EazyB said:
I've always preferred nice reflections in water to heavily physics-driven flow. It's hard for me to appreciate stuff like water flowing around a a vehicle on Valhalla especially when I'm actually playing the game. Reflections are very blatant and play a much bigger aesthetic role during actual gameplay.
I could not disagree more, but it's just personal preference. I'm utterly unimpressed by pretty, non-interactive water. I've seen it many times, and it is convincing until the moment something comes into contact with it, after which it becomes comically fake (as in that GoW video). Seeing a big splash and wake left behind after plowing through the river on Valhalla is pretty cool, as is the distortion in the water as it flows over bodies/weapons/vehicles.
It's a typical Bungie approach to do more than is needed; they could probably get a better visual result by dropping the physics and making the surface look perfect. But they want their water to not just look like water, but
behave like it. That's my preference as well. Hell, during the Beta and later in custom games I remember being in games where people were just parking stuff in the water and watching it flow around them. It's that kind of attention to detail that I get such a kick out of in the Halo games, from the physics to the AI. It's a short cut they could take, but don't.
dilatedmuscle said:
I would rather have physics driven water. One thing that has always impressed me about Halo is that its been substance over smoke and mirrors. I still think Halo 3 has the best graphics on 360 minus the image quality. I would rather see the hundreds of tiny scratches on the spartan armor while zooming in on the character then have Killzone 2 characters that look great from afar but have mediocre textures (same goes for environment textures).
The problem with this generation is that its hard to combine substance with smoke and mirrors with current consoles. Few games have done it well; Uncharted 2 and Crysis 2, which is on pc, (Alan Wake?)are the only ones who do this well to a great extent. Seems like Halo reach may combine both in some ways. They said the textures and Polygons will be much better in reach then in Halo 3 and in some instances (destroythegenerator.gif) it shows off some fancy shmancy post processing that was not in halo 3 to any great noticeable level.
In other words, this, this and
this. It's a big part of what sets Bungie apart from the crowd, IMO.