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Halo Reach Reveal Thread - Matchmaking/Multiplayer Details Revealed


op_ivy said:
i'm aware of all of that, but i also am not going to set myself up for disappointment. i really do hope they pull off the cinematics INCREDIBLE lighting in game as well, but i'm not holding my breath

That's a great way to live your life.

You'll never really be disappointed at anything


squidhands said:
Unless he's wanting to be disappointed; then he'll be really disappointed that he wasn't as disappointed as he'd hoped to be.

The lack of disappointment would disappoint him.
NullPointer said:
Seems that "its a game" and "realism/truth to game fiction" are both used interchangeably to win whatever argument is desired, with no rhyme or reason.

True enough, but what Dax wanted was a gun that defied its definition. There is a definite reason for a shotgun not being able to kill at long range and that is in the way it functions.
I understand that he wanted balance between long and short range but it wouldn't work with guns with such as the shotgun or bullet hose and so the only way to even it out is to say 'Oh, well... the sniper is not allowed to kill unless he's at least this far away' which is major bullshit.

Either that or you go with the 'it's a game so screw realism' option and you'd be left with having to enable all guns to kill at both long and short range else the arguement against the inbalance would still hold.
In doing so, you've just managed to suck all the variety and fun out of gameplay.
There's some reasoning for you. :)

The solution is not to nerf the sniper or to turn the shotgun into an ungodly monster that defies belief but is simply... to become a better player.


FUCK. My Xbox has a E68 Error. WTFFF out of warranty... FML. Not even Marcus Lehto's voice can calm me down now.

False alarm, I think it's fixed. Just reattached the HDD.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Smaller clip counts/delays between shots of the sniper sound fun. Being useless with the gun will mean that those shits killing me with it will find it harder to do so, which is win, for me.
DiabolicalBagel said:
The solution is not to nerf the sniper or to turn the shotgun into an ungodly monster that defies belief but is simply... to become a better player.
I don't want to derail the thread but lets just say that I disagree that those extremes are the only options.

I can't believe I'm this interested in Reach info this far from release. This is going to be one long ass wait til the beta.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
NullPointer said:
This is going to be one long ass wait til the beta.

It's not even Spring yet. =( Spring lasts until the end of May and it looks like, from the speculation and whatnot, it will be at the end of May when the Beta goes live. It's still up in the air however. =(


It doesn't sound like much at first, but it means that literary the whole screens will be overflowing with action. We got to see an unfinished, but completely outrageous sequence with a swarm of Warthogs going forward with Hornets to meet up an almost as large army of Covenant vehicles (think of the enormous Halo Wars battles). The showdown was immense as smoking Banshees crashed down into Warthogs on the move, resulting in a mind blowing metal massacre. It was a far cry from the pedestrian pace we have gotten used to in previous Halo games.

Marcus Lehto got my message, but felt it was an unfair comparison. All of them are action games, but those games are more limited. You cannot take a Banshee at any time and fly across the whole level, and see all of the action in minute detail. The levels in Halo: reach are much bigger the in previous Halo titles and also allow co-operative action for four players. Add to this the fact that everything is recorded while you play, so that you can pause the game at any time, view what you have played, edit your own movies and capture stills.
So 4 player co-op confirmed? And you can pause at any point in mid-game and rewind/record right then and there, and then edit a movie together? o_O


dresses business casual
-Yeti said:
The only thing I want Bungie to borrow from CoD is the Challenge system. I really like being rewarded extra XP for pulling off some crazy kill, or just getting a certain amount of kills with a weapon. I think it could work pretty well for Reach.

Hell no! I do not want +100, +500, +10000's popping up all over my screen. Firefight was bad enough. I don't need that in my MP.


Ironborn said:
i don't think the blomkamp shorts had needlers in them, you're probably thinking of spikers
You're right, my bad. Either way I imagine 1 foot needles to act the same as 1 foot spikes.

About Dax's balance point, I agree to an extent. If the Shotgun, a weapon designed to be effective at close quarters combat is balanced to be ineffective at long ranges, why doesn't the sniper also fall under such balance restrictions. Yet the problem remains that the shotgun is one of those weapons that doesn't require what most would refer to as "skill". It is a weapon that has a wide spread, therefore being effective at closer quarters, however the sniper rifle, with it's tight spread, is less effective at shorter ranges. However, as is the laws of physics, the sniper is still potentially a viable close quarters weapon due to its characteristics as a weapon, where the shotgun is not so versatile.

