About the community.PooBone said:Holy shit. What's this vidoc about? Next game?
About the community.PooBone said:Holy shit. What's this vidoc about? Next game?
OuterWorldVoice said:Thing you crash land on Halo in. Also, I did write all of the scripts for Legends, except for one. But he hated it anyway. So that would make it worse, not better. I suspect he might be my wife's alt.
It's about an hour long.PooBone said:Holy shit. What's this vidoc about? Next game?
ncsuDuncan said:It's about an hour long.
But seriously, it's about Bungie's next game, which will be based on Shakespeare's play The Tempest.
But seriously seriously, it's about them looking back on 10 years of Halo and 20 years of Bungie while looking forward to 10 more years of awesome.
I wouldn't expect any direct info on their next game, but I'd keep an eye out for little clues and eggs.
I imagine we'll see footage from the HBO LAN and similar community events, not to mention tons of funny anecdotes and such. It's going to be great.
GhaleonEB said:For those who enjoy a good grin-inducing nostalgia trip, Edge has uploaded 150 reviews of "classic" games from over the years.
Here's Halo: Combat Evolved.
I think the 10 for Halo 1 and 3 are well justified. Spending 14,000 words writing a review of Reach's Campaign made me realize how incredible Halo 3's really was.
Agreed, and it had the worst of the Noble Team to back you up, if you can even call it that. Emile should have been switched with Jorge in LNoS, since the former only seems to be able to carry close quarter weapons (and would actually be...I dunno, useful). I'd much rather have seen Jorge go all the way to the end with you, even to the Lone Wolf section. I really do love Reach's campaign, but there plenty of things that I wish that had played out differently. Such is the life of a backseat designer...Gui_PT said:Sorry to jump in mid-conversation. IMO, that was a horrible horrible way to end the game =\
Cortana and Halo were terrible, terrible ways to end the game. Both were two of the least entertaining levels I've endured in the Halo series.PsychoRaven said:Sure the pure form ranged ones were annoying but that was a nice challenge. Also just like the library which was a change of pace Cortana was again in that game. The ends of both 1 and 3 were amazing and some of the best times I've had.
This. A million times this.teamaxe said:Yeah, I'd have to say that the use of the word shitty to describe Reach is hyperbole. I mean, why does everything have to be perfect or shitty? I'm looking at the entire Halo series, and I'm not finding a shitty title there. I certainly have my rankings of the Halo games, and none of them even come anywhere close to shitty.
GhaleonEB said:I think the last mission in the first game is better than PoA. Between the boring trench run (Mongoose down a light downhill series of s-curves on a dirt road), shooting gallery encounters (the two Boneyard fights), momentum-halting Drone encounter and endless siege battle, only two sequences are well crafted, IMO. Everything before you get on the Mongoose, and the battle right after, with the Brutes and the Wraith in the back. (That's actually one of my favorite fights in the game.)
I don't enjoy the Warthog run in Halo CE because the Warthog controls poorly. It would have been better to alter the final run to fit the controls. What I mean is, Halo 3's final run would've been better suited for Halo: CE's Warthog, and Halo 3's Warthog would've been better for Halo: CE's run.Hitting up the Armory, pulling open and then blowing the four engine cores and the epic Warthog trench run in Halo 1 is a tighter, more successful sequence for me.
squidhands said:Agreed, and it had the worst of the Noble Team to back you up, if you can even call it that. Emile should have been switched with Jorge in LNoS, since the former only seems to be able to carry close quarter weapons (and would actually be...I dunno, useful). I'd much rather have seen Jorge go all the way to the end with you, even to the Lone Wolf section.
Louis Wu said:This. A million times this.
...what? Oh, crap. Okay, twice this. Well, at least once.
The internet would be a better place without so much hyperbole.
