Very good. Now for video so we can see the actual status of AA.Louis Wu said:If you want high-quality 1920x1080 versions of those screens, go here:
Seems like there's at least one new one:
Edit: nm, that was in the Gamereactor dump, I just missed it.
Aha! I've (potentially) found a clue on the Bnet screenshot thumnail page. If you scroll your mouse over the thumnail of this image, on page 2, upper right-hand corner, some text appears: "To the Left." Now, given how that marker is red, to the left, and seems to be pointing towards the skirmisher (who is also to the left), this marker seems to not be a reticule, but some sort of alert indicator as others have suggested in this thread.Louis Wu said:If you want high-quality 1920x1080 versions of those screens, go here:
Seems like there's at least one new one:
Edit: nm, that was in the Gamereactor dump, I just missed it.
gibonez said:Reach would be awesome if it borrowed some things from Mw2, mainly the game winning cam.
Game winning cams and showing the person who you just killed would be awesome in Reach.
Reach's multiplayer should also borrow heavily from Battlefield Bad Company 2, rush mode , team slayer, big team battle, and the rest of the Halo 3 modes just don't cut it anymore.
Dax01 said:Aha! I've (potentially) found a clue on the Bnet screenshot thumnail page. If you scroll your mouse over the thumnail of this image, on page 2, upper right-hand corner, some text appears: "To the Left." Now, given how that marker is red, to the left, and seems to be pointing towards the skirmisher (who is also to the left), this marker seems to not be a reticule, but some sort of alert indicator as others have suggested in this thread.
Dani said:And I'm growing increasingly certain about the threat indicator theory.
If it was on display to the press and they haven't mentioned it, it must be a pretty important new element that they are keeping quiet about.
"I'd like you to meet a boy called Emilo"Major Williams said:Yes it absolutely has been mentioned with Bungle toying with the idea of Natal and Reach. That's where people got the message from in the first place!
Exactly... armor add-ons aren't going to be enough. I believe it is only going to effect how much damage you can take and will probably slow you down if more or heavy armor is used (Rainbow Six Style).big ander said:I wouldn't expect a perk system. The armor add-ons are like reusable equipment. I'm thinking that's as close to perks as we will get.
And with the armor add-ons, how could perks even be shoehorned in?
I guess I just don't understand why armor add-ons aren't enough already.
Bungie's all about options. Even if this is what it is, I'd be shocked that there wouldn't be an option in the game to turn them off.Letters said:God I hope not, seems like such a distracting, annoying and unnecessary thing to implement. I'm totally hoping it's a reticule bug in that screen.
Flipyap said:*Oonsk'd*
But they sure force lots of stuff on us like audio volumes, AR starts and button configurations.Dax01 said:Bungie's all about options. Even if this is what it is, I'd be shocked that there wouldn't be an option in the game to turn them off.
Flipyap said:
MakgSnake said:Bungie needs to realize that Call of Duty type of FPS has taken over and they need to evolve their own game.
Flipyap said:"I'd like you to meet a boy called Emilo"[img][/QUOTE]
that british chick was hot
Dani said:Video footage coming on 11th Feb at MS X10 event?
Warrant Officer
Full Name: XXX, JUN
(P)MOS: 180B
* Service #: S-266
* Enlistment Date: CLASSIFIED
* Location: CLASSIFIED
* Gender: MALE
* Birth Date: 28/02/2524
* Location: Crisium City, Naniwa
Rock solid under pressure. Better than he has any right to be, but at least he isnt cockywhich is a good thing because hes chatty. This does tend to put him at odds with noise discipline protocolshis behavior in this regard is often overlooked by the other operators in the field because of the informational bent of his chatter.
During mandatory psychiatric evaluation [15/12/2549] it was noted by XXX that S-266 had an unhealthy emotional detachment in regards to the consequences of his actions I can only suggest that this was done without any metric by which to measure said detachment. By my estimation Jun is a rationalist. He is also a Spartan.
Although it is noted in his medical records that he has exhibited symptoms of PTSD in the past there have been no indications of a relapse post-therapy [05/01/2550].
Background image:Dani said:
Armor is fully customizable in campaign; it's uniform through MP and Campaign in Reach.Karram said:I wish I can play with different character models in the single player(same way as Uncharted 2)
Dani said:
They're both snipers, but that seems to be the only similarity.Lunchbox said:that reads like romeo from odst
Rock solid under pressure. Better than he has any right to be, but at least he isnt cockywhich is a good thing because hes chatty. This does tend to put him at odds with noise discipline protocolshis behavior in this regard is often overlooked by the other operators in the field because of the informational bent of his chatter.
During mandatory psychiatric evaluation [15/12/2549] it was noted by XXX that S-266 had an unhealthy emotional detachment in regards to the consequences of his actions I can only suggest that this was done without any metric by which to measure said detachment. By my estimation Jun is a rationalist. He is also a Spartan.