So you can't really blame Bungie on this one, the sniper will always be a much more viable option at close range than the shotgun is at longer distances. You can't defy physics.

In this regard it seems Bungie have made the right decision by increasing the interval between shots, providing a greater risk at closer quarters as the missed shot will have a greater penalty on the user. Additionally, the skilled player will not be penalised of course, because they never miss shots. Balance 101, provided by Bungle.

I hope Reach will have greater video editing tools. I would optimistically like to create a montage of great moments, without having to export my clips to Final Cut Pro, instead with simple editing tools facilitated in Theatre mode.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Lehto's commentary video was awesome. Some more UNSC weapons yet to be unveiled, sweet.

But where are the gameplay videos? We need to see this game in motion.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Kibbles said:



So 4 player co-op confirmed? And you can pause at any point in mid-game and rewind/record right then and there, and then edit a movie together? o_O

Sounds more like theatre mode, we already received confirmation on multiplayer feature parity and theatre mode was also assumed in parity and this confirms it.

Now, they just need to confirm Forge parity and go into detail about it...

Everyone is gone. Dead. No signs of life. Something terrible has happened here. It's more than just an angry group of separatist, whose only wish is that UNSC leave their planet alone. This is when the battle begins. It's intense, it's hard to see the enemy as they bounce between walls, jump off roofs and run up the streets.

Halo players will quickly identify Jackals with their shields, and the grunts of the Grunts, but they will have a harder time placing the jumping enemies. But the Spartans have no idea what they are up against. This takes place before Halo: Combat Evolved, an Covenants are still something that belongs in outer space. When the battle is over it is with ill concealed disgust the officer in charge Carter, notes that it isn't humans they have fought, but Covenants.

So is Carter so thick headed that he can't tell if he is fighting humans or Covenant until the battle is over? :lol

And I preferred the Google translation to the official one. It's slightly less horrible. Wish I could read the original article as intended but c'est la vie.


oh god listening to Lehto right now. So cash. So awesome. Warthog rebuilt from the ground up. And, if I'm hearing this right, the "new cool things" will be part of the Multiplayer Beta. Gonna be so cash.
Not a Jellyfish said:
Several people on here have said they "heard" Reach would use some Natal functionality but I never read that anywhere or remember Bungie ever mentioning it. I really don't think t will have any Natal function at all. It is just somethign that sems to risky for Bungie to use on what is looking to be their last Halo for at least a while.

The only thing that makes sense is what some people said how it could use head tracking for aiming, that could be intresting but could also fail. I pray to god it is nothing like FPS games on the Wii. Turning in Red Steel was a nightmare, especially for multiplayer.
Harold Ryan aka Bungie President in Seattle Times said:
Q: If Natal came out at the same time as Halo Reach next fall, it could help make the new hardware platform, similar to the way Halo established the first Xbox.

A:: Absolutely.

Q: Could Halo Reach be Natal-enabled?

A: I absolutely think Reach could be enabled with it. Historically we've looked at lots of different control methods for the Halo games. Certainly other stuff from Microsoft - new controller layouts, we always work on them and everything else. One of the problems with the Halo games is we've got whatever it is, 8 or 10 million or 12 million people who have played and liked the game ... a lot of the ones who are playing it all the time are very attached to their control scheme and they're the most vocal group. We couldn't do anything that would hurt the state of what people love as we implement new controls.

Source: Seattle Times: Bungie chief on ODST, Halo 4, Natal and being ex-Microsoft. Written on June 29, 2009

Yes it absolutely has been mentioned with Bungle toying with the idea of Natal and Reach. That's where people got the message from in the first place!

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
As soon as the meter fills up you can go invisible. The effect looks a bit different and it also works slightly differently. You knock out the radar of everyone in the vicinity, which works both ways according to Bungie. Your opponent will have a harder time spotting you, but he will also be aware that there is an invisible foe close by.

This is news to me, I knew your own radar was jammed but I didn't know everyone else's was too. Sounds like they found a good way of using radar jamming this time. It will certainly make for some interesting times in multiplayer.


Domino Theory said:
Lehto's commentary video was awesome. Some more UNSC weapons yet to be unveiled, sweet.

