Hydranockz said:
Damn those pics look good! Hard to tell some of the landscapes from being in game or concept art ^^ For the casual gamer that I am, I really could not care less about AA or not.
The vistas are really impressive, aren't they?
Now, speculation time.
We know, or we can safely assume, that the screenshots and in game images released are all from the same build. The released articles so far all share the same assets and describe the same encounters which are reflected in the images shown.
Right, it is also then fair to say that the screenshot showing the first person gameplay point of view is what journalists seen when they were shown the game and, again, from the same build.
The blurred out "mystery item" in the image must have clearly been visible to these journalists, as the blurring effect used seems to be added outside of the game engine, ie using Photoshop or whatever.
So whatever it is, the journalists either missed a detail completely, which is unlikely, or they seen it and were told not to mention it, which is much more likely.
The journalists also seen something in the Pause menu, the Grades and Credits bar/items, which Bungie decided not to comment on, but this was mentioned in at least one of the articles, along side information that the armour customisation spans both single and multiplayer, so we can already figure out a brief idea of what that feature is, despite not being officially told anything specific about it.
The "mystery item", if it was simply a redesign of an existing HUD feature, it would not be withheld. Likewise if it was a feature that was related to an already revealed mechanic, such as the armour abilities/customisation, then it would have probably been revealed or at least hinted at.
So logicially, or more likely as is the case here, it is probably a standalone mechanic/HUD feature in it's own right. A new element of the Reach gameplay not previously mentioned and not yet ready to be revealed.
Now someone here already pointed out a small detail which seems to be overlooked, In the same image of the mystery item was have, what seems to be a massive error or glitch visible - the aiming reticule.
Think about it logically, we know that all media assets are carefully selected internally before release. We know Bungie and the marketing team both pour over the assets to ensure that they put out only what they want in the fashion that they want. So, have Bungie and the marketing team missed a big glaring issue, highly visible and spotted by fans almost instantly? Most likely not. So, if it is not a mistake, it has to be deliberate.
The aim is closer to the Skirmisher on the left hand side. Now, focus on the radar and examine the blips, you'll find that all of the enemies on screen from the player perspective match up with the radar readings. The skirmisher on the left is elevated and isolated from the group of three on the right side.
The left sided skirmisher's blip colour is a lighter red/pink colour in contrast to the traditionally red blip colour of the enemies on the right. Again, this could be an error, a glitch, a technical oversight, but it is unlikely.
This new pink blip colour just happens to be the same enemy that the aim is hovering beside. This could be a co-incidence, but it is unlikely.
So adding it up, what do we have?
If you look at the other enemies, you can clearly see they have their backs turned away from the player as he opens fire, yet the left sided one is not. Could also be a co-incidence, but I think at this point likelihood and chances are a bit one sided.
So adding it up, what do we have?
Threat/Enemy Alert Indicator? - Enemies appear as red dots on radar, as they traditionally have, when they are not aware of your presence. Upon seeing you, their status on your radar changes to pink to indicate the enemy is now alerted to your presence, a message pops up on the HUD specifically telling you that you are now spotted and the aiming reticle quickly moves over to indicate where the enemy is.
Or it could be something completely different altogether. =P
These little bits seem to add up with just an ounce or two of jumping to conclusions and guessing to glue it together.
This mechanic would certainly help boost and aid some specific new areas of Reach gameplay that we already know about, such as the Camo ability and the assassinations.
At this time, we are terribly lacking more first person perspective screenshots and again I think this is deliberate too. The one image we have I think speaks a few words more than what first appears and I'm sure I could debunk this guesswork or confirm it with more screenshots from the gameplay perspective.
Looks like some of you have beaten me to the punch regarding some/most of my guesswork. Cretins.