I can't stand the broken sword lunge, never should i get the kill on the zombie, but he still kills me.
Whenever I go back to Halo 1 and fight the Flood, as compared to Halo 3, I always feel limited in the way I can fight them. No headshots and melee is useless against them. Halo 3 had the better Flood despite the long-range jerks.aj1467 said:Does anyone find halo 1 flood to be kind of enjoyable to fight, compared to the flood in H2 & 3?
I find Halo 3's iterations to be the most fun, and most diverse.aj1467 said:Does anyone find halo 1 flood to be kind of enjoyable to fight, compared to the flood in H2 & 3?
I only find them enjoyable to fight in HaloCE.aj1467 said:Does anyone find halo 1 flood to be kind of enjoyable to fight, compared to the flood in H2 & 3?
Dax01 said:Whenever I go back to Halo 1 and fight the Flood, as compared to Halo 3, I always feel limited in the way I can fight them. No headshots and melee is useless against them. Halo 3 had the better Flood despite the long-range jerks.
Just make sure to feature the Spartan in the 3rd row, 2nd picture the most prominently as he is the best looking one.Gabotron ES said:Just finished removing the background from all screens (119 spartans in total), now I just have to put them all together.
Any advice on what wallpaper size should I use for the collage?
Gabotron ES said:Any advice on what wallpaper size should I use for the collage?
Drop someone a message, there is always someone from HaloGAF on.zmoney said:so any way i can get in on some games with GAFers some time?
Awesome Barlow said:They were nice, a bit loud but nice. I think the think that made me decide not to come back once my Xbox froze during the match was when they said "Lets take a vote, whoever wants to play BTB yell into your mic!" and then they all started screaming.
Gabotron ES said:Just finished removing the background from all screens (119 spartans in total), now I just have to put them all together.
Any advice on what wallpaper size should I use for the collage?
Minimum is 1920x1080.
A27 Tawpgun said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqSSdFW6oNI
This was posted on HBO. Ignore the terribly overplayed song. Man I wish I miss that feeling... getting Reach on launch and thinking it was going to be the best evar.
I still enjoy the game but man, what a buzzkill after the huge hype.
EDIT: Woah. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S-V_9Kuj6Y HaloPC mod where you play as a flood combat form. Very interesting concept. If Halo 4 does have flood this could be something cool to explore. Would be similar to L4D versus or Dead Space 2 MP.
A27 Tawpgun said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqSSdFW6oNI
This was posted on HBO. Ignore the terribly overplayed song. Man I wish I miss that feeling... getting Reach on launch and thinking it was going to be the best evar.
I still enjoy the game but man, what a buzzkill after the huge hype.
EDIT: Woah. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S-V_9Kuj6Y HaloPC mod where you play as a flood combat form. Very interesting concept. If Halo 4 does have flood this could be something cool to explore. Would be similar to L4D versus or Dead Space 2 MP.
If we get at least 8 people set up and working, connected before hand I'll set up a playlist-Yeti said:Halo 2/CE XBC Customs tonight.
Yes? No?
The introduction of the Flood in Halo: CE is still one of my favorite gaming experience. You don't have a lot of varieties to kill a Flood in CE, but still the whole atmosphere more than compensate for this. When I think about Flood in Halo 3 the level Cortana crosses my mind. Damn it. And the long-rang Flood form is frustating on Legendary. About Halo 2. It's okay. But one of the levels has maybe one of the best skyboxes in the trilogy. It took my breath away.aj1467 said:Does anyone find halo 1 flood to be kind of enjoyable to fight, compared to the flood in H2 & 3?
OuterWorldVoice said:Reading. Latest book. That dude in the pic is not Jaime. Jaime is not working at 343.
MrBig said:If we get at least 8 people set up and working, connected before hand I'll set up a playlist
Brilliant, I can't stop laughing at the brute.Dani said:
Put a shirt on!Devin Olsen said:No joke last night I almost drunk posted confessing my love for Halo/Frankie/343/Bungie/Etc.
