As far as I'm concerned the have big shoes to fill as far as Community Gametypes and maps.
The idea of being able to find other people that were not your friends to play non-matchmaking standard Gametypes and maps has been around since Halo 2. Thats over 5 years.
Halo 3 has terrible community matchmaking and customs management. Action Sack gametypes are AWFUL and no, its not the same as playing good fun customs games. Matchmaking is great and all but its been almost 3 years and there has been no changes. Oh its double exp weekend? Oh what a surprise, its Grifball..... again.
Matchmaking Pain Example: I played Team Mythic last night in order to play some games and more importantly, play Longshore. I have played a least 10-15 Team Mythic games and i have run into Longshore once; and it wasn't even last night, it was sometime weeks before.
You have a GIANT community at your disposal, willing to spend a great deal of time creating really awesome things in your games. And I feel like its been completely wasted.
Then theres the Community Maps/Gametypes Matchmaking Paradox: You have this incredibly complex and arduous system to approve maps and gametypes for matchmaking that doesn't see many maps/gametypes make it through. Then a really awesome map and gametype is now denied because it doesn't comply with every rule needed for approval. Does that mean that its not a really fun game to play? Absolutely not!
So now we have customs games that cannot be approved for any type of matchmaking because they did not pass Bungie Standards. Thats would be fine, if I wasnt denied to option to find other people playing it. I am now left with me sitting in a Lobby wishing to play a gametype that others would like to play as well, but no means of communicating with them.
Not everyone is a member of forge hub or Halo customs .com. There needs to be a way to reach out to the fellow community while I am playing the game.
Its the community, we are not a game studio and we know that. I don't care if the Map isn't perfect. I don't care if some people choose to try and play the game wrong. I don't care if I don't receive cR or commendations or challenges while I play. I don't care because the fact that I am getting the chance to play community driven maps and gametypes that I would not be able to play by myself means much much more than any of that.
/rant. I know I probably still left a lot of good points out, but thatd be too much text.