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HaloGAF |OT: Anniversary| So fades the great harvest of our betrayal.

started playing ODST for like a hour, couldn't stand the FOV, sub-HD resolution, and that weird ODST deadzone that makes aiming harder. Then I played Reach on Heroic. Better than I remembered, even though everything I didn't like it about it was still there. The dumb vehicle health system, shields taking forever and a day to recharge, Bloom, characters stuck between Master Chief stoic superheroism and ODST Firefly humanity and not as good as either, etc. Lot of fun combat, lot of strong encounters, but the last stage is just like, a hour of Covenant dudes you spent the whole game fighting and it feels like they kinda ran out of ideas now they don't have the Flood or Sentinels to fall back on to mix things up a little. It feels like they took the last level of Reach and transported that into all their Destiny mission design.


Also, seems like IGN has over promised 1080p/60 fps for each campaign and multi-player when 343 has never explicitly said that, and going by what Frank said a little while back, seems H2A campaign will be the only one not to hit 1080p/60.



i played halo 4 mutiplayer tonight with a friend after not playing for like a year, and it's much more fun than Destiny "PvP/Multiplayer". Get shit on Bungie. You're new game is trash.


Splaser or bust.
Halo 3 vehicles would dominate BTB if they took it out. Plus it is really fun to get that Warthog triple. Or better yet, a Hornet triple. Seriously though it needs to stay.

FUNKNOWN made some good points regarding the Splaser and vehicles earlier.

Vehicle Health System

Vehicles having their own health is the way to go imo.
It baffled me in Halo 3 when I would get shot in the tire and that made my own shields deplete. With vehicles having their own health however it was more up to my own ability. The vehicle still had it's own health to worry about though so even if I was a good driver I could still be taken out. In Halo 3 it wasn't very hard to just dominate with a Warthog.
While Reach made them too flimsy I think it had the right idea. Regardless of how well damage feedback is though...


Seriously why was this removed after CE? Seeing your own health along with your passengers as well as the vehicle health was great. I don't get what was so wrong with this.

lmfao you're the man, man
I still remember jammin' to Dare to be Stuppid

Air was my guitar and the couch/bed was my stage.

Prepare your buttts

Dax: [standing before the heirarchs and HaloGaf] There was only one laser.

JC: One? Are you sure?

Dax: Yes. They called it the "splazer"

JC: Why was it not removed with the rest of their kind?

Dax: It fled as we set fire to their base. I followed with all the spartans in my command.

Booties: When you first saw the laser, were you blinded by its magesty?

Dax: Blinded?

JC: Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?

Dax: No!

JC: Yet the the blue team were able to evade your sniper shots, land on the hill, and descrate it with their filty footsteps!

Dax: Noble hierarchs, surely you understand that once the banshee attacked...

[HaloGaf uproars]

JC: There will be order in this counsel!

Booties: [Gestures HaloGaf to be silent] You were right to focus your attention on hill, but this laser? This splazer?

Dax: By the time I learned of the laser's intent, there was nothing I could do!

[HaloGaf uproars again]

OddOne: [whispering] JC, this has gone on long enough! Make an example of this bungler! The Counsel demands it!

JC: [to the Dax] You are one of our most treasured instruments. Long have you lead your fleet with honor and distinction. But, your inability to love the laser was a colossal failure.

Squidhands: Nay! It was heresy!

[HaloGaf uproars intensely]

Dax: I will continue my campaign against the Laser!

JC: No, you will not.

[Signals the Henery to take her away]

JC: The Great Journey is about to begin. But, when it does, the weight of your heresy will stay your feet... and you shall be left behind.

Senador: #butts





Unconfirmed Member
I wouldn't miss the Splaser.

And really excited about the new Halo Waypoint! Hope it's as swanky looking as the Halo Channel.
I really hope the new waypoint is actually functional, it can look as pretty as it wants but if I have to sign in to view mine or any one else's stats then it hasn't done its job properly.

Please make functionality the priority.
I really hope the new waypoint is actually functional, it can look as pretty as it wants but if I have to sign in to view mine or any one else's stats then it hasn't done its job properly.

Please make functionality the priority.
Will be interesting to see if usability and functionality was the priority.


Neo Member
Ah, those.

No achievements for such insane tricks. They take way too much time to do and get right.
Or make at most one general achievement "Perform one difficult feat", with many, many options for it (like that Tower to Tower or the Cutscene room ones, or SLASO run on any one mission).

I hope there's an achievement for getting into the Tartarus fight with a wrecked Banshee. Classic one.

And that's waay easier than the others.
some other notes on Reach having replayed it after a couple of years:

-The animation is fantastic across the board. The Spartans, the Covenant, the Marines, the mo-cap cutscenes, the Assassinations, the ragdolls. Its all very expressive, dynamic, its just great, never better. Obv much higher poly count on just about everybody too.

-Rather liked the Assault Rifle actually, both the look and the sound. Definitely better than the "old timey popcorn machines" of H2 SMG and H3 AR.

-Framerate drops make baby Black Jesus cry

-Good FUCK do shields take forever to recharge in this game. Combine that with the lower base speed/jumps and fighting Hunters suddenly got challenging again.

