I know. Actually, I played MP using Aleph One.U K Narayan said:The Marathon games are free on the PC. Get them over here: http://source.bungie.org/get/
They're probably less vomit inducing on the PC.
Please God, send an asteroid to destroy this man's house.
The Marathon fanbase is more obsessed than any other fanbase. However, it has a lot to do with how cryptic Bungie is. The sad thing is that I don't think Bungie ever answered all the questions regarding Marathon, and they will not answer all the questions ragarding Halo, however, we have 343 for that.WrikaWrek said:Nobody gives a shit about Marathon.
Dax01 said:Marathon sux.
Why For? said:So anyone else annoyed Halo Reach hasn't been released yet?
Your avatar needs updatin'.Shishka said:Something something kids these days something something no appreciation for roots something something...
Reverof Notharam
Dax01 said:Your avatar needs updatin'.
Shishka said:We should probably finish the game first.
jhferry said:Bet the matchmaking will be shit just like Halo 3.
jhferry said:Bet the matchmaking will be shit just like Halo 3.
I can't see how they could deliver a MM service I'd enjoy while catering to the monster that is the Halo fanbase Bungie's created. All these people want to do is simultaneously beatdown one another and avoid any sort of objective gametype that isn't called grifball. If they change up the MP component enough (choosing certain starting weapons?) or piss off the majority of CQC-only loving morons by starting everyone with a weapon you actually have to aim and has some range, then they're one step closer to delivering the MM service I want to see.jhferry said:Bet the matchmaking will be shit just like Halo 3.
jhferry said:Bet the matchmaking will be shit just like Halo 3.
EazyB said:I can't see how they could deliver a MM service I'd enjoy while catering to the monster that is the Halo fanbase Bungie's created. All these people want to do is simultaneously beatdown one another and avoid any sort of objective gametype that isn't called grifball. If they change up the MP component enough (choosing certain starting weapons?) or piss off the majority of CQC-only loving morons by starting everyone with a weapon you actually have to aim and has some range, then they're one step closer to delivering the MM service I want to see.
They'll still have to decide if they want things like flag returns to have ridiculously long respawn times or force these morons to rely on team coordination to score flags.
Seeing the BR on LWG's back has me optimistic that something has fundamentally changed regarding Bungie's gameplay philosophy.
advent29 said:Who ran Halo 2's matchmaking?
Playlists?advent29 said:I too will run if that's true. Who ran Halo 2's matchmaking?
Jonsoncao said:he means the texture and lighting are better in cutscenes than in the actual gameplay, I guess
Oh shit, he was a real person? He would come and go so I always thought a couple different people at Bungie were behind the Ninja 0n Fire/Jeremiah account. I guess the contracted bit made sense. He probably never really went on vacation to Hawaii then.Striker said:
Yep, that's what I was asking about, thanks. I really miss the variety of maps in playlists and actual use of Hill and Oddball.Striker said:
"Oh! I know what the 70 year old ladies like..."StUnNeR H2K said:Did Sgt. Johnson look like a 80 year old man? Aging is different in 26th century... I'm sure life expectancy is longer too.
Why For? said:So anyone else annoyed Halo Reach hasn't been released yet?
Vast Inspiration said:Exactly. I knew that comment would come up, and someone will ask for an explanation. The fact that he said "text and graphics" is what gives away the fact that hes talking about the lighting and Halo Reach logo they added to the cutscene along with the elite.
Get lottery ticket numbers from him!Tashi0106 said:So I met a future HaloGAF member on JTV just today. He saw my name in some chat and immediately knew I was from HaloGAF.
Oh... wait.He's a hardcore lurker waiting to get approved.
Exypher said:Did Bungie make any changes to the weapons after/during the Halo 3 beta?
Oh Super Carbine, your life was cut tragically short by the cruel wizards at Bungie Manor!Dani said:They nerfed the Carbine. Nerfed the Trip Mine. And did loads of tweaks.
lol, I fucking loved that Carbine.Dani said:They nerfed the Carbine. Nerfed the Trip Mine. And did loads of tweaks.
gibonez said:Unlike most in here , I hope they totally revamp and change the multiplayer in Reach. I'm a lil tired of the halo multiplayer want it to evolve into something more , into something deeper.
But that's just me.
They will add a deeper progression system I guess. I actually would like them to add something that rewarded more strategy over raw 1 on 1 shooting dodging skill. I know that the current MP actually rewards team strategy, but you only see these differences when you are a good player. I believe that casual players like me should be able to see the consequences of strategic decisions more often. All I do in MP is run around killing people, there is very little strategy involved in the way I play, however, I do it because it works, but it gets a tad boring sometimes.gibonez said:Unlike most in here , I hope they totally revamp and change the multiplayer in Reach. I'm a lil tired of the halo multiplayer want it to evolve into something more , into something deeper.
