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Halo Reach Reveal Thread - Matchmaking/Multiplayer Details Revealed



Yay grenade launcher with on board Fire control System.

Reminds me of a man portable version of the Striker mk47.


Junior Member
Since that Carter guy is supposed to be the heroic leader that the whole team looks up to, my money's down on him being the first to die. Isn't that how it usually works?


Here's how I'd want some of the new weapons fit into the sandbox:
Sniper: It's rate of fire is perfect in Halo 3. No need to nerf it, if you want to make this power weapoin harder to use, may as well nerf the other power weapons which are even easier to get kills with: decreased RoF for the rockets and shotgun while the laser sucks the life-force of the wielder when fired so they die along with the vehicle they helplessly slaughtered across the map.

DMR: Slow rate of fire makes it harder to use mid-close range. Can 4-shot people from across the map with headshots.

Needle Rifle: Much like the DMR but since it can apparently 3-shot it's rate of fire should slower. Nice explosion. No homing abilities whatsoever.

BR: Much like the Halo 3 BR but with a much tighter spread. A reduced damage over distance, the 2x zoom, and slight spread make is worse at long range than the DMR but it's still a great overall mid-long range weapon. It's the Halo 3 BR with the consistency of the Halo 2 BR.

Magnum: Reskinned DMR with 2x zoom.

UNSC grenade launcher: Reskinned brute shot. It's damage and blast radius are no increased in the slightest.

Dani said:
Just like how they implemented Firefight more in ODST, which was inspired by the Horde mode (GEARS), and Nazi Zombie Mode (WaW)
Bleh, I can't believe those shit games get credit for survival mode... smh


Dani said:
That's the rules. =P

Where did you read this? I've read that Firefight was an idea they couldn't finalise in time for Halo 3 and it was left on the cutting room floor until ODST started up development, which was soon after.

If this was the case, and there's no reason to assume that the original Firefight concept was originally inspired by GOW/COD modes at all.

It's natural that games within a genre will share similar trends and features however it's another matter altogether for one developer to take an entire function from another's game and place into their own. And Bungie really haven't been copying other folks other than doing their own thing with development.

Things like saved films, theatre, forge and even Firefight are great examples of Bungie doing their on thing within the Halo framework, even if they do display occasional influences from other games, the end product is usually very distinctly their own.

Dude, its nothing bad if Bungie takes an idea or even consider to implement a small feature that has been inspired by other devs. I know you seem like a "VERY" hard-core Halo fan which is cool and I admire that and you seem to believe that Bungie is always a pioneer and they never copy/take ideas from anywhere else.... which I can agree as well. But through time everyone has to change at some point. Evolution is important.

And I read that interview in a GamePro magazine I believe. They talked about L4D, Nazi Zombie mode and Horde and said that they were really impressed with what all these games have done and they have certainly taken some good pointers from these games.

A Penguin

A bit LTTP, but damn, that Dong Rifle is sexy as hell. Where can I get a 1:1 scale replica of that? I'll buy it at a high price.

Also just picked up Evolutions and read the first two stories. Quite enjoyable, Halo has a very fun universe, but it's a shame that Bungie's storytelling in games has been lackluster (I'm only counting the main storylines, sideplots like the terminals or Sadie's Story were good). Hopefully Reach's supposedly darker tone will make for a more interesting story and atmosphere.


tagged by Blackace
All these new pictures and information are overwhelming. That grenade launcher looks beast. This game looks SO promising to say the least.


EazyB said:
Here's how I'd want some of the new weapons fit into the sandbox:
Sniper: It's rate of fire is perfect in Halo 3. No need to nerf it, if you want to make this power weapoin harder to use, may as well nerf the other power weapons which are even easier to get kills with: decreased RoF for the rockets and shotgun while the laser sucks the life-force of the wielder when fired so they die along with the vehicle they helplessly slaughtered across the map.

DMR: Slow rate of fire makes it harder to use mid-close range. Can 4-shot people from across the map with headshots.

Needle Rifle: Much like the DMR but since it can apparently 3-shot it's rate of fire should slower. Nice explosion. No homing abilities whatsoever.

