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HaloGAF |OT| Not a thread about Halo

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Xbox One won't play Halo 4. Wonder how much the population will suffer.
Didn't they said you could in the past? I know for a fact people asked this, "Is Halo 4 playable on the Durango (XboxOne)?" and they replied it was, but now it looks like it'll be Downloadable in the XO Market. Which I think a price drop is needed since you're only paying for the Campaign and the MP/Forge/SpOps is Free to download online.


People call it hype.

Why did Halo 4 have a live action trailer before we saw gameplay at E3?
Why did Halo 3 have a CG trailer on tv long before we really saw the game (E3 2006 trailer aside)

Why do we have live action trailers?
Because they're an effective marketing tool. Unfortunately.

I get it, I just thought it was odd to have live action at this point since I still don't understand the game and haven't seen much. However...

...that was fucking great! That looks exciting. Very Star Wars-y. I wonder if it'll get a lot of copy complaints when we finally see more.

I bet there will be a solution. Even if its a new cross gen game with Halo 4's MP.

I keep saying it, but Halo in some form has to be be playable near launch of Xbox One. It just doesn't make any sense otherwise. Then again, it'd fit in with the current Xbox One strategy to not. :p
It has no Backwards compatibility so
yeah, no thanks.

It's also got things like the green highlighting for your quoted posts on by default instead of requiring extensions. I definitely browse it more on mobile than at home.
I am waiting for the day that our IT dept blocks GAF at work, but at least the mobile site is glorious.

There's essentially no reception in my office, so if that ever happens for me, it's during lunch. Meanwhile, this is ~75% of my internet usage at work. The frustrating part is this happens for a bunch of sites that we need to use here too, so we're always submitting tickets for bullshit. Or sometimes, the main site will load, but any iframes are like this. So frustrating and anti-productive.

This isn't even a specific picture on minus, just the homepage.
all dat black ink

Hey, it's that dude from The Usual Suspects!
To the bold: It was really bad for a while. After I started using my ignore list to an insane degree, it became so much better. It could actually still be really bad, but I don't see a majority of it.

I'm with you, man. To me, it sounded like a good chunk of the members either need to learn how to use NeoGAF or need to leave. As much as I love fine female posteriors, I didn't need it in the Halo thread. Some new members tried to fit in and try to use established inside jokes, instead of bringing something unique to the table; while others ignored basic posting protocols had and forced the square piece in the round hole. All of those probably should have been pruned or slapped on the wrist harder.

Also, the moderation choice to move an insular community to the most secluded part of the site is definitely confusing.

I agree wholeheartedly. The content of the discussion would often devolve quite a bit and stray way off topic.

When it was on topic though there were plenty of thoughtful posts.
BC isn't a serious issue for me. I intend to keep my 360 and hook up new stuff on to other hdmi ports. It's how I've managed with the Wii and N64 being hooked up to the same tv as the 360.


Game looks far from finished, but I like the gameplay style.

Scratch that, you can't tell much from this, but I am excited for it. Looking forward to more HYPE.


Variety says the game will release this fall. I know this goes agaisnt what we were told before, but they seem to have a bunch more exclusive info in the article, and the ad is gonna show on live TV on the 25th.. it would be weird to show the ad already if it weren't coming out this year. e3 will tell I guess.
Has to be this year or very early next year, nobody would release something like this on live tv if it isn't aviable in near future. At least it would be a strange move
God that Destiny Hype. Just read about my Astros not working on the XBone. I really don't know at this point how I can convince myself to buy this thing.

Especially with the state of Halo being what it is.


they have 350 people working on it and bungie started this project 4 or 5 years ago, right?

probably gonna have 7 mp maps


wait this is OT community we're not allowed to talk about games right. no more destiny talk folks wrap it up let's talk about the weather


yeah it was freezing at lunch today, get back to the office and now it's humid as shit and hot 30 minutes later.

i just wanted to eat outside stop breaking my balls nature
all dat black ink

It's nothing that interesting really, just AFMC bullshit, my IP, AF user ID, computer ID, browser / OS info, internal info, etc. You know, the yooj. Nothing important whatsoever. Nothing to see here. Move along.

It's seriously fucking annoying though.

On the plus side, we've got a keg of Fat Tire to take us through the rest of the work day (going-aways are awesome), so this is automatically a good day now.


So... Since it is in off-topic now, can juniors come and talk about Halo/games or is it just a thread dedicated to HaloGAF's grizzled ancients? :p
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