But that's just me.
If your strategy of having no strategy works then you'd be winning, level up, and be considered a "good player." The only missing decisions in Halo MP (that I've seen in other shooters) is picking loadouts. But in games like CoD it sacrifices other strategies like weapon and map control for this loadout option. I realize it's much easier for an inexperienced player to feel like they're being strategic when they pick a CQC weapon when they think they'll need a CQC weapon but in Halo it's been about knowing where on the map that weapon spawns, positioning yourself and your team to pick it up and make sure the other team doesn't get it. I feel much more is involved in Halo's scenario and thus takes a greater deal of teamwork and strategy.godhandiscen said:They will add a deeper progression system I guess. I actually would like them to add something that rewarded more strategy over raw 1 on 1 shooting dodging skill. I know that the current MP actually rewards team strategy, but you only see these differences when you are a good player. I believe that casual players like me should be able to see the consequences of strategic decisions more often. All I do in MP is run around killing people, there is very little strategy involved in the way I play, however, I do it because it works, but it gets a tad boring sometimes.
I never said Halo MP had no strategy. It just that it is very deep, and sometimes I feel it should be more "cosmetic". I was indeed suggesting something along the lines of picking a weapon loadout, but it would have to be an evolution of tht system because I still love fighting for control of strategic points. One aspect were weapon loadout could help is that Bungie would no longer dictate how certain maps have to be played. If I never had to use an AR in a long ranged map I would consider it an improvement. I think a special weapon such as the rocket launcher, or a powerup like camo would still be worth fighting for. However, I am sick and tired of having to walk around the map looking for a BR to swap it for the default AR. Also, I wish I spawned with a shotgun every time, but this would break the game. So you can see the pros and cons.EazyB said:If your strategy of having no strategy works then you'd be winning, level up, and be considered a "good player." The only missing decisions in Halo MP (that I've seen in other shooters) is picking loadouts. But in games like CoD it sacrifices other strategies like weapon and map control for this loadout option. I realize it's much easier for an inexperienced player to feel like they're being strategic when they pick a CQC weapon when they think they'll need a CQC weapon but in Halo it's been about knowing where on the map that weapon spawns, positioning yourself and your team to pick it up and make sure the other team doesn't get it. I feel much more is involved in Halo's scenario and thus takes a greater deal of teamwork and strategy.
Unless you had something else in mind than player loadouts I'm not sure I agree with you. Perhaps a combination of the two systems would be best but there's not many games other than Halo that I'd say involve more strategy. This is all disregarding strategy involved in objective games whose strategies vary with each gametype.
One man's garbage is another man's treasure. I will not get in detail about why I care little for screenshots, but actually, a piece of music is the best thing that Bungie could give the fans other than a beta/demo.Striker said:Like iron sights, weapon loadouts don't scream "Halo MP" to me. If it is the same or quite similar to Halo 2/3 multiplayer, what it really needs is a massive and unique playlist management. Expansive gametypes, maps, and all else.
We may be getting something different in terms of a multiplayer experience, so we'll see come Beta. Hoping we get some material in or before Christmas. The tweet before about getting something to do with audio is meh -- I rather we get screenshots or information about something significant (for now).
godhandiscen said:However, I wish that higuer level strategies were more accessible. For example, something that allowed me to call map locations would be an improvement. Professional players practice the name of these map locations. I don't think I should need to memorize the standard name calling, there should be some sort of system in game for me to point the fact I spotted enemies in a certain part of the map. Small strategic improvements like that are what I am asking for.
i think (hope?) this is what he meant. Enemy Territory style objectives and class progression mixed with Halo's super-satisfying shootin n drivin would be one hell of an experience.EazyB said:This is all disregarding strategy involved in objective games whose strategies vary with each gametype.
warbegins said:i think (hope?) this is what he meant. Enemy Territory style objectives and class progression mixed with Halo's super-satisfying shootin n drivin would be one hell of an experience.
it was standard for rank to be reset at the start of each game in ET (with rank carrying over through the course of a multi-map campaign). this eliminates the brick wall new players often run into in shooters with persistent player levels.
While I have to agree that environment detail helps, you still need a familiarity with the map. I still don't know all my call outs in Construct and other symmetric maps (I hate that maps, it always plays like a clusterfuck). Also, it was just a suggestion for a possible improvement. Halo 2 brought dual wielding, and Halo 3 brought equipment and third person weapons. If we had mentioned those additions before their respective introductions, I am pretty sure we would have considered them a total alienation to the Halo formula, but Bungie integrated them well. I trust Bungie will improve the system radically and it will still manage to feel like Halo.Dani said:There's a perfectly good system in place in Halo 3 that allows you to do just that. It's the environmental detail.