BR: Much like the Halo 3 BR but with a much tighter spread. A reduced damage over distance, the 2x zoom, and slight spread make is worse at long range than the DMR but it's still a great overall mid-long range weapon. It's the Halo 3 BR with the consistency of the Halo 2 BR.

Magnum: Reskinned DMR with 2x zoom.

UNSC grenade launcher: Reskinned brute shot. It's damage and blast radius are no increased in the slightest.

Bleh, I can't believe those shit games get credit for survival mode... smh

The DMR kills with a single shot to the head according to the picture above, and I dont believe the BR is in the game at all.

The DMR killing with one shot to the head is awesome, hopefully it means the rest of the weapons kill alot faster and everything gets beefed up. Tired of pee shooters.


Kibbles said:


Is it me or does the back half of the DMR look exactly like the BR; there's a joint on the front end where it looks like a mod has been bolted on.
Nutter said:

 The single-shot gun packs a serious punch, and can drop a an enemy at medium to long range with a single headshot.

So its basically like another sniper?
That basically comfirms that the BR will still be in the game.
When they say "enemy" it likely means Coveant. The pistol (all of them) killed with a single headshot as well. Carbine too....



The single-shot gun packs a serious punch, and can drop a an enemy at medium to long range with a single headshot.

So its basically like another sniper?
That basically comfirms that the BR will still be in the game.


Nutter said:

 The single-shot gun packs a serious punch, and can drop a an enemy at medium to long range with a single headshot.

So its basically like another sniper?
That basically confirms that the BR will still be in the game.
I'm sure they meant unshielded enemy, like mentioned in the first info from the gameinformer mag.
Major Williams said:
There Will Be Jaggies
Return of the Jaggies

It's there even in a screen-capped, high-resolution, then AA-ed after the fact image.
If that screen is in-game thats pretty awesome because its in 1080p and it looks like 2xAA or something close to that. It will look lightyears better than Halo 3 did if thats the case (and thats a *big* IF at this point).




Also: gamestop, game informer, what's the difference?

Must have Gamestop on my mind cause I'm picking up ME2 tonight.


kylej said:
BR and dong rifle both better be in Reach. Halo currently has an abundance of totally useless weapons. If the spikers, plasma pistols and plasma rifles can be in the game surely the carbine, BR and dong can fit in too.



gibonez said:
The DMR kills with a single shot to the head according to the picture above, and I dont believe the BR is in the game at all.

The DMR killing with one shot to the head is awesome, hopefully it means the rest of the weapons kill alot faster and everything gets beefed up. Tired of pee shooters.
the dong rifle description says enemies so im going to assume that's grunts, jackals and the new skirmishers. elites (and other spartans) will most likely take multiple headshots (im going with 4 also).


vhfive said:
the dong rifle description says enemies so im going to assume that's grunts, jackals and the new skirmishers. elites (and other spartans) will most likely take multiple headshots (im going with 4 also).

Ughhhh way to ruin my excitement.


vhfive said:
the dong rifle description says enemies so im going to assume that's grunts, jackals and the new skirmishers. elites (and other spartans) will most likely take multiple headshots (im going with 4 also).
Aye, I'm assuming that means unshielded enemies.


Yeah, don't kid yourself. The game won't be 1080p with 2xAA. I'm guessing the game will finally be 720p with the new tech and after all the shit Bungie got for it being sub-HD. Hopefully with some 2xAA as well. Hell, what about that AA technique that guy at H.B.O was talking about for the VGA Trailer (which turned out to be incorrect).
infinityBCRT said:
That screen has flawless AA (16xAA or maybe even more), theres no way thats an in-game screen.
I was just commenting on the resolution of the two images. ODST having 1920x1080 screenshots, when the game is clearly not that resolution... I'm just saying to not get crazy hopeful based on the 1920x1080 Reach screenshots alone.
infinityBCRT said:
There are 360 games which run at 720p@4xAA (NHL 10, Sega Rally, Call of Duty Classic) so 1080p@2xAA is not totally out of the question but is unlikely considering Bungie's track record.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Sorry, that just :lol:lol ... couldn't :lol:lol :lol ... aww god. :lol


hey one thing is missing from all this so far is an AI, in each of the Halo games we got some sorta AI... I wonder if Cortana will make a presence?