Although it is noted in his medical records that he has exhibited symptoms of PTSD in the past there have been no indications of a relapse post-therapy [05/01/2550].
Romeo sees his true vocation as a ladies man. But just because hes a lover doesnt mean he cant be a fighterand a damned fine one at that. He keeps his gear clean, his suit looking sharp, and his body lean and strong. He may not be a shining example of the UNSC off the battlefield, but on it he is a consummate combatant.
Just because I am new at the forums means that I am junior? I believe being a gamer for over 23 years doesn't really count eh!Dani said:I love how this junior thinks he knows what Bungie needs to do.
This is the second time today I have said this.
Instead of repeatedly asking for MW2 features, you'd be better playing MW2 and petitioning it's developers for features on the inevitable sequel than making baseless demands for the Halo series.
Hold RB to ride brokebackMerguson said:Fixed.ShinAmano said:If I am able to hitch a ride with this "ambient wildlife" then I will be happy.
Flipyap said:"I'd like you to meet a boy called Emilo"[img][/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Major Williams]There Will Be Jaggies
Return of the Jaggies
It's there even in a screen-capped, high-resolution, then AA-ed after the fact image.[/QUOTE]
Things that make me not care about minuscule jaggies you found:
1) It's still Halo. I'll have fun.
2) It's pre-alpha.
3) I trust Bungie.
Lets wait to get our hands on the game.
[QUOTE=Domino Theory]Judging from the Elite concept art, dual-wielding is in?[/QUOTE]
Also saw this in the Lehto video:
Duals confirmed?
Beaten, but that sounds exactly like Romeo.Dani said:
EDIT: Seeing the descriptions side-by-side Ghaleon is right. Jun is chatty, but rational and still a Spartan. Romeo is a chatty and cocky ladies man. I see the differences.
No blood type? Useless.Dani said:
GhaleonEB said:They're both snipers, but that seems to be the only similarity.
That's the rules. =PMakgSnake said:Just because I am new at the forums means that I am junior?
MakgSnake said:Just like how they implemented Firefight more in ODST, which was inspired by the Horde mode (GEARS), and Nazi Zombie Mode (WaW). They even mentioned it in their interview that they love those modes and wanted something like that for the Halo universe and so thats why Firefight was created.
If they were snipers who cared about the consequence of their actions, well, they shouldn't be snipers. I think not giving a shit is probably a requisite for the job. :lolLunchbox said:both talkative and doesnt care about consequences ...... and snipers
bet he gets hit by a hammer
Popeck said:Well they haven't actually organized those events since... 2006? Seattle Gamefest is held on February the 10th & 11th. I seriously doubt there will be new video footage of Reach, it isn't massive enough event.
EDIT: Okay, so this will actually be a X10 event held on San Francisco. Interesting. It seems like Gamefest is also held on that day:
I also ran into kylej in Team Mythic today. Sorry for the bad connections but we are playing from Finland =P Our team was pretty fucked up because half of our team hadn't played Utah Mambo before. We almost had the flag on the second round but a teammate managed to kill two of us right on the flag. It was refreshing to have a pretty intensive and competetive match on a social playlist, good game.
Dani said:MakgSnake said:Just because I am new at the forums means that I am junior?
Actually, it does. =P
MakgSnake said:Just like how they implemented Firefight more in ODST, which was inspired by the Horde mode (GEARS), and Nazi Zombie Mode (WaW). They even mentioned it in their interview that they love those modes and wanted something like that for the Halo universe and so thats why Firefight was created.
Where did you read this? I've read that Firefight was an idea they couldn't finalise in time for Halo 3 and it was left on the cutting room floor until ODST started up development, which was soon after.
If this was the case, and there's no reason to assume that the original Firefight concept was originally inspired by GOW/COD modes at all.
It's natural that games within a genre will share similar trends and features however it's another matter altogether for one developer to take an entire function from another's game and place into their own. And Bungie really haven't been copying other folks other than doing their own thing with development.
Things like saved films, theatre, forge and even Firefight are great examples of Bungie doing their on thing within the Halo framework, even if they do display occasional influences from other games, the end product is usually very distinctly their own.
Popeck said:I also ran into kylej in Team Mythic today. Sorry for the bad connections but we are playing from Finland =P Our team was pretty fucked up because half of our team hadn't played Utah Mambo before. We almost had the flag on the second round but a teammate managed to kill two of us right on the flag. It was refreshing to have a pretty intensive and competetive match on a social playlist, good game.
Yep.Botolf said:So is the Skirmisher a variant of the standard Jackal? Looks damn sweet, whatever it is.
I think what you mean is gameinformer.Kapura said:Noble Team Profile #1: Carter (from Gameinformer)
Graphic with info on the Deemer as well as on Carter. Seems the deemer "...can drop an enemy at medium to long range with a single headshot."