Just because you haven't memorised the callouts doesn't mean you can't callout enemy locations. If you are playing with anyone with an ounce of familiarity with the map, then it shouldn't be an issue.
Near you base? Near a power weapon? Near a unique piece of geometry? If a map has a middle, then everyone knows where it is. If you spawn at a base, everyone knows where it is. Same for powerups and objectives. Heck, you can always callout "On my X".
Just don't expect to hop onto MLG and start making shit up (I actually did this for shits and giggles, they do not like it =P), obviously they have their system.
I think it would be a waste of time for Bungie to have to implement an entire enemy position identity system when the one we have already is perfect.
this isn't some Halo trueskill or whatever epenis rank; a system like that could easily be implemented side by side with the one in ET. this system provides a level playing field at the start of each match and allows for very rapid and tangible gains in power.Dani said:Rank resets with every game? :lol
C'mon now.
Yeah, Dawn Of War has a system like that. During the progression of a match your character gets rewarded with experience points to purchase weapons and abilities. However, they only last during the match. I don't know how that would play in Halo though. Also, that is not a real persistent progression system. People want to be rewarded for their time invested.warbegins said:this isn't some Halo trueskill or whatever epenis rank; a system like that could easily be implemented side by side with the one in ET. this system provides a level playing field at the start of each match and allows for very rapid and tangible gains in power.
Haven't played RtCW: Enemy Territories have you? Such an awesome game. I think it's actually a really good idea and like it better than having to grind for hundreds of hours to unlock things that others already have because they've grinded longer.Dani said:Rank resets with every game? :lol
C'mon now.
godhandiscen said:While I have to agree that environment detail helps, you still need a familiarity with the map. I still don't know all my call outs in Construct and other symmetric maps (I hate that maps, it always plays like a clusterfuck). Also, it was just a suggestion for a possible improvement. Halo 2 brought dual wielding, and Halo 3 brought equipment and third person weapons. If we had mentioned those additions before their respective introductions, I am pretty sure we would have considered them a total alienation to the Halo formula, but Bungie integrated them well. I trust Bungie will improve the system radically and it will still manage to feel like Halo.
edit: Also, your suggestion that an aspect of Halo 3 is perfect, somehow annoys me to no end. That is the kind of mentality that destroys any gameplay evolution, and why other developers keep feeding us the same garbage. If Bungie considered their game perfect in any shape or form, they wouldn't be going for a sequel.
EazyB said:Haven't played RtCW: Enemy Territories have you? Such an awesome game. I think it's actually a really good idea and like it better than having to grind for hundreds of hours to unlock things that others already have because they've grinded longer.
I believe Bad Company 2 uses a system for spotting enemies, which is similar to what I described, and everybody is praising it. Halo's solution with the red "X" showing up where a body lays helps somewhat, but it doesn't tell you shit about somebody who got killed from long range. All systems have their pro and cons. I was suggesting it as a possible adition, as I said, I don't know if it would even make sense in the gameplay context.Dani said:Are you suggesting that a system needs to be put into place that replaces the need for familarity with a map in order for someone to try to describe where any players are?
Can you give me any sort of example with any other game that does this or a variation? I can understand what you are describing but I do not clearly see the need for it. If an other game has implemented such a feature, then it would give me a better idea of it would be implemented into Halo.
I used the wrong term, I suppose. Nothing is perfect. Or everything is perfect, depending on how you see it.
I strongly disagree that my description of a specific feature or lack there of could in any form lead to a hindrance of gameplay development or evolution.
Halo 3 has many faults and imperfections, I am not going to list which ones I think are relevant at this point, but there are plenty of features in the game, whilst not perfect (as I described) are perfectly fine and acceptable the way they are.
Enemy positioning identification is one example I would give. I think it's fine the way it is, there is no need for any change of any kind. The HUD layout would be another. The lobby system another. And so on.
To be honest, if anything, the disputed areas of concern should be given a priority in Reach development. You are the first person I've seen with a concern about calling out enemy positions.
I have Quake Wars for the PC..... =(
When everything was said and done BF was the second most played game on the OG Xbox after Halo 2. Watch history repeat itself. BF2 is going to trumph CoD, or at least I hope.Wizman23 said:The complete absolute clusterfuck of MW2 makes the wait for Reach that much harder. Could you imagine Bungie actually releasing something that bad?? Just proves who are the real AAA devs and who are the posers. Hopefully Bad Company 2 will be good enough to tide us over until the Reach Beta hits.
godhandiscen said:I believe Bad Company 2 uses a system for spotting enemies, which is similar to what I described, and everybody is praising it. Halo's solution with the red "X" showing up where a body lays helps somewhat, but it doesn't tell you shit about somebody who got killed from long range. All systems have their pro and cons. I was suggesting it as a possible adition, as I said, I don't know if it would even make sense in the gameplay context.
edit: Is it confirmed the MP will be class based?