I thought some of you guys may find this funny so I thought I'd share it.
So over the weekend I was playing football with some friends, even though the place we were playing at was only 5 minutes away we drove. 7 guys rode in my friends Jeep, and 3 other guys somehow managed to fit on another one of my friend's ATV. So we start playing and after 10 minutes the game ends due to uneven teams. For whatever reason one of my stupid friends makes a comment about a Mexican flag in a nearby soccer field, then someone makes a lame joke about CTF in Halo. Then my friend with the Jeep gets in and starts playing music really loud, nobody recognized it at first but then we all realize it's the Halo 2 theme song. He's like, get in the warthog and let's get the flag. 3 other guys run towards him and get in. Then my 3 friends hop on the ATV(which gets called the mongoose), and they start racing towards the flag. During their race they just start driving around like crazy, and I noticed one of the guys in the Jeep has a paintball gun(not even sure why my friend keeps it in his car but whatever). He starts shooting the guys on the ATV. He shot both guys on the back who then jumped off, then he shot the guy driving who came to a stop. While that happened one of the guys watching with me was like double kill, triple kill. And right after that the Jeep drove by and shot him with the paintball gun. I looked at the other guy next to me, and we were both like overkill. It was so perfect. Especially with the Halo theme song playing in the background.