RSTEIN said:
I've never really dug multiplayer Halo for this exact reason. You're supposed to be this bad-ass guy but I feel like I'm moving in water most of the time. The floaty jumping and no running contributes the most to this. Plus I don't like the sensitivity of the controls. I play Halo 3 with sensitivity to 10 and I still feel like there's a ball and chain around me. It's like I'm the Michelin Man trying to navigate quicksand. I feel handicapped, not all powerful.
I see the jumping mechanics as an extension of the Spartan's strength, despite wearing a suit that weighs half a ton you can still jump over a full human sized height. I've never seen someone relate Halo's pace (which is obviously not the twitchiest or fastest) to the feeling of power. I've never felt that faster = more powerful.
Have you ever experimented with the speed options in Custom games? You can change the speed up by quite a bit. In multiplayer, the MLG playlist actually has increased movement speed too.
10 not enough? The average person keep it on default, you must have some serious issues needing to crank it up all high like that. Do you play other games with max sensitivity?
RSTEIN said:
I feel like I have way more "power" or "bad assery" in a game like CoD4 or MW2. I can run fast, jump, go prone. I can equip perks and call in back-up when I need it. My aiming is nice and fast and super precise. I feel like the Halo soldier is from present time and the MW2 is from Bungie's universe. Put the MW2 soldier/Infinity Ward's controls in Halo and you'd have the perfect game.
Fair enough that COD has more movement option, sprinting, prone. I hate the pathetic jump though, I'm too ingrained with Halo and it's annoying not being able to jump over the smallest of geometry pieces.
However stuff like equipping perks and getting free computer assisted kills is just a cheap reward method which doubly punishes the losing team (they are punished by being out gunned firstly and then by having an unfair advantage against them with AI kills which furthers the distance of kills between the teams).
I don't see much difference between the aiming in both games, bar COD's iron sights, you can have perfect accurate aiming already in Halo so a forced mechanic that lessens and degrades standard aiming to promote using sights probably wouldn't be welcomed into the Halo gameplay style.
BTW, are you suggesting Halo adopt MW2's gameplay in addition to it's controls?
Personally, whilst I acknowledge that there is plenty of scope for improving or touching up Halo's already great controls, I don't think MW2 is the thing to emulate. Doubly so with any MW2 gameplay mechanic.