There are other things to consider though. Saboteur achieved something close to 16xAA quality on the PS3 using luminance-based AA. Halo ODST already has an edge detection routine (VISR) so they could easily shift the AA load off the GPU onto the CPU. Also theres GT5 over on PS3 which is doing 1280x1080@2xAA and 1280x720@4xAA (at 60FPS!). There are games which have pushed more AA than 720p@2xAA which is the standard for UE3 games. Again, I don't think its likely considering Bungie's track record but I don't think its a joke either.DiabolicalBagel said:Oh, nothing. It's not like you were comparing what would be a highly resource intensive game to the likes of NHL or Call of Duty classic. I'm sure in your wonderful world the N64 could play STALKER at 1920x1200 with 4xMSAA/2xSSAA/16xAF.
I did ask the Digital Foundry guy about it (when Saboteur came out) and he agreed that it was probably possible for Bungie to use something similar to Saboteur's AA algorithm. Perhaps he doesn't know what hes talking about but I'll take that as validation that it is possible if they really wanted to do something more than 720p@2xAA.