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HaloGAF |OT| Not a thread about Halo

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Damn it. I hate reloading seeing nothing typing a reply then finding posts. grrr

Yea I just looked at the official one and it's not there.

Here is the official facebook page.



It is there, but the post is also in German(I'm german) so maybe they leaked something early?

edit: wait does my gif work?
I'll link it http://www.abload.de/img/prrofecs47.gif
But surely putting us here inherently makes us more insular and isolated? What natural query pieces together the answer as to where to find people who like Halo?
Yeah, but this way we're not acting as the Halo thread.
It's a bit damned if you, damned if you don't. This is meant to be our outlet for OT stuff only.
Why is Destiny having a live action trailer?
Why did Halo 4 have a live action trailer before we saw gameplay at E3?
Why did Halo 3 have a CG trailer on tv long before we really saw the game (E3 2006 trailer aside)

Why do we have live action trailers?
Because they're an effective marketing tool. Unfortunately.
What's wrong with it?
Look at practically every Halo live-action ad.
Never mind content, they don't even represent the tone of cutscenes you'd find in game.

People are being sold products with minimal exposure to what they are actually like. Sometimes I wonder if the people behind these commercials would rather be working in some other medium.

The game isn't being sold on its terms, it's being sold by something that isn't anything like it.
I kind of am since I can get the same stuff online for free
Oh like just about every Gold-restricted service?
Netflix, Twitter, Facebook, Last FM, Hulu, Sky Go, YouTube etc.
Who is in charge of the CGI in Destiny? I was expecting something at the quality of Halo Wars

Tú ya estás muerto.

Corregir: Espera, ¿puedo hablar en español hasta que nos regresamos a HaloGAF?

Creo que si, estamos en la seccion de "blablabla" lo que digas.


Sorry, thought people knew about the live action trailer. Yes, that's what I was referring to. Anyone know when it's going down?
I almost feel sorry for OddOne and all the time he spent on the previous OT.

Anyway, I find it weird that there's no talk of Legendary Slayer at all, which was supposed to debut with the new weapon update. Is it not happening now, or being pushed to a later date? It's very frustrating to not get relatively important questions answered in the Bulletin, but yet I get to read about how happy everyone at 343 is about the Halo TV comedy special (or whatever it ends up being).


I almost feel sorry for OddOne and all the time he spent on the previous OT.

Anyway, I find it weird that there's no talk of Legendary Slayer at all, which was supposed to debut with the new weapon update. Is it not happening now, or being pushed to a later date? It's very frustrating to not get relatively important questions answered in the Bulletin, but yet I get to read about how happy everyone at 343 is about the Halo TV comedy special (or whatever it ends up being).
Legendary Slayer ships with H2A

No you are right it is very weird


I also don't get all the complains by Y2Kev.

Of course we went drifting into Offtopic alot and had meta discussions, but I thought it was alright.
Yes maybe many of us just post in the Halo OT and not on the other boards, but well I see the same thing happening in the other community threads I lurk ( MangaGAF and PokemonGAF)
To the bold: It was really bad for a while. After I started using my ignore list to an insane degree, it became so much better. It could actually still be really bad, but I don't see a majority of it.

Looking at every other thread title in this section makes me feel as though it is super weird to be here. Halo is a game. We are the community of that game. Why was Gaming Community less relevant than Off Topic Community? No other thread here is even dedicated for people who like a game yet want somewhere to talk. You have the sports threads, political thread and even KPopGAF. They are all there for people to discuss those things.

Surely every community thread goes OT for bits at a time, right?

I'm with you, man. To me, it sounded like a good chunk of the members either need to learn how to use NeoGAF or need to leave. As much as I love fine female posteriors, I didn't need it in the Halo thread. Some new members tried to fit in and try to use established inside jokes, instead of bringing something unique to the table; while others ignored basic posting protocols had and forced the square piece in the round hole. All of those probably should have been pruned or slapped on the wrist harder.

Also, the moderation choice to move an insular community to the most secluded part of the site is definitely confusing.


Yeah I don't enjoy paying full price and now I can see the new console is going to be filled with things I won't be able to use =\
Yeah I don't enjoy paying full price and now I can see the new console is going to be filled with things I won't be able to use =\

They said this console generation would last 10 years and we're just now coming up on number 8. Microsoft is just doing their part to encourage you to stick with it for another 2.
It really sucks when your favorite franchise is tied to a console that's so anti-consumer. I may just switch to PS4 next-gen. At least Destiny will be on it.


Unconfirmed Member
It really sucks when your favorite franchise is tied to a console that's so anti-consumer. I may just switch to PS4 next-gen. At least Destiny will be on it.
Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing. Someone make a really good multiplatform arena FPS pls thx.


You should be able to use the 'subscribed' button on mobile, I use it all the time. There's a button on the top right that brings down a menu with it.

E: http://i.imgur.com/K2OBkwX.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]

Hot damn. I forgot about everything besides the messages on that menu.
Xbox One won't play Halo 4. Wonder how much the population will suffer.
Haven't been keeping up with the shitstorm, this is for real? Good lord. I thought the lack of campaign/SpOps theater would be fixed for people who got the xbone, but I guess not. I am seeing no reason to buy that thing any time soon.

Hot damn. I forgot about everything besides the messages on that menu.
Mobile GAF is my savior. Most image sites are blocked at work, so I can at least get in on some jokes by switching to my phone.
Haven't been keeping up with the shitstorm, this is for real? Good lord. I thought the lack of campaign/SpOps theater would be fixed for people who got the xbone, but I guess not. I am seeing no reason to buy that thing any time soon.

It has no Backwards compatibility so


Haven't been keeping up with the shitstorm, this is for real? Good lord. I thought the lack of campaign/SpOps theater would be fixed for people who got the xbone, but I guess not. I am seeing no reason to buy that thing any time soon.

Mobile GAF is my savior. Most image sites are blocked at work, so I can at least get in on some jokes by switching to my phone.

It's also got things like the green highlighting for your quoted posts on by default instead of requiring extensions. I definitely browse it more on mobile than at home.
Mobile GAF is my savior. Most image sites are blocked at work, so I can at least get in on some jokes by switching to my phone.
There's essentially no reception in my office, so if that ever happens for me, it's during lunch. Meanwhile, this is ~75% of my internet usage at work. The frustrating part is this happens for a bunch of sites that we need to use here too, so we're always submitting tickets for bullshit. Or sometimes, the main site will load, but any iframes are like this. So frustrating and anti-productive.

This isn't even a specific picture on minus, just the homepage.


Suddenly I have a lot more time to play Halo, 2 months in fact! Feels good to be out of school, now if only I didn't have a job.
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