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Halo: Reach |OT7| What are They to Say Now?

Why pick up the sniper when I have the shotgun and the Halo 1 Pistol on a CQB map? I'd keep the sniper on something like Waterworks, but it makes about as much sense as the sniper on Chill Out.

The Halo Sniper doesnt really work like a real life Sniper, in my opinion if your good with it, (and with the ridiculous auto aim pretty much everyone is a no scoping beast) the Sniper is probably more useful than a Shotgun even on a small map.

To be fair though, the Halo 1 Pistol does pretty much decimate the thing but the shotgun is just meh.


The Halo Sniper doesnt really work like a real life Sniper, in my opinion if your good with it, (and with the ridiculous auto aim pretty much everyone is a no scoping beast) the Sniper is probably more useful than a Shotgun even on a small map.

The TU NR auto headshots and the Halo 1 pistol no longer needs to be lead. I'd rather give the sniper to someone bored enough to sit at the teleporter upper exit for the entire match. I'll be having fun gettin' some kills in the meantime.

WTF do you need a shotgun for if you have a 3sk pistol?

The pipe interchange room (the one that leads to the ledge overlooking the waterfall room, flag cap room, and the staircase room) and for dealing with porter campers by jumping backwards through the porter and firing.


Why pick up the sniper when I have the shotgun and the Halo 1 Pistol on a CQB map? I'd keep the sniper on something like Waterworks, but it makes about as much sense as the sniper on Chill Out.

If you're sufficiently proficient with the sniper, it's the single best weapon in the game in all situations (other than two or more targets in an enclosed space).

Also, because of the one shot nature of the weapon, it is thought to require the highest degree of skill to use.
The TU NR auto headshots and the Halo 1 pistol no longer needs to be lead. I'd rather give the sniper to someone bored enough to sit at the teleporter upper exit for the entire match. I'll be having fun gettin' some kills in the meantime.

Yeah fair play, the Halo 1 Pistol does decimate the Sniper, but I would rather have one than a shotgun, I have never enjoyed using the shotgun, and most of the time the thing seems pretty inconsistent.

I dont really take Reach very seriously, so despite the fact that its less useful I find it more fun to use the thing on a CQC map, seeing someone do that well would be more entertaining than seeing someone go around shotgunning, so going back to the point in hand, the Sniper makes for more entertaining videos than the AR does. I hope we dont see people dropping the thing in favour of a AR in the Halo 4 teasers.


Yeah fair play, the Halo 1 Pistol does decimate the Sniper, but I would rather have one than a shotgun, I have never enjoyed using the shotgun, and most of the time the thing seems pretty inconsistent.

Did you know: you can rearrange the letters in "shotgun" to spell "hostgun" ?
Did you know: you can rearrange the letters in "shotgun" to spell "hostgun" ?



343i Lead Esports Producer
Well I called out the other lurker when I shit on him but I guess I'll call out myself now cuz yesterday I got steaked by a lurker. Of course he let me know lol. GG. All I remember is that game sucking.


You want a 15 minute unedited game played by employees of 343? I'd learn more watching Steve Wonder play the game.
It's the fuckin first look at Halo 4, couldn't care less about watching high skill gameplay at that point. Gimme noob deaths, AR wielding, wall shooting, vehicle driving and the whole shebang.


Better not be an AR in Halo 4.

Not sure why an iconic gun of Halo would not be in the game (Halo 2's development notwithstanding). That'd be like not having the laptop gun in a Perfect Dark game. Regardless of how it functions, the AR is uniquely Halo. The BR and DMR wouldn't look out of place in CoD. We can almost assume the Halo 4 sandbox is going to have a fully automatic gun in it somewhere, and in that case I'd rather have the AR than the SMG (which is also a gun that wouldn't look out of place in CoD).


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
booted the xbox to some purplish-pink lines going everywhere across my screen. turned it off, checked all plugs, then played forza 4 for about 20 min before i got the red rings. this is the 4th time in the past 2 weeks... i'm afraid the xbox is dying.

