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Halo Reach Reveal Thread - Matchmaking/Multiplayer Details Revealed


EazyB said:
Example (which I may have to update now that Luke killed Flight)
Ok, holy shit!! :lol :lol

you used to be fun, what happened, did you get married lately or something? :(

ZayneH said:
Is anyone else to the "if I get another one of these I'm going to go on a homicidal rampage" point with these stupid mspointgenerators.com messages? I thought it was just a isolated case after one game.
YES!!! I get like 10 of those per day. WTF is up with people believing and then spamming you with that crap, so annoying...


Trasher said:
Haha, kylej. Sorry man. My BR wasn't happy with that match for some reason. It was really fun getting spawn sniped towards the end too...

Not your fault. I've lost 6 in a row now. When it rains it pours.

big ander

I was throwing up for most of the day, so I didn't see all the April Fools stuff until now.
The IGN video was kind of funny, but I hate that it got teased. Got my hopes up. :/
The "ViDoc" was hilarious :lol :lol
Dax01 said:
Chapter 1 of RvB season 8 is now available to the public:
Good stuff, the direct feed is so much better. Still gonna be painful waiting for an actual new episode though.
SailorDaravon said:
Fuck, I still have that boxset I bought that I haven't watched past the first season of. I'll have to try to make a point of that before Reach comes out.
Do you have just seasons 1-5? Because this is actually season 8 right now. The first 5 seasons are the Blood Gulch Chronicles, and the following 3 seasons are Recollections. Towards the end of the BGC, it gets a little stale, but Season 6 Reconstruction was AMAZING and season 7 Recreation was decent. The first four episodes of Season 8 are awesome. I really recommend catching up.


InvincibleAgent said:
but what does that phrase mean

we get an official summary of the maps in the beta?
Sketch mentioned a few pages back that next week's reveal will be the maps that are included in the Beta, just as this week was sandbox, last week was "player investment" and the week before matchmaking and social features. I'm guessing the week after will be game types and then play lists.
I would love to get a map flythough video next week, but I imagine they will wait until most information is revealved before we get any footage. Then again, hopefully I'm wrong. =P

Once again, I really like how nice the lighting and animations look in the new footage. Everything looks really good.
Not sure what I was smoking when I did this, but here it is anyway.:lol

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Demoncarnotaur said:
I would love to get a map flythough video next week, but I imagine they will wait until most information is revealved before we get any footage. Then again, hopefully I'm wrong. =P

Once again, I really like how nice the lighting and animations look in the new footage. Everything looks really good.

I think it is a very big possibility that we get a map flythrough/vidoc next week, they did a flythrough of Powerhouse for the press at GDC or X10 (don't remember which event it was.
Has it been confirmed that there will only be 4 levels? Or was that just that there are only 4 in the multiplayer bomb trailer?

Also, I graduated! I'm a member, woo!


Trasher said:
Haha, kylej. Sorry man. My BR wasn't happy with that match for some reason. It was really fun getting spawn sniped towards the end too...
So how did those ranked games go?

At the very least you probably didnt complain about me being host :p


LukeSmith said:
Turn your eyes skyward. It will be ok.

Was never much a fan of the flight helmet myself. Traditional combat helmet always suited me.

Playing as an Elite really is the proper way to play Halo 3, and not having a choice as to which race I can play in Reach makes me a sad person.


Nutter said:
So how did those ranked games go?

At the very least you probably didnt complain about me being host :p

We gave up after the first butt pounding, we were running into some true matchmaking warriors tonight. :lol
InvincibleAgent said:
Has it been confirmed that there will only be 4 levels? Or was that just that there are only 4 in the multiplayer bomb trailer?

Also, I graduated! I'm a member, woo!

I thought i heard 3, or was i just assuming?


I think there should be a laser in the game. But the laser needs to be used in conjunction with other things. It doesn't do direct damage, but it does allow for things like rockets to home in on the location that is being painted. Or show players where to aim for the grenade launcher to hit it.

Yep, shameless Tribes rip. But I enjoyed helping aim heavie's mortars at base turrets and stuff.
squidhands said:
Indeed, the most pertinent of which is: Will there be chess?

Im actually really interested in how quirky gametypes are handled with Reach. I remember with Halo 3 Bungie said something like "were giving the players forge and customs games options and we expect them to do some crazy things with them, we can see a variety of meta games coming out of this". So far 3 years after release the only real 'insane stuff' has been Grifball and Rocket Race, and they only got popular because they were made by the RVB team and Bungie. Its very hard for people to advertise theyre wacky games.

So yeah I just want to see how Bungie handle peoples map and settings. Weekly favorites didnt do a good job of this.

