Gabotron ES
Betrayal, betrayal, betrayal...*booted*A27_StarWolf said:Lets be honest, would the target locater worked well with matchmaking at all?
Betrayal, betrayal, betrayal...*booted*A27_StarWolf said:Lets be honest, would the target locater worked well with matchmaking at all?
If someone other had posted this, I would have said: It's a troll. But you posted it and I'm not sure. Clarify.A27_StarWolf said:Lets be honest, would the target locater worked well with matchmaking at all?
Gabotron ES said:Betrayal, betrayal, betrayal...*booted*
Letters said:New videos are
except for the odd thing or two, CEA LOOKS SO GOOD
I think they're both up at the edelmanadmin server
Letters said:New videos are
except for the odd thing or two, CEA LOOKS SO GOOD
I think they're both up at the edelmanadmin server
I probably shouldn't go into detail because it's not things that look bad per se. Mostly visual changes that seem jarring to me because I'm such a huge fanboy of CE and wouldn't want anything to look different (or closer to Reach). Disregard me.PooBone said:Care to elaborate?
I'm not trying to attack you or anything, I'm genuinely interested in what seems jarring to you. I've played CE more than any other video game, ever. For me, the biggest thing is the effect you see when an elite's shield pops. It's way more in your face than I remember. I also don't like how the marines are all carrying backpacks now.Letters said:I probably shouldn't go into detail because it's not things that look bad per se. Mostly visual changes that seem jarring to me because I'm such a huge fanboy of CE and wouldn't want anything to look different (or closer to Reach). Disregard me.
I only gave the video a quick look on my cel because my pc conection is being shit
Where is your Halo Honour?grifball spawn killers said:grifball spawn killing.
There are some visual effects such as that, which I didn't like on first watch. But at this point I'm withholding such comments until I've played it, as I'm not sure how much of it is different as opposed to not as good. It's a different take on things so it will take some time to get used to it. (My beef is the Needler effects.)PooBone said:I'm not trying to attack you or anything, I'm genuinely interested in what seems jarring to you. I've played CE more than any other video game, ever. For me, the biggest thing is the effect you see when an elite's shield pops. It's way more in your face than I remember. I also don't like how the marines are all carrying backpacks now.
Yeah that was one of the things, I don't like how the marines are now the boring CallOfDuty/Reach type ones instead of the cool Aliens/HaloCE ones.PooBone said:I also don't like how the marines are all carrying backpacks now.
called itSlightly Live said:Yummy. Love the small details.
Not a fan of Johnson's look and some of the animations look a bit funky. Overall, though, it looks great.PooBone said:Care to elaborate?
Wonder where it is in the galaxy.Slightly Live said:Yummy. Love the small details.
All the animations in-game (not cutscenes) are exactly the same as Halo CE. It looks really stiff when you see them happening around all the megatextures, but overall probably a good thing they didn't try to update or smooth them out.Blue Ninja said:Not a fan of Johnson's look and some of the animations look a bit funky. Overall, though, it looks great.
Did 343 update all the animations ore just some? Why some and not others? Imma gonna watch the video again.Blue Ninja said:Not a fan of Johnson's look and some of the animations look a bit funky. Overall, though, it looks great.
PooBone said:All the animations in-game (not cutscenes) are exactly the same as Halo CE. It looks really stiff when you see them happening around all the megatextures, but overall probably a good thing they didn't try to update or smooth them out.
Dax01 said:Did 343 update all the animations ore just some? Why some and not others? Imma gonna watch the video again.
They updated the cutscene ones. Or did you spot new ones during gameplay? Will only be giving the BTS a proper look in a bit when I get home and watch the vid in good quality.Dax01 said:Did 343 update all the animations ore just some? Why some and not others? Imma gonna watch the video again.
It brings you to the forerunner planet in Halo 4Dax01 said:Wonder where it is in the galaxy.
Striker said:Definitely liked Max's Tombstone over Hang 'em High. I kind of wish they had gone that route instead of the older formula. The jump to the Needler walkway near the Shotgun spawn in blue was one new change, and was very helpful. The blast through the wall in red base was another cool addition they did - made attacking the base more friendly, and made for more escape routes. Overall it just had things work out so much better.
Eh, it didn't have nearly the graphical leap that CEA has. Mostly just higher res textures, right?FyreWulff said:I also wonder if the success of PD XBLA helped the pitch for Anniversary. It's a shame that PD didn't have the future/past switch, though.