... it pains me to ask this, but would anyone like to hop onto reach? if my xbox 360 is going to pass on, i'd really like halo reach to be the game that kills it.


Because the weapon is terrible and unbalanced. The reticle covers the entire screen. Don't even have to aim it. Playing against AR users in Reach while using the pistol feels like playing with an arm tied behind your back.
Because the weapon is terrible and unbalanced. The reticle covers the entire screen. Don't even have to aim it. Playing against AR users in Reach while using the pistol feels like playing with an arm tied behind your back.

It is just too icon in the halo series to remove it from the game. I'm not a big fan of it myself but I just don't believe 343 will remove it from the sandbox.

And 343 could try to make the AR a little bit more skillful (lol). I don't know how, but hey, I'm not the game developer.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Who really gives a shit that it's iconic? Introduce a new gun. Change it up. It pains me to see the AR in screen shots of Halo.


It is just too icon in the halo series to remove it from the game. I'm not a big fan of it myself but I just don't believe 343 will remove it from the sandbox.

And 343 could try to make the AR a little bit more skillful (lol). I don't know how, but hey, I'm not the game developer.

Bungie already put the burst fire mechanic on it for 3 and Reach, people apparently don't want to actually learn how to do it though.

If you made the spread tighter, you'd have to make the bullets weaker to compensate, so you just end up with the silenced SMG.
Bungie already put the burst fire mechanic on it for 3 and Reach, people apparently don't want to actually learn how to do it though.

If you made the spread tighter, you'd have to make the bullets weaker to compensate, so you just end up with the silenced SMG.

Perhaps put more bloom on it? A bit like the retro lancer in GoW3. You can't hit anything at long range if you don't burst your shots correctly.



Players vote for Assault on Beaver Creek.

My team is slaying them to shreds, but the other team wins because they played the objective.

I got the only (one) bomb detonation in the game for my team...
Because the weapon is terrible and unbalanced. The reticle covers the entire screen. Don't even have to aim it. Playing against AR users in Reach while using the pistol feels like playing with an arm tied behind your back.

The AR sucks compared to the Pistol in Reach, and it has bleedthrough, even in Bungie settings. Maybe you're thinking of Halo 3?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)

The AR sucks compared to the Pistol in Reach, and it has bleedthrough, even in Bungie settings. Maybe you're thinking of Halo 3?

just to chime in, i agree. i see nothing wrong with the AR. its a viable weapon for shitty players, and, as a decent to good player, i own AR users consistently.
Unrelated but, how can you activate your Youtube's account if you use a wired connection? I can't have my house's PC's connected to Internet while my Xbox is running, I'm getting the "invalid code" message over and over :(


Perhaps put more bloom on it? A bit like the retro lancer in GoW3. You can't hit anything at long range if you don't burst your shots correctly.

Even the Halo 1 pistol was fully automatic with bloom in Halo 1. Now pumping the trigger, or basically burst fire, gave you a more precise shot. In Halo 3 but more in Reach, pumping the AR gives you a more precise shot. In Reach it's especially useful but you have to be damn well on target to even beat a DMR user at the AR's bursting range, which is shorter than the DMR's useful range. The downside is that the AR is not headshot capable, in that even if you shoot someone with no shields in the head with an AR, it counts as normal body shots. Even if you've heard that bursting the AR makes it become really accurate, it takes longer to master than pacing the DMR and easily discourages people.

I guess this leads into my opinion on the SpamMR - the AR had a nice place in Bungie Reach. It fits in between the DMR and the Shotgun. It can burst out to about half the DMR's useful distance and get kills. Bursting it also lets you more easily annoy a sniper at certain ranges than a DMR, and with a bigger clip.

Allowing the DMR to shoot at a faster optimal speed than Bungie Reach totally trashes the AR's burst fire. In Zero Bloom, even if you burst fire the AR perfectly at it's intended range on a DMR user, they can just outspam you. In 85%, they can crouch and zero bloom spam you to death.