But where are the gameplay videos? We need to see this game in motion.
This time infinity and one.
NullPointer said:
I don't want to derail the thread but lets just say that I disagree that those extremes are the only options.

I can't believe I'm this interested in Reach info this far from release. This is going to be one long ass wait til the beta.

Also don't mean to derail the thread but to be honest we are wishing for and speculating here. That's what this thread is all about.

I'm only stating the extremes to prove my point. Sure, you could change a few weapons. Maybe change the shotgun so that it also a rifle/carbine. The rifle would have very little ammo but would shoot pretty far.
That would change the balance to appease the CQC players that hate being sniped and it would be great if you have no sniper of your own and are pinned somewhere.
But it would produce an overpowered all purpose weapon and remove some of the variety from the game. I wouldn't mind that for just one or two weapons if they had a very limited secondary function.

But in order to completely settle the imbalance of long range weapons only being able to kill at both long and short range but short range weapons only in short you would have to make a change like this with every weapon.

Or, a much more viable solution would be to slow the long range weapons' rates of fire so that they are much less effective against a CQC weapon in CQC.
Though I doubt this would help that much. Players will still be getting lucky with their first shot and plenty people are competent enough to only need the one.
It gets rid of a percentage of the luck involved because you'll fire off less shots in a bout but more so it will piss off the people that are good with said weapon; the sniper is a slow enough shot as is and sometimes you really need to fire off a few shots quickly when sniping.
It just wouldn't be fair to nerf it like that just for the sake of CQC players.

tl;dr: I'm not saying nothing could be done but the cons far outweigh the pros for me.
You'd end up either screwing over one party just to please another or completely ruin the weapon balance.

big ander

squidhands said:
Pure awesome. Thank you GI and Lehto.

DiabolicalBagel said:
Do want

gibonez said:
yea change is always good.

Hope they change it up alot more though, its time they move away from the trilogy and start from scratch.
I disagree with this. I want Reach to be the comprehensive Halo game. The best of the trilogy with some twists. Not a completely different game.

Cerrius said:
I like what I'm seeing so far.

Bungie has undoubtedly been influenced by Infinity Ward. The inclusion of a perk system in Reach, the EXP system they patched into Halo 3, etc. etc.

Change is good but I still want Halo to play like Halo. I can't wait to to try out the beta and see how it plays (and looks).

I already know for sure I'll be using the sprint ability :lol
Right, I want some change, but I still want to play Halo, not a different game.
Also, the EXP system added in Autoupdate 2 wasn't really COD-related at all. All it did was modify the EXP system that was already in place so that people also have playlist rankings. It was still a win=1xp loss=0xp system, just more specific. It still didn't have anything to do with in-game performance.

-Yeti said:
The only thing I want Bungie to borrow from CoD is the Challenge system. I really like being rewarded extra XP for pulling off some crazy kill, or just getting a certain amount of kills with a weapon. I think it could work pretty well for Reach.
I think challenges in the form of achievements are enough. I don't want people playing the game differently for its entire lifetime just so they can complete a challenge and gain a skill level or something like that.

Domino Theory said:
Lehto's commentary video was awesome. Some more UNSC weapons yet to be unveiled, sweet.

But where are the gameplay videos? We need to see this game in motion.
Seriously this. I need some moving frames to dissect.

MajorWilliams said:
Source: Seattle Times: Bungie chief on ODST, Halo 4, Natal and being ex-Microsoft. Written on June 29, 2009

Yes it absolutely has been mentioned with Bungle toying with the idea of Natal and Reach. That's where people got the message from in the first place!
I can only see Natal features in Reach being optional, because Natal releases Q4 and Reach comes in Fall. So I don't care or mind.


Dani said:
What do you mean by new versions? If you mean new models, certainly, if you mean new enemy types ala Skirmishers, then no.
I wouldn't go that far. Bungie has so far shown a handful of new weapons, a couple of the armor abilities, and one new enemy variant. It's a sampler platter of the new stuff, and certainly doesn't preclude new variants of the other Covenant. I'd be shocked if the other enemies don't have new variants, or a new type introduced. In particular, Elites.

I also want to see the new Hunters. Those fuckers have gotten more beastly with every Halo game (and chased me around forever in ODST's campaign), so can't wait to see what they've evolved into. And Bungie has made a point of saying that the configuration we're familiar with is just one of many the Lekgolo can take. I think we're ripe for a new variant there.


