NullPointer said:
I don't want to derail the thread but lets just say that I disagree that those extremes are the only options.
I can't believe I'm this interested in Reach info this far from release. This is going to be one long ass wait til the beta.
Also don't mean to derail the thread but to be honest we
are wishing for and speculating here. That's what this thread is all about.
I'm only stating the extremes to prove my point. Sure, you could change a few weapons. Maybe change the shotgun so that it also a rifle/carbine. The rifle would have very little ammo but would shoot pretty far.
That would change the balance to appease the CQC players that hate being sniped and it would be great if you have no sniper of your own and are pinned somewhere.
But it would produce an overpowered all purpose weapon and remove some of the variety from the game. I wouldn't mind that for just one or two weapons if they had a very limited secondary function.
But in order to completely settle the imbalance of long range weapons only being able to kill at both long and short range but short range weapons only in short you would have to make a change like this with every weapon.
Or, a much more viable solution would be to slow the long range weapons' rates of fire so that they are much less effective against a CQC weapon in CQC.
Though I doubt this would help
that much. Players will still be getting lucky with their first shot and plenty people are competent enough to only need the one.
It gets rid of a percentage of the luck involved because you'll fire off less shots in a bout but more so it will piss off the people that are good with said weapon; the sniper is a slow enough shot as is and sometimes you really need to fire off a few shots quickly when sniping.
It just wouldn't be fair to nerf it like that just for the sake of CQC players.
tl;dr: I'm not saying nothing could be done but the cons far outweigh the pros for me.
You'd end up either screwing over one party just to please another or completely ruin the weapon balance.