A bit of an update on
Forward Unto Dawn for you folks here.
In light of Shake Appeal's fantastic article, I'm opening the doors for any HaloGAFers to submit an article for publication on the site.
I'm pretty sure you can grasp the standards expected from looking at the site's articles. I can't promise a guarantee it will be published as the site staff will need to review it, but once again I'm giving priority to you fine folks.
It can be about Reach or any other Halo related game or fiction, we are a bit short of game play articles at the moment - Shake Appeals great article put to rest some ODST retrospective pieces that were in the pipeline for the time being.
We're be running at least one Reach centred article shortly for the Beta, maybe a game play analysis piece?
Speaking about staff, Forward is proud to announce our two new staff members. You'll meet these fine folks when their articles go live over the coming weeks. Some interesting topics too including Insurrectionists and a look at The Duel anime short from Halo Legends.
Additionally, the site's been given a makeover. A new lick of paint and some extra features, such as a Reach Beta countdown and a gallery for our article's assets.
I really appreciate the support from you guys, it means a lot.
Looking forward to HaloGAF Customs later!