Reach would be awesome if it borrowed some things from Mw2, mainly the game winning cam.

Game winning cams and showing the person who you just killed would be awesome in Reach.

Reach's multiplayer should also borrow heavily from Battlefield Bad Company 2, rush mode , team slayer, big team battle, and the rest of the Halo 3 modes just don't cut it anymore.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
GhaleonEB said:
I wouldn't go that far. Bungie has so far shown a handful of new weapons, a couple of the armor abilities, and one new enemy variant. It's a sampler platter of the new stuff, and certainly doesn't preclude new variants of the other Covenant. I'd be shocked if the other enemies don't have new variants, or a new type introduced. In particular, Elites.

I also want to see the new Hunters. Those fuckers have gotten more beastly with every Halo game (and chased me around forever in ODST's campaign), so can't wait to see what they've evolved into. And Bungie has made a point of saying that the configuration we're familiar with is just one of many the Lekgolo can take. I think we're ripe for a new variant there.

Yes, Hunters, I had forgotten about them completely. The Scarabs were a breath-taking new addition to the hunter family (technically speaking), it would be wonderful to have something new for Reach.

Like how the Skirmishers are all wiped out in Reach, I'm sure they could throw another few wildcards at us that we are not expecting. However, I like to remain rooted and keep expectations dialled down. It makes the surprises that bit more special in the end.

gibonez said:
Reach would be awesome if it borrowed some things from Mw2, mainly the game winning cam.

Game winning cams and showing the person who you just killed would be awesome in Reach.

Reach's multiplayer should also borrow heavily from Battlefield Bad Company 2, rush mode , team slayer, big team battle, and the rest of the Halo 3 modes just don't cut it anymore.

People demanding Halo copy MW features is getting pretty stale at this point, although I will admit the killcam is rather nifty and I wouldn't mind seeing it in Reach, although I'm not going to lose any sleep if it's not there.

And seriously, stop attempting to shit up Halo 3's multiplayer modes. Many of us still play Halo 3 online and the modes are still fun. The fact that people have made Halo 3 Live's most played game three years in a row also proves the love hasn't died down either.

Whilst I would welcome any and all new multiplayer modes, I do hope they keep the majority of the popular modes from Halo 3 if Reach's multiplayer dynamics support them.


The most impressive thing I've seen so far from the game is the Characters and enemy Models and the new gun Model.
Don't get me wrong, I think the game looks pretty cool but these are things that really impressed me.
DiabolicalBagel said:
tl;dr: I'm not saying nothing could be done but the cons far outweigh the pros for me.
You'd end up either screwing over one party just to please another or completely ruin the weapon balance.
Personally, I think a combination of no reticle + a more randomized no scope shot direction (so you can't just put a piece of tape in the center of the screen for no-scopes) would make snipers far less effective at close range. Secondary fire modes on weapons could also help with these kinds of shortcomings.

But if somebody has time to pull up the scope on their sniper and nail you in CQC you kinda deserve to get killed. I understand what you guys are saying about the physics behind these guns, I guess I tend to fall more into the balance over fiction/realism scale of things, and just thought that Dax made a good point, even if its hard as hell to get it right.


You like me, you really really like me!
I'm definitely stoked to try out the DMR.

Ever since I saw the Halo 2 E32K3 trailer I've always wanted to try out that single shot BR featured in the demo. I loved how fucking vicious it sounded. Monster.

I hope the DMR doesn't sound like a fisher price toy like most Halo 3 guns do.

Halo 3 BR: pew pew pew



plz Bungie
Dani said:
People demanding Halo copy MW features is getting pretty stale at this point, although I will admit the killcam is rather nifty and I wouldn't mind seeing it in Reach, although I'm not going to lose any sleep if it's not there.
I always figured Halo had a MUCH better solution to the killcam, and that's saved films. Being able to see exactly how an opponent played throughout an entire match is one damn cool feature.

It doesn't help to eliminate a camper, but I don't see that as much as an issue in Halo as in other games.


I just hope this game gets a full customizable options. Also, I know it isn't bungie style to "technically" copy other developers, but a "PERK" system wouldn't hurt the series.

The game is going to be TOP notch without a doubt. Bungie never fails! :)


NullPointer said:
I always figured Halo had a MUCH better solution to the killcam, and that's saved films. Being able to see exactly how an opponent played throughout an entire match is one damn cool feature.