343i Lead Esports Producer
So you want the old BR and the new BR to be in the game? A Halo 2 BR in Reach would be the weapon of choice if it were in the game. If the Halo 2 BR were in Reach, then the new Reach BR would have to be almost exactly the same or serve an entirely different purpose. I don't even think it's in the game at all. In the commentary by Marcus Lehto he mentions that the new BR has become the weapon of choice. I can totally see this new BR having the same rate of fire and still taking 4 shots to kill.

Question...in Halo CE, if you shoot someone twice in the body and once in the head with a pistol, did it kill the person? I don't think it did. I know it was 3 perfect headshots but I wasn't sure if it was like the H2 and H3 system with the BR where you can shoot someone in the body 3 times with a BR and finish them in the head with the 4th shot. I can totally see this requiring 4 perfect headshots with the new BR to kill an opponent.

Also, I wonder if Bungie will include a visual representation on the opponents armor indicating the level of health. In Halo 3 you can clearly see how weak an enemy is by the lights on the armor (genius idea btw) I hope in Reach there will be a way to determine if the play is not only low on shields but health as well. I honestly don't remember if one existed in CE but I don't think there was. I could be wrong though.
DiabolicalBagel said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Sorry, that just :lol:lol ... couldn't :lol:lol :lol ... aww god. :lol
Huh? Both of Bungie's 360 efforts are among the lowest IQ games of this gen.

Kibbles said:
Yeah, don't kid yourself. The game won't be 1080p with 2xAA. I'm guessing the game will finally be 720p with the new tech and after all the shit Bungie got for it being sub-HD. Hopefully with some 2xAA as well. Hell, what about that AA technique that guy at H.B.O was talking about for the VGA Trailer (which turned out to be incorrect).

I don't think its likely. But its strange to release a bullshotted 2xAA screen too. Usually its supersampled.


Flipyap said:
These slender elites look like they were designed specifically to work well in multiplayer. They hold their heads up really high in both concept art and that radical assassination screenshot.
It would be silly to fix the headshot issue and not include them in multiplayer.
There head's twice as large as a spartan 3 and they stand 3 feet taller... that model wouldn't work at all if what they'd be going for is a evenly matched hitbox.

Tashi0106 said:
So you want the old BR and the new BR to be in the game? A Halo 2 BR in Reach would be the weapon of choice if it were in the game. If the Halo 2 BR were in Reach, then the new Reach BR would have to be almost exactly the same or serve an entirely different purpose. I don't even think it's in the game at all. In the commentary by Marcus Lehto he mentions that the new BR has become the weapon of choice. I can totally see this new BR having the same rate of fire and still taking 4 shots to kill.
If you're responding to me then:
No, I said the Halo 2 BR's consistence (spread) mixed with Halo 3 BR's nerfed super-long range proficiency. They do this by making its bullets do less damage over long distances. This way you wouldn't be able to 4-shot guys across Avalanche but a BR on BR firefight wouldn't be decided by some random dice-roll that results in widely unpredictable spread.


duk said:
hey one thing is missing from all this so far is an AI, in each of the Halo games we got some sorta AI... I wonder if Cortana will make a presence?
Oonsk is obviously the prototype shoulder-mounted AI. His mouth moves and everything. If necessary, he can pop off and join in the battle.


EazyB said:
Here's how I'd want some of the new weapons fit into the sandbox:
Sniper: It's rate of fire is perfect in Halo 3. No need to nerf it, if you want to make this power weapoin harder to use, may as well nerf the other power weapons which are even easier to get kills with: decreased RoF for the rockets and shotgun while the laser sucks the life-force of the wielder when fired so they die along with the vehicle they helplessly slaughtered across the map.

DMR: Slow rate of fire makes it harder to use mid-close range. Can 4-shot people from across the map with headshots.

Needle Rifle: Much like the DMR but since it can apparently 3-shot it's rate of fire should slower. Nice explosion. No homing abilities whatsoever.

