We saw a lame but totally senseless sequence with a whole horde Warthog who pulled out with the Hornets and met with an equally huge army of Covenant vehicles (think huge Halo Wars, conflicts, you who played it). Which led to a completely senseless battle in which blasted Banshees crashed straight into the running Warthog with an insane metal massacre as a result, and many other things that are far away from it a bit leisurely pace we have become used to the Halo games.
Warthog has long been my absolute favorite vehicle to drive, regardless of action games. According to Bungie so it has long sought, without success, to get an equivalent in the air. Simply a really fun flight vehicle you can drive around in just because it's so damn fun. The solution to the problem hoping it is called Falcon. A new ship that was on Reach, which most closely resembles a mini helicopter. Where can a run and sit and shoot tripod mounted machine guns. Although I doubt a success as Warthog, see it spontaneously like that actually got into something that far exceeds Hornets and Banshees in entertainment value.