FyreWulff said:Speaking of stuff I liked, I always liked the picture of Hang Em High in Tombstone (captured from the PC port by Halomaps users, so the lighting might be a bit off from what some remember):
Hang Em High 3.0 (Gallows?) should have a picture of Hang Em High AND Tombstone somewhere on the map:loland a Certain Affinity Cola machine as a Forge object
I don't hate it but it is my least favorite campaign. The levels are soooooo boring. Nothing interesting to look at, it's so ugly. When I sit and think about replaying a Halo game it is always waaaaay down at the bottom.Steelyuhas said:I really enjoy Reach's campaign as well, but yeah, most people here seem to hate it.
Striker said:Cortana and Halo were terrible, terrible ways to end the game. Both were two of the least entertaining levels I've endured in the Halo series.
ncsuDuncan said:I wonder if CEA's HEH will have the big ramp of H1 or the air lift of H2 (it could presumably have both, swapped in Forge).
I'm almost more curious to see the Reach-style versions of the maps, just to see what Certain Affinity decided would work better with Armor Abilities. The news that there are multiple variants of the maps (e.g. Battle Creek from the Sparkast) makes me feel assured that the Classic maps will be fairly faithful to the originals.
Striker said:Tombstone was a superior version. The little broken rocks area near red base was a great touch, and smoothed things out more in 1-flag and slayer. It also eased up on the jump by the open spawn area by the needler walkways on the outer edge.
Kuroyume said:I think when someone mentions the word shitty and Halo they are usually comparing Halo games and not games in general.
True. The lack of fall damage in 2 really changed how that map played, taking the catwalks wasn't quite as dangerous, but the extra jumps really made the edges more worthwhile.FyreWulff said:Well, the air lift came about because they had to scale HeH vertically so much (to balance against Halo 2's massive jump height and lack of fall damage) that the ramp looked silly (according to Max Hoberman).
It'd be neat if we could have both configurations, though.
You know, now that I think of it Hang 'em High really would make for a decent Forge canvas, if you could delete everything and just have a huge box. Provided it actually has a stable framerate and better object colors, of course.It'd be a+ effort if a significant amount of the map was Forgeable. What if we could delete/move the tombstones?
ncsuDuncan said:You know, now that I think of it Hang 'em High really would make for a decent Forge canvas, if you could delete everything and just have a huge box. Provided it actually has a stable framerate and better object colors, of course.
Perfect timing. I'm heading out to take my final exam, so after that, I'll be free until Sunday. :^)GhaleonEB said:Status:
Drafting done. Site had hosting issues yesterday so I had to save my last draft in Notepad. Handing over to copy editor later today.![]()
Well said. Jorge was easily my favorite character of the story, so I would have loved to end what was overall my least favorite level with him.PsychoRaven said:I do agree with you almost. I do agree that Emile sucked for the last level. I mean come on long range encounters with a shotgun? Really? That was beyond stupid. Also to be honest Emile was my least favorite member of the team. Now I don't agree that any of them should have made it to Lone Wolf with you. It wouldn't exactly be Lone Wolf then would it?
With Emile you could have had an alarm sound and him realize they were about to be surrounded. He then could have thrown you out and then enter a lot of elites surrounding him. Then as you float down you see that he succeeded in triggering it. Good suspensful moment and makes his death a bit more tragic.
Then with George you could have the same basic ending but have a bunch of elites attack him like they did but leave out the arrogant shit Emile did. Have George go down fighting. Again more tragic and a better team member to have had for the mission. The real thing that could have fixed the Emile problem in the last mission though would have been to let you be able to swap out his weapons so that you could give him a ranged weapon. That would have solved the foundry area problem with him on Legendary. That's why his uselessness really showed through. You know that long range shotgunning he'd do from across the giant assed room.
MrBig said:Tombstone was good for BTB 1-flag
And I see shadows under the pillars so it doesn't look like they're forge-able.
MrBig said:Tombstone was good for BTB 1-flag
And I see shadows under the pillars so it doesn't look like they're forge-able.
I'll cover it in more detail shortlyDax01 said:Good points on the mongoose run and the Drone encounter. However, I disagree about Boneyard battle (I don't understand the "shooting gallery" comment). That encounter is so freakin' huge and the number of ways you can deal with the encounter is awesome. Also, I disagree about the last Firefight encounter. It goes by pretty quick.
