So Urk said the cap is 16 players..... but i thought they said the number of players had slightly increased.
Captain Blood said:Speaking of maps I wonder how they are going to shoehorn The Pit into Reach's campaign so we can have it in multiplayer![]()
fixedCaptain Blood said:Speaking of maps I wonder how they are going to shoehorn Narrows into Reach's campaign so we can have it in multiplayer![]()
He said it's changed during development or something like that didn't he?dilatedmuscle said:So Urk said the cap is 16 players..... but i thought they said the number of players had slightly increased.
Captain Blood said:Speaking of maps I wonder how they are going to shoehorn The Pit into Reach's campaign so we can have it in multiplayer![]()
Thagomizer said:DO NOT WANT
Letters said:
Thagomizer said:I'd rather play Isolation than The Pit. One of the worst maps in Halo 3.
xDangerboy said:How bout we just agree to play Ivory Tower instead
Thagomizer said:I'd rather play Isolation than The Pit. One of the worst maps in Halo 3.
Now that's something I'll sign up for.xDangerboy said:How bout we just agree to play Ivory Tower instead
Ew. Isolation is one of my most hated maps in the entire Halo series, let alone just Halo 3:lolThagomizer said:I'd rather play Isolation than The Pit. One of the worst maps in Halo 3.
Striker said:All of Halo 2s big team maps should make a re-appearance in Reach. With the Falcon in line, and the amount of advanced weaponry, having 8v8 battles on a Coagulation, for instance, would be awesome. Disable jet-packs, similar weapon locales, and GO.
InvincibleAgent said:Please no Isolation. That's even worse than Sandtrap.
InvincibleAgent said:Please no Isolation. That's even worse than Sandtrap.
Thagomizer said:You misunderstand. Isolation is a bad map.
I was saying that I hate the Pit so much, I would rather play Isolation.
It is the Derail of Halo 3.
I understood. But I like The Pit.Thagomizer said:You misunderstand. Isolation is a bad map.
I was saying that I hate the Pit so much, I would rather play Isolation.
It is the Derail of Halo 3.
xDangerboy said:How bout we just agree to play Ivory Tower instead
Thagomizer said:I'd rather play Isolation than The Pit. One of the worst maps in Halo 3.
The people who love Blood Gulch do so in part because of the 3-shot pistol, which won't be in Reach. :loldslgunstar said:Oh, and for the record, Valhalla beats Blood Gultch and Coagulation any day. Ill take varied terrain and multiple routes over wide open flat spaces, thank you.
What multiple routes?dslgunstar said:Halo 3 maps get a bad rap. Halo 2 had more standouts, but Halo 3 has more consistent quality across the board (plus in the DLC updates).
Oh, and for the record, Valhalla beats Blood Gultch and Coagulation any day. Ill take varied terrain and multiple routes over wide open flat spaces, thank you.
That's cool. Was that in a new patch or something?VULKIN said:Been playing Halo 3 again to prep for Reach and I finally got that last achievement...Alas, Poor Yorick. Didn't even go for it and was suprised when it pooped during a rumble pit match![]()
reetva said:That's cool. Was that in a new patch or something?
I'm joking. I just love typos. They aer my reason to live.
Thagomizer said:I'd rather play Isolation than The Pit. One of the worst maps in Halo 3.
Nutter said:What multiple routes?
They all are short side walks that lead right back into the middle.
Coag > Valhalla.
The Pit >pile of shit >Isolation.
dslgunstar said:Halo 3 maps get a bad rap. Halo 2 had more standouts, but Halo 3 has more consistent quality across the board (plus in the DLC updates).
Oh, and for the record, Valhalla beats Blood Gultch and Coagulation any day. Ill take varied terrain and multiple routes over wide open flat spaces, thank you.
dslgunstar said:Halo 3 maps get a bad rap. Halo 2 had more standouts, but Halo 3 has more consistent quality across the board (plus in the DLC updates).
Oh, and for the record, Valhalla beats Blood Gultch and Coagulation any day. Ill take varied terrain and multiple routes over wide open flat spaces, thank you.
Personally I would love this, but my hopes are dim.UltimaPooh said:I say screw the old maps.
Just give us a new Sandbox level with a better Forge and the ability to change the scenery of the level and let us build the remakes.
It should be all new levels to accommodate the incredibly revamped Halo.
Replace that turd Gemini with Colossus. Always had fun in that map with Team Rifles, Team Snipers, Multi-Bomb, Neutral Bomb, and Multi-CTF. sogood.gifxDangerboy said:Turf
Ivory Tower
Burial Mounds
Beaver Creek
... Or ConstructTashi0106 said:No you can compare Isolation to a pile of dog shit.
Striker said:Personally I would love this, but my hopes are dim.
Replace that turd Gemini with Colossus. Always had fun in that map with Team Rifles, Team Snipers, Multi-Bomb, Neutral Bomb, and Multi-CTF. sogood.gif
After that succession, your list is complete.
Lunchbox said:list wars ! list wars !
1. Midship
2. Warlock
3. Ascension
4. Sanctuary
5. lockout
6. guardian
Tashi0106 said:Man that list makes me realize how awesome the Halo 2 maps were. I hope Reach ships with like 16 maps.
dslgunstar said:Halo 3 maps get a bad rap. Halo 2 had more standouts, but Halo 3 has more consistent quality across the board (plus in the DLC updates).
Oh, and for the record, Valhalla beats Blood Gultch and Coagulation any day. Ill take varied terrain and multiple routes over wide open flat spaces, thank you.
For some playlists, that might mean every Load Out features the same weapon sets with only the Armor Abilities to distinguish them. For others, it might mean that as the game goes on, youll have access to more and more choices based on a number of factors we can fiddle with.
I could by way off but, i took "as the game goes on" to mean "over the months and years to follow", and not progressively unlocking new loadouts over the course of a single MM game.Kapura said:Ooh, loadouts can unlock in match... That Team Slayer game going on too long? The Equalizer unlocks, featuring jetpacks and rockets
You're welcome!Game2Death said:So I was playing double exp grifball today and the weirdest thing happened. At the beginning of each round there would be no floor in the center so we all had to wait on our own little pad till it loaded in. It was so odd.
Funny to people suiciding and others dying trying to time the floor loading in as soon as they would land. :lol
Ban(ned)jo Hero said:Is the one thats in the skybubble supposed to not have all the blocks spawn at the start?
In response to complaints of Grifball being "one game played on one map" we decide to spice things up by adding a few novelty variants which added some needed fun while retaining the basic gameplay. While playing on Grifball High i noticed the map vanished just prior to the black screen of a new round starting, which resulted in players falling to their deaths. I then got the idea to reverse the process so the map spawns 10 seconds in, adding a level of anticipation to the starting procedure. I adjusted the 'Spawn at Start' timer on all but the spawn blocks, saved the map under the new name, invited a few friends in to test, played 1.5 games, booted everyone out, and submitted the map to Shishka. This is likely the only map to make a Matchmaking playlist with fewer than 10 minutes of testing. It is also the only map where the level of fun ramps up as the connections get worse. Play with randoms from France and New Zealand and the map may not completely spawn until about 40 seconds in. :lolShishka |Active Rooster said:That's what the testers asked me, too.
The answer is yep! The second answer, said in a hushed tone, is that Nokyard is insane.
xDangerboy said:At this point though, speculation on forge is useless. We have received zero information on it and I am sure thats for a reason. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't hear anything about until after the beta at least.