There are two versions of every cinematic now, the updated versions have new animation. You can't switch during the cinematic.FyreWulff said:I was under the impression that CE:A has no new animations, barring any first person stuff.
Oh okay. Well I'm fine with this. Cutsenes matter more to me in this situation.ncsuDuncan said:There are two versions of every cinematic now, the updated versions have new animation. You can't switch during the cinematic.
No new animations in-game, from what I can tell.
ncsuDuncan said:Eh, it didn't have nearly the graphical leap that CEA has. Mostly just higher res textures, right?
Am i the only one who prefers Reach-style Marines?Letters said:Yeah that was one of the things, I don't like how the marines are now the boring CallOfDuty/Reach type ones instead of the cool Aliens/HaloCE ones.
Letters said:Shotgun bug was not fixed. CANNOT UNSEE AAAAAAARRRGGHHH.Shotgun heavy levels ruined.
But still, what a beautiful looking game. And there was something unexplainably heartwarming about seeing the coop partner doing the running animation while walking slowly. Can't wait to play through it again with a good friend, this time full screen. <3
wow that's pretty awesomeFyreWulff said:
thezerofire said:wow that's pretty awesome
That was the answer.PsychoRaven said:yet never got an answer.
Letters said:That was the answer.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Ah I only listened cause I didn't want to be spoiled Graphics wise if I buy it. Sad that it took another vidoc to answer our question. How anyone can play the game and not see that and catch it is beyond me. Also it's sad that we couldn't get a damn answer on it without having to see another vidoc to see it's still in. Not like we would have gotten pissed about it. Shit happens. Just man up and say yea the we missed that. We screwed up. Instead nothing.
Add in Assassin's Creed Revelations coming out the same day as Anniversary and Skyward Sword less than a week later and I'm going to be very broke (and low on free time) very soon. I don't usually want games to be delayed but this fall is the exception!GhaleonEB said:So much hype today. As a package CEA is looking mighty fine, but for me it's been swallowed up by Skryim hype. Crushing that these come out so close together.
???Letters said:Shotgun bug was not fixed. CANNOT UNSEE AAAAAAARRRGGHHH.Shotgun heavy levels ruined.
The team slayer playlist isn't filled with TKers and quitters?TheOddOne said:Sorry 343i I'm ejecting myself from the TU playlist. I can take so much of people quitting, getting team killed and rediclous spawns (ok, thats not really ya'll fault). Back to the Team Slayer playlist.
Gabotron ES said:
From the last 4 matches I played, none of them where TKers and quitters. I get what your saying though, just I had to vent a little. No doubt I'll go back, but that was my rage moment.MrBig said:The team slayer playlist isn't filled with TKers and quitters?
GhaleonEB said:So much hype today. As a package CEA is looking mighty fine, but for me it's been swallowed up by Skryim hype. Crushing that these come out so close together.
PooBone said:Yeah, but with Anniversary they're not just making higher res textures, they're completely redoing a lot of them. Just look at the walls inside the forerunner structures on 343 Guilty Spark. I was also under the impression that CE:A has no new animations, with the exception of cutscenes.
from what I've seen it's pretty much an RPG fan's RPGbobs99 ... said:Skyrim is getting a LOT of love on Gaf, can someone fill me in, I haven't been following it at all but when a game gets that much praise I am curious. I know its a RPG which has slightly put me off as generally I dont enjoy those games. Is there something in it for the non RPG fans which is worth a look at?
This would have been the same for me. I'm getting BF3, Skyrim, CEA, and a new xbl with the course of a few weeks. The only bits I have to pay for are CEA and xbl, making the entirety of my gaming purchases this year $100.-Yeti said:I had to make a choice on which game to get. I can only afford one game this Holiday season, so I chose Skyrim. Since CEA is technically a game I have already played, it was the obvious choice.
Epyon MX said:Two things I don't get about the Kinect features:
- Did I really read that the reason why the Library/Encylopedia thing is Kinect-Only is that there were no buttons free? Please tell me that is wrong. Because, the D-Pad says hello.
- And besides that, with all of these "voice" Kinect features, why couldn't I just, you know, use the microphone on my headset?
I get that they're trying to motivate Kinect sales, and these features aren't "required" to play the game (Thank God!), but still, kinda lame excuses for Kinect only.
bobs99 ... said:Skyrim is getting a LOT of love on Gaf, can someone fill me in, I haven't been following it at all but when a game gets that much praise I am curious. I know its a RPG which has slightly put me off as generally I dont enjoy those games. Is there something in it for the non RPG fans which is worth a look at?