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Handshakes- for females?

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What do you do when you first meet a female? Do you kiss their hand? :) Shake their hand?
I'm from Europe, so I'm used to doing the cheek kisses everytime I meet females or see female family. But whenever I meet an American female here, either I shake their hand and introduce myself, or just introduce myself. But I feel awkward as hell. What's the right way?


FHUTA.. :)

I usually shake with the right hand, with other males a firm strong shake with females a softer shake or if she is hot and boyfriendless a kiss to the hand. :D


I personaly only shake hands with women in a business environment. I'm Canadian and shake hands with men whenever I meet them.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Do you kiss their hand? Shake their hand?

I'd feel, and I imagine look, like a twat doing either. Unless you mean during an interview or something.

A "hey" or a nod or whatever will do.
I've always wondered what the proper thing to do is myself. I always just put my hand out and let them grab it. I don't squeeze back unless they do. Usually that ends up in a fully limp hand grab with no shaking, and a simultaneous nod.

Hand kissing seems a little too romantic and old fashioned. I'm sure she'd get a kick out of it, but if she's with a guy I'm sure he wouldn't be too happy about it.


In terms of business, a handshake. In any other situation, nothing, unless the chick wants a hug, then she gets a hug.

Handshakes are so weird in themselves anyway (in general), because a vast majority of people don't do it, so do you offer and look like a twat if they don't want to, or do you not do it and look like a twat for not offering?

Maybe its just because of the casual business I am in, I assume in corporate life everything is all handshakes. Personally I don't do it unless their hand goes up or I see the motion.


I usually try and skip the hug even when the women want it. It just annoys me, the only people that get hugs from me are my wife kids and my wifes grandmother.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Have to say, I wasn't really aware that anyone shook hands when they met casually anymore. From either sex with either sex.

Maybe it gets more common over 30, I could imagine that.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Cubsfan23 said:
Give em a high five......knocks them off guard and they remember you.



Cubsfan, you never fail to amaze.

Funky Papa

First time I met an american girl I kissed her cheeks as is usual over here, I swear she freaked out until she realized that it was the usual way to salute female friends. She was from North Carolina, BTW, I don't know how "conservative" are people over there.

Since then I only shake hands or make a polite nod when meeting people from other countries, I also had a similar problem with a scottish girl (WTF? do I look like a perv?)


Mr. E. Yis said:
I'm from Europe, so I'm used to doing the cheek kisses everytime I meet females or see female family. But whenever I meet an American female here, either I shake their hand and introduce myself, or just introduce myself. But I feel awkward as hell.
Funny you should mention that. I know a BEAUTIFUL girl from England through poetry, and after seeing her perform a couple of times, I was in LOVE. When we finally got introduced, she leaned in for the kiss-on-both-cheeks thing, and all I could think about was muttering, "Oh, you want some of THIS?" and giving it to her right on the lips.

Thankfully I behaved...since she ended up dating a friend of mine.
I shake everybody's hand when I can as often as I can. Do it with a dumb smirk on your face and it works fine. Similar to Cubsfan's high five, the handshake isn't used too often in completely casual circumstances and gets you sorta remembered, though I mostly just to it for the hell of it.


300chf ain't shit to me
It seems like usually when meeting males that are my age, a simple introduction is usually the norm. When I meet an older male, such as a friend of my parents, or a superior at work, it seems like they always initiate a handshake.


Cubsfan23 said:
Give em a high five......knocks them off guard and they remember you.

haha, I'm still laughing. You're such a goof, it's great. I shake their hand some of the time, just depends on the situation.. if it's in a casual setting and we've been friendly for the night, then I'll probably give them a little hug when we part ways. If she's a longtime friend, we most likely always hug when parting.


I've always thought the cheek kiss was way too intense. I've also always found the handshake way too gross, and always offend people by rubbing my hand on my shirt or pants post handshake as a way of getting rid of their germs.


DirtyHarry said:
and always offend people by rubbing my hand on my shirt or pants post handshake as a way of getting rid of their germs.

Yeah, that'd do it. What a weirdo.


DirtyHarry said:
I've always thought the cheek kiss was way too intense. I've also always found the handshake way too gross, and always offend people by rubbing my hand on my shirt or pants post handshake as a way of getting rid of their germs.

Handshakes gross? Do you live in a cabin in the woods?


Fifty said:
Handshakes gross? Do you live in a cabin in the woods?
More like some kind of sterile environment. If he finds a handshake gross the woods are going to be just way to much for him.


When I first meet someone, male or female, I go with the handshake. Unfortunately, most people are crap at shaking hands and this tends to give a bad first impression.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
DirtyHarry said:
I've always thought the cheek kiss was way too intense. I've also always found the handshake way too gross, and always offend people by rubbing my hand on my shirt or pants post handshake as a way of getting rid of their germs.
You should move to France. :D


darscot said:
More like some kind of sterile environment. If he finds a handshake gross the woods are going to be just way to much for him.