If 343 had instead used RoF locking to control the DMR and Pistol's bloom - slowing the RoF so the fastest you can fire was as soon as it's bloom resets - the sandbox would have stayed intact. The AR would be useful in it's role, but still require you to seek out weapons and control their spawns. The DMR would have remained useful on smaller maps since it wouldn't have been overshadowed by the Pistol on them.

But allowing the DMR to fire faster with reduced bloom while not adjusting the AR to follow suit basically obsoleted the weapon, and damaged the role of others. It might as well not exist in TU gametypes. For following a developer that made a whole presentation about lower the sniper rifle's RoF by .2 seconds from Halo 2 to Halo 3 (.5 to .7), making a gun fire a whole entire 1.5 seconds faster without taking the time to adjust the entire sandbox along with it seems irresponsible and ignorant of how game design works. When Bungie did Halo 2 1.1 they touched about every single weapon and aspect of the game, not 3 of the guns and two powerups.

In short, more bloom on the AR would be fine, but it has to work within the rest of the sandbox. If you make it too bloomy then the shotgun is more useful at midrange than an assault rifle. Maybe if it had some sort of sticky bloom where burst fire is the best, holding the trigger down for longer is pretty decent, but after about half the clip the bloom starts taking off and goes to shit would work.

Unfortunately we got the "out of scope" excuse to actually doing something sane and locking the DMR's firing rate, and they seem unwilling to issue TU gametypes that have no bleedthrough or a RoF locked normal Reach pistol (they can change the pistol's RoF, at least). It comes across as half-assed and half-finished. Maybe they can make the Halo 4 BR behave like the Halo 1 pistol - autofires if the trigger is held down, but reduces it's spread if you pulse the trigger.

Also, I enjoy people raging after I kill them with the AR.



The AR sucks compared to the Pistol in Reach, and it has bleedthrough, even in Bungie settings. Maybe you're thinking of Halo 3?

It doesn't suck. It sucks in the sense that it's fucking boring to use but it's not a bad weapon. Bloom hardly has an effect on it. Your reticle doesn't even have to fully be on a person to cause damage. It has an obscene amount of ammo per clip/magazine. It has stopping power unlike the pistol. It's bad enough that you're slow enough in the game just walking around but when you get hit you may as well be walking through thigh high mud thanks to that.... Not to mention it also shakes the screen like crazy too. As if the bloom, recoil, and small ammo clip on the pistol aren't bad enough now you have to deal with that too while in combat. It's not even a CQC weapon. The range on that thing is stupid. You can shoot at people from across most of the mid sized maps and kill them.

Jump into Multi Team. I don't have as big a problem with it in BTB or even TS sized games but in the one playlist I prefer it's terrible. I can strafe on BTB maps because the areas are big but on these small hallway/tunnel maps that are in Multi Team like Countdown, Reflection, and Zealot it is really obnoxious. I don't have room to move around. It's just bullet hose + grenade spam in there. I get more room to manuever around in a bullet hell shump. The other day I played a game in there. My team came in last but I was postive. Pistol was my main weapon. I looked at the top team. The weapon breakdown was AR, MELEE, AR. I mean... Come on. Grenade, melee, AR spam... That's MT and it's a poor excuse for shooter gameplay. If MT had Zero Bloom settings I wouldn't complain but as a pistol user it's a mess.


Unconfirmed Member
On the fun-to-use scale, the AR might be the lowest for me. The SMG was terrible, but was also fun to dual wield in a Rambo type way. And even the plasma repeater is fun for troll killing really bad players.

I don't care if they bring the AR back for Halo 4, but I won't be crying if it's gone, either.

Edit: Fixing all my typos, lol.

OT but damn!

Mowin down folks like that Reach AR. Need .gifs.
Haha, holy shit! I love how the guy riding on the cart just lamely rolls off, while the other guy runs up, hops on, and actually does something to stop the thing.


On the fun-to-use scale, the might be the lowest for me. The SMG was terrible, but was also fun to dual wield in a Rambo type way. And even the plasma repeater is fun for troll killing really bad players.