-The level design/encounter design is generally very strong. Lot of big, open environments mixed with tighter interior sections, not a lot of backtracking, the art direction is strong with darker, muted color hues to fit the tone of the narrative. LOT of enemies in one scene, they really turned up the scale on these things, but the have the enemy AI to back it up. First time I really respected Elites as opponents, at least on Heroic. They're faster than you, have stupid good weapons instead of just plasma rifles all the time, lot of strafing and dodging in unpredictable ways, they're cool. As a fan of previous campaigns, you start to notice all the scenarios Bungie brings out. There's a nighttime sniper section, purple Covenant cruiser with narrow hallways funneling into larger playspaces, Scorpion tank time, hold this position segment, take this Warthog and go in either direction you like on the second level, Brute Chieftain/Elite Zealots at the finale, storm the beachhead with your buddies, etc.

-Fuck the vehicle system straight up its ass

-Propipe is cool, wish it did more damage like it does in multi. New Covenant weapons are OddOne tier, you got that red plasma thing that has a mile wide splash damage and hurts like a bitch when Elites/Brutes use it, but you grab it and it just kinda bounces them around. Plasma LOLaucher. The Needle rifle WISHES it was the Carbine so hard. There's a bigger Plasma Rifle, uh ok.

-Did marines get dumber between games? I swear they dropped straight down to bad kid status no matter what they're doing. God help you if you let one of them drive so you can use the turret like you would in Halo 3 or ODST, they can't handle shit anymore.

-Equipment is mostly whatever. I'll see "so you want to use struggle bubble shield that blows up in 2-3 seconds or camo that doesn't really work and mostly confuses yourself" and I'm like "Nah I got sprint thanks bae". The jetpack is good though. The extra verticality has a lot of good usage, particularly in the City section. My favorite improv bit is near the end of the fourth chapter where you have to breach the Spire, a Banshee flew down and started showing at whats-his-face with the minigun. He tried flying off, but I got up on a rock and jetpacked right up to him as he was leaving, booted his ass off, and just flew up to the top, got a checkpoint and everything. Halo.

-The turret/space ship stuff is just fine. Not great, not awful, just some new thing to do. In Halo 3, you had four levels of Covenant fighting with increasing complexity, fought in a variety of locales of various shapes and sizes, with a great weapon/vehicle sandbox. The Storm is a big climatic mission, with the Scarab, Hunters, Brute Chieftans, assault the AA gun on the hill, etc. You gotta switch it up after that, and thats where Floodgate comes in, new enemies with a different pace and feel to combat than what you've been playing so far. Well, Reach doesn't have any Flood, so they gotta find other ways to introduce variety. So now the fifth level is a Rogue Leader section/low gravity/Truth and Reconiliation-High Charity purple Covenant level, then you introduce the Brutes back into play, then you split your battles up with a surprisingly enjoyable new flying vehicle connecting them together, then you backtrack to Swordbase with the Tank section and then uh...fight waves and waves of Covenant fuck it we're out of ideas.

edit: Final note, I really like the broad strokes escalation of how fucked Reach becomes.

Like, first mission, "comm arrays offline, ya'll go check that shit out, IDK rebels or some shit", think its gonna be pretty routine, get there and "oh SHIT son aliens
" Second mission, you ride in to protect your homeboys at ONI Swordbase, turn on comm arrays and AA guns, clear out the base, blow up their carriers, you feelin' yourself a little bit. "LMAO these aliens aint shit how you gon invade a militarized planet breh
" Third mission, "Aight let me go see just how many of these niggas on the planet anyway just so we know how much to put on the leaderboard

Fourth stage, bring your whole crew, rolling deep, blowing up towers. "
popped a sweat that time, but we got em. Bring in the USS Big-Ass Gun pls", blew up the Spire...and thats when Covenant Bigger-Ass gun swoop in like "lol yeah ok little ship gg no re

Fifth stage, ya'll REALLY working your ass off, storming beaches, space dogfights, infiltrating alien warships, heroic sacrifices, damn USS Savanah going down, like "Man...this fucking sucked, but we did it fam...we did it
"...and thats when like two dozen Covenant Supercruisers show up laughing at us and its just the most demoralizing shit in the world.

Its like you think you through taking Ls, and then you get an even bigger L. Its like the video game version of Elzar's life.


Unconfirmed Member
The MCC is going to be my first time playing Halo with a headset. Can't wait to hear that 1080p.

and lol @ the last few pages

Beyond excited - the depressing black/blue has been a pain since 2012.
And the font. It's so generic sci-fi military. Baaaaaadddddddd.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future


Can't wait to play Halo at 60fps. Going to be sooooo gooood.

Just read this. Wow. Beautiful.

Also, just remembered the Reach achieve, "If They Came to Hear Me Beg". That opening scene from the checkpoint is burned into my mind.

"Stay low. Let me draw the heat. Just deliver that package."

Ditto, not sure what I did eventually to get it but took so many tries. Cool achievement.
Imagine if I enjoyed Reach and 4 more than I did. I don't even think I hit 1K in Halo 4.

2 and 3 were pretty much sun up til sun down, dem glory years of no responsibility.

I don't think I hit 1k in 4 either.

But in Reach, I made it up in custom games.

Reach customs was well over 3k, Halo 4 customs was sub 200.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm using my computer at a cafe and someone looked over just in time to see Grunt butts.
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