave my mouth while playing Halo 2. Those damn cR...Awesome Barlow said:Hahaha. Today after all of that working to get my XBC set up I finally had it running and everyone just said "Hey, let's go play Reach".
There are no BRs in Halo. Nice try, but poor execution I'm afraid.Nutter said:
Hmmmm. I didn't realize you liked the bigger style of shirts ha. I'm usually a small or medium depending on the brand. An XL would be way too loose and big for my liking I'm sure. My PAX shirts still fit me well and I think they were mediums. So it's confirmed that these AA shirts will shrink quite a bit?Ramirez said:I got the American Apparel, did not make the mistake of going with a small size, these things shrink like nobodies business, I can't wear any of the PAX 08 shirts anymore. I can semi wear the large PAS shirt, but it's pretty tight, but I like my shirts to be kind of loose fitting anyways. Anyways, got an XL in this, fits perfectly. No idea if this will help you, but I wear a L in Nike brand stuff and XL in Jordan shirts, sizes vary so wildly from brand to brand. =\
As for pics, I'm way too lazy for that.
I know I'm late, but I've been noticing this as well. It was happening in CoD and Halo, tried it in two different xboxes and thought it was my disc.wwm0nkey said:Happens in any current game, its very very annoying, get it in Bad Company 2 and Call of Duty as well.
Still, the guy actually did pretty well. His teammates weren't that good and and he broke even playing against a full team of 6 competent players camping his team. I'm gonna have to give him the +1 on this one.Tunavi said:also, hahahahah at juice's video
"all i had was a dmr" lol
Deputy Moonman said:Still, the guy actually did pretty well. His teammates weren't that good and and he broke even playing against a full team of 6 competent players camping his team. I'm gonna have to give him the +1 on this one.
Ah. Got the players mixed up.xxjuicesxx said:Guy who went even was Illusion he stuck around losing going negative for a couple games. Mad guy was maxgriggs he went -23 and told us to go get trueskill in CoD.
Dani said:http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b177/iamnotevilness/vlcsnap-2011-08-20-06h55m04s88.png[IMG][/QUOTE]
I watched the trailer, but I have no idea who that guy is.
It's not Marty caliber, you understand, but I dig it quite a lot, yeah. I confess that music in that vein is my weakness.Schmitty said:You guys really liked the HF trailer music that much? Sounded like usual classical trailer/movie music. Nothing too good.
Tunavi said:![]()
Yeah he mad
All of them.Devolution said:God uncaged is my kryptonite for sure.
Game before on Asylum +10.
Uncaged: -5
Game after on Asylum +16.
Which made think up an interesting question what map would you consider to be your personal kryptonite?
Uncaged is my worst map as well, I put shots into everybody, but can never get kills or assists. I almost always go negative on it, I just hate the map as well.Devolution said:God uncaged is my kryptonite for sure.
Game before on Asylum +10.
Uncaged: -5
Game after on Asylum +16.
Which made think up an interesting question what map would you consider to be your personal kryptonite?
I'm astonished that game developers from every country aren't kicking down this guy's door in hysterical desperation to let the golden nectar of his wisdom flood their eardrums.Tunavi said:![]()
Yeah he mad
Lol, I asked if he was EazyB. That has to be trolling.Tunavi said:![]()
Yeah he mad
I went the opposite direction, I hopped on Shadowrun for more Armor Abilities.Tunavi said:sick of these armor abilities. need 3 for mlg customs.
I must say I thought it was Griesemer too, during the glimpse in the trailer. As for what's on the screen next to him...Dani said:
ReflectionDevolution said:God uncaged is my kryptonite for sure.
Game before on Asylum +10.
Uncaged: -5
Game after on Asylum +16.
Which made think up an interesting question what map would you consider to be your personal kryptonite?
Agreed!PNut said:Why does no one remember that Halo 3 MM has no AA's and you don't need any weird software programs to find matches? It also features great maps, Master Chief, BR's and you can jump high.
Agreed!Tunavi said:bad netcode (with low population), AR starts everywhere, non hitscan, and the maps are the worst in the series.
Tunavi said:halo 3 sucks.
bad netcode (with low population), AR starts everywhere, non hitscan, and the maps are the worst in the series.
Plywood said:
MLG really improves it.Tunavi said:halo 3 sucks.
bad netcode (with low population), AR starts everywhere, non hitscan, and the maps are the worst in the series.
OuterWorldVoice said:Live was playing up. But now it seems better. But now it is time for me to follow more of Tyrion's dwarven whorescapades.
Backpack was too small bro, get better.Tashi0106 said:
Yep, except for the maps being the worst in the series. The maps suck in Halo 3, but in Reach they are just awful.Tunavi said:halo 3 sucks.
bad netcode (with low population), AR starts everywhere, non hitscan, and the maps are the worst in the series.
Trasher said:There are no BRs in Halo. Nice try, but poor execution I'm afraid.
Hmmmm. I didn't realize you liked the bigger style of shirts ha. I'm usually a small or medium depending on the brand. An XL would be way too loose and big for my liking I'm sure. My PAX shirts still fit me well and I think they were mediums. So it's confirmed that these AA shirts will shrink quite a bit?
Tunavi said:halo 3 sucks.
bad netcode (with low population), AR starts everywhere, non hitscan, and the maps are the worst in the series.
Tunavi said:bad netcode (with low population), AR starts everywhere, non hitscan, and the maps are the worst in the series.
The AA shirts are 50% cotton, so they shouldn't shrink. I have quite a few and I always just throw them into the dryer. Of course, you could always drip dry themTrasher said:There are no BRs in Halo. Nice try, but poor execution I'm afraid.
Hmmmm. I didn't realize you liked the bigger style of shirts ha. I'm usually a small or medium depending on the brand. An XL would be way too loose and big for my liking I'm sure. My PAX shirts still fit me well and I think they were mediums. So it's confirmed that these AA shirts will shrink quite a bit?
That's because it is. It's by Two Steps From Hell, who also did the music used for the Star Trek trailers and the launch trailer for Mass Effect 2. It's called Undying Love.Schmitty said:You guys really liked the HF trailer music that much? Sounded like usual classical trailer/movie music. Nothing too good.
Eye Drop said:H3 maps were incredible, with the exception of Isolation.