Edit: Just to clarify, I know Chess isnt in Reach :lol - but im wondering how Bungie will help the community spread quirky new maps and gametypes around.


bobs99 ... said:
Im actually really interested in how quirky gametypes are handled with Reach. I remember with Halo 3 Bungie said something like "were giving the players forge and customs games options and we expect them to do some crazy things with them, we can see a variety of meta games coming out of this". So far 3 years after release the only real 'insane stuff' has been Grifball and Rocket Race, and they only got popular because they were made by the RVB team and Bungie. Its very hard for people to advertise theyre wacky games.

So yeah I just want to see how Bungie handle peoples map and settings. Weekly favorites didnt do a good job of this.

Edit: Just to clarify, I know Chess isnt in Reach :lol - but im wondering how Bungie will help the community spread quirky new maps and gametypes around.

This should be a little bit easier to carry out in Reach due to in-game browsing abilities. There could be a playlist containing the top 10(by rating, or download number) map variants or game types every week. With an in-game browser they can also float the most recent popular items onto the front page of the in-game browser. These items will most likely see lots of hits.
bobs99 ... said:
Im actually really interested in how quirky gametypes are handled with Reach. I remember with Halo 3 Bungie said something like "were giving the players forge and customs games options and we expect them to do some crazy things with them, we can see a variety of meta games coming out of this". So far 3 years after release the only real 'insane stuff' has been Grifball and Rocket Race, and they only got popular because they were made by the RVB team and Bungie. Its very hard for people to advertise theyre wacky games.

So yeah I just want to see how Bungie handle peoples map and settings. Weekly favorites didnt do a good job of this.
You need to play Conquest. It's a great gametype for mindless fun.

I hope that user-created maps/gametypes are allowed to shine more in Reach. I know ATLAS kind of fell by the wayside for Shishka since he was busy doing Reach stuff, but I'd like to see some more Bungie folks giving their input to us budding cartographers. I can nearly guarantee that anyone would be thrilled to death to hear actual feedback from professionals, be it good or bad.

I'm also still waiting (with baited breath) to read Shishka's writeup on the H3 spawning system. Maybe he can just wait and give us full details for Reach. :D

big ander

CrazedArabMan said:
Don't know if it has been mentioned, but did anyone catch the recharge meter underneath the sword at around 2:20 of the vidoc?
Yeah, it's gotten a couple mentions. I don't know if people really settled on what it's function was though.
As far as I'm concerned the have big shoes to fill as far as Community Gametypes and maps.

The idea of being able to find other people that were not your friends to play non-matchmaking standard Gametypes and maps has been around since Halo 2. Thats over 5 years.

Halo 3 has terrible community matchmaking and customs management. Action Sack gametypes are AWFUL and no, its not the same as playing good fun customs games. Matchmaking is great and all but its been almost 3 years and there has been no changes. Oh its double exp weekend? Oh what a surprise, its Grifball..... again.

Matchmaking Pain Example: I played Team Mythic last night in order to play some games and more importantly, play Longshore. I have played a least 10-15 Team Mythic games and i have run into Longshore once; and it wasn't even last night, it was sometime weeks before.

You have a GIANT community at your disposal, willing to spend a great deal of time creating really awesome things in your games. And I feel like its been completely wasted.

Then theres the Community Maps/Gametypes Matchmaking Paradox: You have this incredibly complex and arduous system to approve maps and gametypes for matchmaking that doesn't see many maps/gametypes make it through. Then a really awesome map and gametype is now denied because it doesn't comply with every rule needed for approval. Does that mean that its not a really fun game to play? Absolutely not!

So now we have customs games that cannot be approved for any type of matchmaking because they did not pass Bungie Standards. Thats would be fine, if I wasnt denied to option to find other people playing it. I am now left with me sitting in a Lobby wishing to play a gametype that others would like to play as well, but no means of communicating with them.

Not everyone is a member of forge hub or Halo customs .com. There needs to be a way to reach out to the fellow community while I am playing the game.

Its the community, we are not a game studio and we know that. I don't care if the Map isn't perfect. I don't care if some people choose to try and play the game wrong. I don't care if I don't receive cR or commendations or challenges while I play. I don't care because the fact that I am getting the chance to play community driven maps and gametypes that I would not be able to play by myself means much much more than any of that.

/rant. I know I probably still left a lot of good points out, but thatd be too much text.
xDangerboy said:
As far as I'm concerned the have big shoes to fill as far as Community Gametypes and maps.

The idea of being able to find other people that were not your friends to play non-matchmaking standard Gametypes and maps has been around since Halo 2. Thats over 5 years.

Halo 3 has terrible community matchmaking and customs management. Action Sack gametypes are AWFUL and no, its not the same as playing good fun customs games. Matchmaking is great and all but its been almost 3 years and there has been no changes. Oh its double exp weekend? Oh what a surprise, its Grifball..... again.