GhaleonEB said:I'll cover it in more detail shortlyp), but both Boneyard encounters give you the high ground with exactly the right weapons to stand there and mow down all the enemies dumped out down below. I seldom even take return fire in either fight.
Yeah, same here.PsychoRaven said:See that just shows you how play style can play a big part in how you view the game. I always have jumped down there and find the Boneyard encounter to be fun as hell.
Definitely, and the ability to vary up how you work your encounters really speaks to how well the game is designed. There are at least three different ways that I know of to approach that first section of Boneyard (one of which skips the battle completely), which really can't be said about too many other FPS games.PsychoRaven said:See that just shows you how play style can play a big part in how you view the game. I always have jumped down there and find the Boneyard encounter to be fun as hell.
Hang'em High was best with full 8v8 slayer matches to 100 kills and also Classic CTF games. Tossing the flag off the top of a base, getting it halfway across the map, and having one person from the other team manage to touch-return it. So good. Tombstone was awful. It may have had some improved geometry in places, but it just didn't work without the Pistol from Combat Evolved. And nothing like seeing an awesome futuristic/forerunner themed map turned dirty brown crap hole It's one of the few Halo2 maps that I really didn't enjoy... at all.A27 Tawpgun said:Still don't see the appeal of hang em high. Never liked it.
Dax01 said:1. Halo 2 had a better story.
2. Halo 3 took the encounter design a generation ahead.
3. ODST surpasses it in atmosphere and music (and linearity).
4. Reach has it beat in the consistency of level quality and gun feedback. Not to mention it has the best ending of the entire series.
I know I said Reach's campaign was the best when it first came out, but I think I'm slowly coming to see Halo 3's campaign as the best.
OuterWorldVoice said:{istol and Snipes make Hang Em High strangely palatable for small Slayer games.
squidhands said:Definitely, and the ability to vary up how you work your encounters really speaks to how well the game is designed. There are at least three different ways that I know of to approach that first section of Boneyard (one of which skips the battle completely), which really can't be said about too many other FPS games.
Kuroyume said:I think when someone mentions the word shitty and Halo they are usually comparing Halo games and not games in general.
Halo 3's "Halo" is one of my favorite levels from the series. It's just raw, uncondensed nostalgia. Assaulting the Control Room and then escaping on a Warthog, it's a really fitting end to the trilogy, imo.Striker said:Cortana and Halo were terrible, terrible ways to end the game. Both were two of the least entertaining levels I've endured in the Halo series.
Halo 2's story was its best part, but the fantastic cut-scenes are what makes it all shine. Been downhill since.
BungieTweets said:Typical. The one day @georgerrmartin drops by the studio and my boiled leather and plate mail are at the dry cleaners.
No man, open-world RPG set in Westeros. Inject it right into my veins, please.Dani said:Did this actually happen? Holy shit if true. Bungie A Song of Ice and Fire Tyrion FPS confirmed. =P
I don't hate Halo 3's Halo or anything, but that was such a dumb fight, and the trip to Legoland afterwards was awful. Randomly collapsing floor tiles that require memorization to avoid and bad Warthog physics that cause a bounce-to-stop on every big jump (of which there are many) ruined the neat atmosphere that section had for me.Blue Ninja said:I'll be honest, Tombstone was/is one of my favorite Halo 2 maps. I'm glad it/Hang 'em High is coming back to Reach.
Halo 3's "Halo" is one of my favorite levels from the series. It's just raw, uncondensed nostalgia. Assaulting the Control Room and then escaping on a Warthog, it's a really fitting end to the trilogy, imo.
Well, except for killing Guilty Spark. We could've done without that part.
You can grenade jump to the section with the bridge on the right hand side. I don't have access to youtube here at work or else I'd find it for you.PsychoRaven said:Wait you can skip the first encounter? How the hell do you pull that off?