My girlfriend saw what I was doing and snatched the phone out of my hand... haha
In other news, PAX is ridiculously close! Cannot wait.
Gabotron ES said:Just finished removing the background from all screens (119 spartans in total), now I just have to put them all together.
Any advice on what wallpaper size should I use for the collage?
His walk is epic.TheOddOne said:Brilliant, I can't stop laughing at the brute.
I'll be on around 9:00 PM EST.MrBig said:If we get at least 8 people set up and working, connected before hand I'll set up a playlist
I'M IN!!!!!!-Yeti said:Halo 2/CE XBC Customs tonight.
Yes? No?
urk said:Put a shirt on!
Only if you take yours off.urk said:Put a shirt on!
Gabotron ES said:1920x1020
Yup, fixed ; )Gui_PT said:Did you mean 1080?
Hypertrooper said:What do I need for the Halo 2 customs?
btw. I haven't the DLC maps unfortunately :/
No DLC maps. Both your computer and 360 will have to be on a wired LAN.Hypertrooper said:What do I need for the Halo 2 customs?
btw. I haven't the DLC maps unfortunately :/
We need to make sure everyone is on the same version of Halo 2. v1.5 everyone?MrBig said:No DLC maps. Both your computer and 360 will have to be on a wired LAN.
Awesome Barlow said:We need to make sure everyone is on the same version of Halo 2. v1.5 everyone?
I'm on 1.5. But, I believe syslink works fine with mismatched versions.Awesome Barlow said:We need to make sure everyone is on the same version of Halo 2. v1.5 everyone?
If they did, it would be due to expanding the number of locations the convention has spread out to.Devin Olsen said:Lets try and find Hypertrooper. (lol)
I really hope PAX doesn't end up resembling this... Does anyone know if they upped the capacity this year?
The only thing I think is HaloFest may really help break up the crowds... That and all of the panels.GhaleonEB said:If they did, it would be due to expanding the number of locations the convention has spread out to.
In 2008 PAX had over 58,000 attendees
In 2009, PAX had 60,750 attendees
In 2010, PAX Prime sold out at 67,600
2011 attendees have not been announced yet, but the Washington Convention Center caps the number of attendees, so the only way the number can go up is if they added more space via other sites. But even then I wouldn't expect much of a bump; it shouldn't have better or worse crowds than last year.
Letters said:My Halo 2 is not showing version number on the main menu now, I could swear it used to say 1.5 (or 1.1)
any legal and clean way of updating it?? Same for the dlc maps, any way of getting them back? They are on my xbox360's harddrive but they do not appear in the game. (I used to fix this by redownloading them before OG xbl was shut down)
I'm not sure if a Waypoint guy or a GAFer started that. :lol :lolAwesome Barlow said:They were nice, a bit loud but nice. I think the thing that made me decide not to come back once my Xbox froze during the match was when they said "Lets take a vote, whoever wants to play BTB yell into your mic!" and then they all started screaming.
I was only at the Community Night. But I'm lucky that I didn't attend the other days. In the last few years Saturday was the most crowded day. But I read that Thursday(the first day for the public) was crowded like saturday and according to Robbster you had to wait to play Halo 2 hours. Damn. Last year I waited only 10minutes to play Reach's firefight and that even on Saturday.Devin Olsen said:Lets try and find Hypertrooper. (lol)
I really hope PAX doesn't end up resembling this... Does anyone know if they upped the capacity this year?
I'm your first real and not a bot follower!Ramirez said:Hey, I made twitter for PAX, probably won't be used until then, even if I use it then.Add me though, I mainly wanted it to keep up with you guys while there. @RamirezTJ
I already got a few of you by browsing Ellis' twitter.
Ramirez said:Hey, I made twitter for PAX, probably won't be used until then, even if I use it then.Add me though, I mainly wanted it to keep up with you guys while there. @RamirezTJ
I already got a few of you by browsing Ellis' twitter.