Matchmaking Pain Example: I played Team Mythic last night in order to play some games and more importantly, play Longshore. I have played a least 10-15 Team Mythic games and i have run into Longshore once; and it wasn't even last night, it was sometime weeks before.

You have a GIANT community at your disposal, willing to spend a great deal of time creating really awesome things in your games. And I feel like its been completely wasted.

Then theres the Community Maps/Gametypes Matchmaking Paradox: You have this incredibly complex and arduous system to approve maps and gametypes for matchmaking that doesn't see many maps/gametypes make it through. Then a really awesome map and gametype is now denied because it doesn't comply with every rule needed for approval. Does that mean that its not a really fun game to play? Absolutely not!

So now we have customs games that cannot be approved for any type of matchmaking because they did not pass Bungie Standards. Thats would be fine, if I wasnt denied to option to find other people playing it. I am now left with me sitting in a Lobby wishing to play a gametype that others would like to play as well, but no means of communicating with them.

Not everyone is a member of forge hub or Halo customs .com. There needs to be a way to reach out to the fellow community while I am playing the game.

Its the community, we are not a game studio and we know that. I don't care if the Map isn't perfect. I don't care if some people choose to try and play the game wrong. I don't care if I don't receive cR or commendations or challenges while I play. I don't care because the fact that I am getting the chance to play community driven maps and gametypes that I would not be able to play by myself means much much more than any of that.

/rant. I know I probably still left a lot of good points out, but thatd be too much text.

I actually really enjoy Action Sack occasionally. It's not supposed to be a hopper you spend a few hours in; it's designed for dumb, stupid party-game weirdness you play a few games of and then go to another hopper.

And for the record, I've had more fun playing Dodgeball then 90% of the "serious" games. Halo's very enjoyable when everybody really is just playing for fun and you don't have teammates screaming at you if you take their favorite vehicle or betraying you for your sniper.
My problem with Action Sack is that its very cookie cutter.

Last time I played I got nothing but:

Grifball (enough of this on double exp weekends)

Tug of war (too similar to straight slayer)

Team Rockets (I detest playing rockets - I just dont personally find it fun)

The approach to action sack should have been - lets put some really cool original gametypes into this playlist. Rather than shoving things we play all time in.

Theres also a really annoying lack of variety in the double exp weekends, I just checked and it really is grifball again :lol

Hostile Paradox

Neo Member
bobs99 ... said:
My problem with Action Sack is that its very cookie cutter.

Last time I played I got nothing but:

Grifball (enough of this on double exp weekends)

Tug of war (too similar to straight slayer)

Team Rockets (I detest playing rockets - I just dont personally find it fun)

The approach to action sack should have been - lets put some really cool original gametypes into this playlist. Rather than shoving things we play all time in.

Theres also a really annoying lack of variety in the double exp weekends, I just checked and it really is grifball again :lol

Amen to that brother. More original gametypes, less BS.

Pete Rock

I am also primarily interested in the custom game treatment for Reach. In Halo 3 that was the big sore spot for me, I'd love to see people be able to connect with random individuals to play custom games that are so well built no honor rules are required for smooth functioning. I don't want to fill up my friends list and an alt silver account just to run a group for a custom gametype, I just want to come home fire up the game and play :D


dilatedmuscle said:
I saw this and lol'd , thought id share.


The thought of Reach having as many glitches as MW2 makes me cringe LOL

Where did you find that? :lol I made that and posted it some pages back. :p
Quick question. Has anyone else experienced an issue with the brute shot where shots connect but damage doesnt register? I love the brute shot so much but in matchmaking I'm cursing myself because I wanna use it but it doesnt always work.

It takes one hit and a melee to kill. But ill hit someone, itll explode, but theres no damage to the shield. Anyone else have this problem?
Pete Rock said:
I am also primarily interested in the custom game treatment for Reach. In Halo 3 that was the big sore spot for me, I'd love to see people be able to connect with random individuals to play custom games that are so well built no honor rules are required for smooth functioning. I don't want to fill up my friends list and an alt silver account just to run a group for a custom gametype, I just want to come home fire up the game and play :D
That's what matchmaking is for, outside The Arena. There isn't going to be a search for custom games in Reach so don't get your hopes up.
Dax01 said:
That's what matchmaking is for, outside The Arena. There isn't going to be a search for custom games in Reach so don't get your hopes up.

Except as it right now, it doesnt come anywhere close to serving this purpose.
xDangerboy said:
Except as it right now, it doesnt come anywhere close to serving this purpose.
Even though we don't know what playlists/gametypes are going to be in the Reach matchmaking system of the beta or the final game...okay.
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