It doesn't help to eliminate a camper, but I don't see that as much as an issue in Halo as in other games.
I think the greatest thing about Halo is that you can't really effectively camp with anything but a shotgun. Snipers leave bigass vapour trails that your team can track to the sniper, if you can't. In Call of Duty, many weapons in their sandbox mean camping could become a huge problem. The killcam is a solution to address that specific problem. Halo doesn't really have that problem, so it would be silly to fix what isn't broken.

But there is a chance that the players will be able to detach their cams after death, a la ODST's firefight, so you could be even more valuable to your team, being able to scout out enemy locations, check power weapons, and get a view of the battle before you respawn.

big ander

MakgSnake said:
I just hope this game gets a full customizable options. Also, I know it isn't bungie style to "technically" copy other developers, but a "PERK" system wouldn't hurt the series.

The game is going to be TOP notch without a doubt. Bungie never fails! :)
I wouldn't expect a perk system. The armor add-ons are like reusable equipment. I'm thinking that's as close to perks as we will get.
And with the armor add-ons, how could perks even be shoehorned in?
I guess I just don't understand why armor add-ons aren't enough already.
Arnie said:
About Dax's balance point, I agree to an extent. If the Shotgun, a weapon designed to be effective at close quarters combat is balanced to be ineffective at long ranges, why doesn't the sniper also fall under such balance restrictions. Yet the problem remains that the shotgun is one of those weapons that doesn't require what most would refer to as "skill". It is a weapon that has a wide spread, therefore being effective at closer quarters, however the sniper rifle, with it's tight spread, is less effective at shorter ranges. However, as is the laws of physics, the sniper is still potentially a viable close quarters weapon due to its characteristics as a weapon, where the shotgun is not so versatile.

Alright, keep in mind this information is coming from an experienced hunter and competition shooter. The maximun range of 12 gauge shotgun with a slug (a slug, for the uninformed is basically a huge ass bullet rigged to fire in a shotgun) is about 100 yards. You do not use a slug in Halo because there is an obvious spread to the shot. The maximun distance to break a clay disk is 60 yards. The maximun distance to kill a deer is 45 yards. It's safe to say that you could kill a human at 45 yards or maybe even further.
Now, the distance to kill an armored enemy? Less than 15 yards. Honestly, a shotgun shooting buckshot couldn't even penetrate a Spartan's armor and shield. Law enforcement use 12 gauge slug shots, which could most certainly kill an armored target and then some. But, again, this is not the case in Halo because you are using buckshot, not a slug.

Now for a .50 cal sniper rifle. If you are shot by it at 1,000 yards, your head explodes. If you are wearing a kevlar helmet and you are shot by a sniper rifle at 1,000 yards, your head explodes. If you are shot by a sniper rifle at 5 yards, your head explodes. Getting shot by a shotgun at over 100 yards is like being pelted with hail or bird shit. This argument is retarded.
Stormtrooper30 said:
Now for a .50 cal sniper rifle. If you are shot by it at 1,000 yards, your head explodes. If you are wearing a kevlar helmet and you are shot by a sniper rifle at 1,000 yards, your head explodes. If you are shot by a sniper rifle at 5 yards, your head explodes. Getting shot by a shotgun at over 100 yards is like being pelted with hail or bird shit. This argument is retarded.
The argument isn't about realism, its about balance.
Stormtrooper30 said:
Alright, keep in mind this information is coming from an experienced hunter and competition shooter. The maximun range of 12 gauge shotgun with a slug (a slug, for the uninformed is basically a huge ass bullet rigged to fire in a shotgun) is about 100 yards. You do not use a slug in Halo because there is an obvious spread to the shot. The maximun distance to break a clay disk is 60 yards. The maximun distance to kill a deer is 45 yards. It's safe to say that you could kill a human at 45 yards or maybe even further.
Now, the distance to kill an armored enemy? Less than 15 yards. Honestly, a shotgun shooting buckshot couldn't even penetrate a Spartan's armor and shield. Law enforcement use 12 gauge slug shots, which could most certainly kill an armored target and then some. But, again, this is not the case in Halo because you are using buckshot, not a slug.