I don't care if they the AR back for Halo 4, but I won't be crying if it's gone, either.
I fucking loved the SMG's... especially dual wielding like you said.

So good. Would take em over the AR any day.
In terms of fun factor for me and many of the people I know, the AR is in negative figures. The amount of people I know in real life who initially thought Halo sucked because it was all about running around with a AR is shocking. Even though those people never really mastered the BR, they found it fun. I would argue that the feeling of the burst fire for them was more fun than holding the trigger down. Its all subjective.

It has stopping power unlike the pistol. It's bad enough that you're slow enough in the game just walking around but when you get hit you may as well be walking through thigh high mud thanks to that.... Not to mention it also shakes the screen like crazy too. As if the bloom, recoil, and small ammo clip on the pistol aren't bad enough now you have to deal with that too while in combat. It's not even a CQC weapon. The range on that thing is stupid. You can shoot at people from across most of the mid sized maps and kill them.

Agreed with this, when your screen is shaking the Pistol is a lot harder to use, also when you Jetpack to escape from an AR once you get high enough surely a fully auto AR should stop being able to hit you with any level of consistancy? From my experience that thing has a huge range.
I got my little brother's turtle beach gaming headset, really awesome of him.

Question though: Does anyone know if you can connect the gaming headset cables and an HD cable to an xbox at the same time?
I understand the AR is 'iconic' for Halo. However, this is a new trilogy and a perfect time to clean out the chaff.

It's an incredibly unfun gun to use. Whenever I get a gametype with AR starts I groan at the inevitable search for a DMR off spawn. Saying that, I'll give Sage some praise for the inclusion of a viable pistol to accompany the AR. AR starts in Halo 3 were horrific. The pistol is back to the Reach beta levels of effectiveness in the 85% gametype.

On another note, regardless of its effect on the Needle Rifle and Pistol, can we all agree that the DMR is perfect at 85% bloom? I feel like it's the bloom level it was always supposed to be at. Go and watch vanilla Reach footage of the DMR now and the bloom looks messy and draconian.

They should have just tweaked the bloom for the pistol and DMR. I accept that it breaks the Needle Rifle. Probably should've kept no-bleed too, but overall I definitely prefer the TU gametype.
I got my little brother's turtle beach gaming headset, really awesome of him.

Question though: Does anyone know if you can connect the gaming headset cables and an HD cable to an xbox at the same time?

Yeah you can. They make an adapter, or you can remove the casing from your composite/component cables and hook them up in tandem with your HDMI cable.
No. It's still frustrating, messy, and I find myself hoping my shots will land. The difference isn't that drastic.

Would you like to see a further reduction in bloom or is it just bloom in general? Obviously I don't want bloom on the precision weapons in Halo 4 but insofar as the DMR in Reach is concerned, zero bloom is too dominant and something like 50% bloom would probably not kick in until the eighth shot. 85% feels right too me.


On another note, regardless of its effect on the Needle Rifle and Pistol, can we all agree that the DMR is perfect at 85% bloom? I feel like it's the bloom level it was always supposed to be at. Go and watch vanilla Reach footage of the DMR now and the bloom looks messy and draconian.

If 343 had used RoF locking instead, yes. But since they didn't, no, it breaks the rest of the sandbox, especially with bleedthrough active.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
booted the xbox to some purplish-pink lines going everywhere across my screen. turned it off, checked all plugs, then played forza 4 for about 20 min before i got the red rings. this is the 4th time in the past 2 weeks... i'm afraid the xbox is dying.

... it pains me to ask this, but would anyone like to hop onto reach? if my xbox 360 is going to pass on, i'd really like halo reach to be the game that kills it.

i have never felt so alone.


Think we'll get any kind of Halo 4 news before the new year? Anything? More than the occasional Fronklez pop-in "I saw something awesome at work today, but I'm not going to tell you guys what it is so kiss my ass bitches" kind of news?
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