Very unimpressive 1st look. A bunch of dudes talking and getting into a pelican, that's it?!
duk said:"this our new number 6?"
hmmm it looks like 6 spartans... but maybe one dies?
Aren't the Spartans mostly robot or something?EazyB said:What's up with that blue chick's cybernetic arm?
Unless among them is Fred, Kelly, or Will, yep their all dead.Ten-Song said:Actually, I would assume they ALL die.
Nope shitton of genetic enhancements and MJOLNIR armor that's all.Zophar said:Aren't the Spartans mostly robot or something?
He was in the book but wasn't on Reach during the Fall.Jtyettis said:Do you know that for a fact though? I mean was he not in the book? No focus there? I mean they are specifically talking about the Spartans in this trailer.
You can fly a Pelican in Halo 1's multiplayer (on PC)
Anyway, I'm excited for it. Animations especially looked great.
Here's a download for my capture. First time I tried to upload it my connection crashed halfway through lol.
No one should believe in trailers shown at the VGA.Hootie said:Bungie I am disappoint.
szaromir said:The graphics show an incredible improvement, should be the best looking 360 game next year, but the cutscene itself was dull.
And yay, Elites are back (hardly any news, but it's always great to see one)
Oozer3993 said:Here's a download for my capture. First time I tried to upload it my connection crashed halfway through lol.
Should work on the 360 by the way.
Zophar said:Aren't the Spartans mostly robot or something?
I'm pretty sure they've got juiced up human parts and are stuck inside the robot armor. But the blue spartan's arm is all robot.Zophar said:Aren't the Spartans mostly robot or something?
Nah.Zophar said:Aren't the Spartans mostly robot or something?
What does this even mean?Ssparks said:Kinda wished Luke Smith worked freelance right now
They're cyborgs.Chorazin said:No, they are genetically enhanced humans. The Blue chick might have lost it in combat and got a prosthetic arm.
Oh, and Bungie said on Twitter the trailer be on Live sometime shortly after 12am PST, so just wait till tomorrow to see it in full HD.
Zophar said:Aren't the Spartans mostly robot or something?
Ten-Song said:Actually, I would assume they ALL die.
They have stuff grafted onto their bones.VaLiancY said:Neg. Someone will probably go in detail by the time I reply. Most they have is a cybernetic implant into their head for AIs like Cortana.
Didn't know Skull paint was a mutually owned property.tak said:wtf
The graphics look really good, but it looks like Bungie just ripped off Army of Two. I'm more then a little disappointed.
alr1ghtstart said:uploaded a better quality (direct feed) version here:
good quality should kick in soon
Team Flame
SPARTAN-085 was healed on the Final Destiny. After a day of rest, he requested that SPARTAN-072 work with him, as she was the one who brought him to the Final Destiny for healing in time. He was granted the request, and the two Spartans, along with two others, SPARTAN-004 and SPARTAN-052, formed Team Flame. From then, SPARTAN-085, who was made the team leader, adopted new battle tactics. Although he still enjoyed sniping, he would be needed on the front lines of the battlefield in order to direct his team and marines.
Neuromancer said:Very unimpressive 1st look. A bunch of dudes talking and getting into a pelican, that's it?!
It's not just the skull paint.Buttonbasher said:Didn't know Skull paint was a mutually owned property.
Buttonbasher said:Didn't know Skull paint was a mutually owned property.
Could be a battle injury? In the books some of the spartans suffer serious injuries.EazyB said:What's up with that blue chick's cybernetic arm?
tak said:wtf
The graphics look really good, but it looks like Bungie just ripped off Army of Two. I'm more then a little disappointed.
charsace said:Could be a battle injury? In the books some of the spartans suffer serious injuries.
Having played through Army of Two, I'm curious what you're talking about. Care to elaborate?tak said:It's not just the skull paint.
Did James get a cybernetic arm? I remember he lost one in the battle with Hunters, but I think he was always one handed afterwards.charsace said:Could be a battle injury? In the books some of the spartans suffer serious injuries.
That's fanfiction :lolJtyettis said:
The horrible music .Buttonbasher said:Having played through Army of Two, I'm curious what you're talking about. Care to elaborate?
BattleMonkey said:lol what? In engine and in game is much more than taking away the hud and moving the camera around.
BenjaminBirdie said:I don't know about that, aren't cinematics able to pull off more because they don't have to worry about dealing with control input?
Zophar said:No. They are NOT the same. In a cutscene you can divert resources that are necessary for AI and physics and everything else needed while you're actually playing to gussy up the cutscenes. See: every game ever.
Deadly said:That's fanfiction :lol
chandoog said:Those all looked like ODST's in that trailer.
Wasn't this game supposed to feature a Spartan cast or something ?
Thanks, it's like watching a completely different trailer. Can't wait for the HD version to be put up.Oozer3993 said:
chandoog said:Those all looked like ODST's in that trailer.
Wasn't this game supposed to feature a Spartan cast or something ?
chandoog said:Those all looked like ODST's in that trailer.
Wasn't this game supposed to feature a Spartan cast or something ?
Doesn't sound the same to me. Sounds like the military themes that they use in all of the Halo games. Army of Two was more generic Tom Clancy game string music.tak said:The horrible music .
They look like Spartans to me, but it looks like they mod out their suits.chandoog said:Those all looked like ODST's in that trailer.
Wasn't this game supposed to feature a Spartan cast or something ?