Now for a .50 cal sniper rifle. If you are shot by it at 1,000 yards, your head explodes. If you are wearing a kevlar helmet and you are shot by a sniper rifle at 1,000 yards, your head explodes. If you are shot by a sniper rifle at 5 yards, your head explodes. Getting shot by a shotgun at over 100 yards is like being pelted with hail or bird shit. This argument is retarded.

:lol :lol :lol Couldn't have said it better myself.

Besides, NullPointer, balance has already been discussed. It's on to realism now and this statement is perfect.


Stormtrooper30 said:
Alright, keep in mind this information is coming from an experienced hunter and competition shooter. The maximun range of 12 gauge shotgun with a slug (a slug, for the uninformed is basically a huge ass bullet rigged to fire in a shotgun) is about 100 yards. You do not use a slug in Halo because there is an obvious spread to the shot. The maximun distance to break a clay disk is 60 yards. The maximun distance to kill a deer is 45 yards. It's safe to say that you could kill a human at 45 yards or maybe even further.
Now, the distance to kill an armored enemy? Less than 15 yards. Honestly, a shotgun shooting buckshot couldn't even penetrate a Spartan's armor and shield. Law enforcement use 12 gauge slug shots, which could most certainly kill an armored target and then some. But, again, this is not the case in Halo because you are using buckshot, not a slug.

Now for a .50 cal sniper rifle. If you are shot by it at 1,000 yards, your head explodes. If you are wearing a kevlar helmet and you are shot by a sniper rifle at 1,000 yards, your head explodes. If you are shot by a sniper rifle at 5 yards, your head explodes. Getting shot by a shotgun at over 100 yards is like being pelted with hail or bird shit. This argument is retarded.
But that's not fair.
<----Dax's argument

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Some notable games on tap: "Alan Wake," "Crackdown 2," "Fable III," "Halo: Reach," "Splinter Cell Conviction," "Final Fantasy XII" and more. (And I'm sure all y'all gamers know today's the day "Mass Effect 2" hits shelves.")

Video footage coming on 11th Feb at MS X10 event?


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.


Stormtrooper30 said:
Alright, keep in mind this information is coming from an experienced hunter and competition shooter. The maximun range of 12 gauge shotgun with a slug (a slug, for the uninformed is basically a huge ass bullet rigged to fire in a shotgun) is about 100 yards. You do not use a slug in Halo because there is an obvious spread to the shot. The maximun distance to break a clay disk is 60 yards. The maximun distance to kill a deer is 45 yards. It's safe to say that you could kill a human at 45 yards or maybe even further.
Now, the distance to kill an armored enemy? Less than 15 yards. Honestly, a shotgun shooting buckshot couldn't even penetrate a Spartan's armor and shield. Law enforcement use 12 gauge slug shots, which could most certainly kill an armored target and then some. But, again, this is not the case in Halo because you are using buckshot, not a slug.

Now for a .50 cal sniper rifle. If you are shot by it at 1,000 yards, your head explodes. If you are wearing a kevlar helmet and you are shot by a sniper rifle at 1,000 yards, your head explodes. If you are shot by a sniper rifle at 5 yards, your head explodes. Getting shot by a shotgun at over 100 yards is like being pelted with hail or bird shit. This argument is retarded.

You mean... Team Dax is a lie?!
NullPointer said:
Here we go again.

Realism Defense Force Assemble!
Well I've already given plenty explanation as to why it would kill the balance, might as well point out how unbelievably retarded and impossible it is now.

Gui_PT said:
You mean... Team Dax is a lie?!
Well, only the shotgun version. PP and sandtrap is still a go.
One change i would like to see is with the SpLazer. I would like it to have a shorter recharge time yet less ammo. This way it is easier to use but you are left with the dilema of shooting down a foe easily or saving the precious ammo for important vehicle kills instead of someone picking a high point and lazering everyone from a mile away.

I think this way it becomes more of an Anti-Vehicle like its supposed to be instead of feeling free to kill anyone you want with it.

I heard other posts about tire popping. It would be cool if it wasnt 1 shot pop GTA style, that would be far too easy but it would be good if it was like a 4 shot pop on the wathog. It would allow people to go against vehicles with a gun man, especially the gauss. But having to shoot the tire multiple times will make it so that the vehicle isnt useless and still appealing to use since 4 or more shots on 1 tire isnt super easy when the vehicle is driving all over the place.
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