BR: Much like the Halo 3 BR but with a much tighter spread. A reduced damage over distance, the 2x zoom, and slight spread make is worse at long range than the DMR but it's still a great overall mid-long range weapon. It's the Halo 3 BR with the consistency of the Halo 2 BR.

Magnum: Reskinned DMR with 2x zoom.

UNSC grenade launcher: Reskinned brute shot. It's damage and blast radius are no increased in the slightest.

Dear Bungie, please print this post out and tape it to every door, cubicle and wall of the studio. Thank you.

EazyB said:



Kibbles said:
Oonsk is obviously the prototype shoulder-mounted AI. His mouth moves and everything. If necessary, he can pop off and join in the battle.

and noble 6 is really john 117!!!


Didn't one of the mag confirmed that Bungie isn't forgetting about Battle Rifle, it is going to be in the game, along side DMR.

What I "REALLY" need is a few different (atleast 3) types of Sniper Rifles. Plz Bungie! :D
infinityBCRT said:

Oh, nothing. It's not like you were comparing what would be a highly resource intensive game to the likes of NHL or Call of Duty classic.
I'm sure in your wonderful world the N64 could play STALKER at 1920x1200 with 4xMSAA/2xSSAA/16xAF.

I mean... what was Gears 2 running at? 720p with 2xMSAA? That there be a pretty resource intensive game... how do you expect Bungie to push the 360 hard enough to get 1080p and 2xMSAA with Reach?
Tashi0106 said:
So you want the old BR and the new BR to be in the game? A Halo 2 BR in Reach would be the weapon of choice if it were in the game. If the Halo 2 BR were in Reach, then the new Reach BR would have to be almost exactly the same or serve an entirely different purpose. I don't even think it's in the game at all. In the commentary by Marcus Lehto he mentions that the new BR has become the weapon of choice. I can totally see this new BR having the same rate of fire and still taking 4 shots to kill.

Question...in Halo CE, if you shoot someone twice in the body and once in the head with a pistol, did it kill the person? I don't think it did. I know it was 3 perfect headshots but I wasn't sure if it was like the H2 and H3 system with the BR where you can shoot someone in the body 3 times with a BR and finish them in the head with the 4th shot. I can totally see this requiring 4 perfect headshots with the new BR to kill an opponent.

Also, I wonder if Bungie will include a visual representation on the opponents armor indicating the level of health. In Halo 3 you can clearly see how weak an enemy is by the lights on the armor (genius idea btw) I hope in Reach there will be a way to determine if the play is not only low on shields but health as well. I honestly don't remember if one existed in CE but I don't think there was. I could be wrong though.

Tashi, you're confusing me man. When you say "new BR" are you tlaking about the DMR or the actually BR from Halo 3 that may or may not be in Reach?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Man, the Spartan models are fan-fucking-tastic. They've really done a great job with completely overhauling all character models; even the Marines look awesome.

Let's just see them in motion, yeah?


EazyB said:
There head's twice as large as a spartan 3 and they stand 3 feet taller... that model wouldn't work at all if what they'd be going for is a evenly matched hitbox.
You're probably right, but what if they were just smaller in multiplayer? It's kind of weird that they gave them far more human-like posture so late in the series, seemingly for no reason.


Neo Member
Once again this is purely speculation but, It seems that the DMR is going to be similar in killing power as the original pistol. By "similar", I am simply comparing shots landed. Two shots to peel the shields, one in the head to finish the kill. The difficulty of landing these shots is certainly shrouded in mystery.

My reasoning behind this comes from our good buddy Tom Morello's leaked screens. The Rifle in those screens have an ammo counter of twelve bullets. Naturally you can assume two things. One, three bullets will kill equaling four total possible kills per clip. Or two, the other way around where four bullets kill equaling three possible kills per clip. Personally, I would like to see 3 shot kills again. Yet, there would have to be some sort of skill involved to warrant such an (in theory) powerful rifle.

It would be a godly weapon if one headshot on a shielded opponent took them down. I think it is safe to say the the "Deemer" will be more balanced than that.
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