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Halo tourney at Gamecrazy Nov .8 at 10pm, Who here will be playing.

I will be signing up at my local Gamecrazy, a couple of my cousins, my brother and a friend will be getting in on the action. I should do pretty well, especially if we get to use the pistol, because it will be head shots all day.

I wish it was TS and FFA, we have a good chance of walking away with everything. I know alot of you may have pre-order your copy at EB or GS. When a copy of a game you can trade-in for credit to something else.

Who all have a local Gamecrazy?


I have a Gamecrazy a couple blocks away from me...cool place the people that work there are considerably more informed than the local EB and GS.

I just so happen to walk into a GameCrazy while one of their tournaments was going on and it looked like freakin' Romper Room, too many damn kids. I asked the manager if this was normal and he said all of their tournaments are lame and full of kids even when he tried to manage a SF:AC tournament only 10 year olds showed and buttom mashed through the tournament.

This Halo tourny could be different though considering it's taking place at 10 pm.


works for Gamestop (lol)
It's at all Gamecrazy locations

And I ain't doing anything the night for Halo 2's release. I'll just pick it up after class
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