That's very true. What was I thinking! I'm off my game. The point was that he was crazy, so if you got that, I've done my job. :lol

El Papa

From the etiquette I've been taught, a man should not offer a handshake to a female, only shake hands with a woman when she offers you her hand first. Otherwise, I just nod with a smile and some sort of greeting. Sometimes I'll clasp hands with a woman the old fashion way, without the kiss on the hand.


I'm figuring you're all girls. Because if you aren't, you will have seen how many men don't wash their hands post pissing.

I don't want someone else's dick hands on me. I don't really see what the big deal is. :)
Funny you should ask this question, to shake or not to shake? I actually do a regular piece on my blog, "Alyssa's tips on how to impress a woman", and Tip #11 actually touched on this handshake business, from a woman's point of view. This is what I said...

How to Impress a Woman...Tip #11
Confidence is your key! Women are attracted to confident men!! So always present yourself with an air of confidence! This is not to be confused of course with cockiness, no one likes a self-absorbed wanker. But we do like men who are in control.

Your posture and presence is important - walk with your head held high! Look people in the eyes, and have a firm handshake, even with women. The double handshake* is particularly effective with the ladies, so don’t be afraid to use it! Speak slowly and clearly, and don’t mumble!

Be confident, but not arrogant. Confidence doesn’t mean you are superior, it just means you are comfortable and in control. And as I said, we love men who are in control!

*A double handshake starts off like an ordinary handshake, only once your hands are interlocked, you take your left hand and cover her hand, so that effectively her hand is in between both your hands. Try it out with someone, and get someone to try it out on you. Do a normal handshake first, then try the double handshake and feel the difference. It changes a handshake into a more intimate gesture. And don’t forget to maintain eye contact while doing this. You may feel a little forward doing this at first if you are not used to it, but have the ‘confidence’ to use it, it can be very effective.

(Personally, I find the double-handshake very appealing, I don't much liked to be kissed on the cheek unless I know you very very well).


Alyssa DeJour said:
*A double handshake starts off like an ordinary handshake, only once your hands are interlocked, you take your left hand and cover her hand, so that effectively her hand is in between both your hands. Try it out with someone, and get someone to try it out on you. Do a normal handshake first, then try the double handshake and feel the difference. It changes a handshake into a more intimate gesture. And don’t forget to maintain eye contact while doing this. You may feel a little forward doing this at first if you are not used to it, but have the ‘confidence’ to use it, it can be very effective.

That's what I do. But it's not just for the ladies.


kissing on cheeks only if its family or very close people.
hand shaking if I am introduced via a friend or relative, job interview and such, and friends who I havent seen for a while.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I go for the handshake, but then I take her hand and rub it against my crotch as I grab her ass. And I STILL haven't gotten laid. :(
I'm Chinese, so I usually get away with a short bow/nod to new people. Generally I'm comfortable with the handshake. It's always the English/European women who stick their hand out for a shake, then drag you in for a kiss on the cheek. It's taken me several years to get used to that, but I can't bring myself to do it to someone else. Ick.


When we're introduced, handshake or "hey" or a nod or directly into talking. Depends on the circumstances, right? And if we hang out and get along, probably a hug as a goodbye. IN THE MORNING AM I RITE LOL

My friend from Colombia is EXTREMELY affectionate. Moreso than me. So she thinks I'm "cold", although I'm considered warm by Canadian standards. She was saying that when she first came to Canada (or leaves for Colombia and returns), she would greet people with two kisses on the cheek, and it always caught them (born and raised Canadians) off guard. So she had to tone it down. She still does the cheek thing with her Colombian friends, but not with me. Not even a hug. Because, remember, I'm "cold". Which sucks, because she's hot and has tig ol bitties.

Cubsfan23 said:
Give em a high five......knocks them off guard and they remember you.
I saw this post before I noticed it was from you, so I laughed pretty hard. Then I saw "Cubsfan", and realized that you were serious. :lol

J2 Cool

demon said:
I go for the handshake, but then I take her hand and rub it against my crotch as I grab her ass. And I STILL haven't gotten laid. :(

Eh, what'rya gonna do. Sometimes you gotta cash it in and take the cock rub. :lol Anyway, firm handshake for me, though most girls and even most guys go limp and it's just pointless. Handshake or do not, there is no limp indecisiveness


J2 Cool said:
Eh, what'rya gonna do. Sometimes you gotta cash it in and take the cock rub. :lol Anyway, firm handshake for me, though most girls and even most guys go limp and it's just pointless. Handshake or do not, there is no limp indecisiveness
A handshake is pointless if you go limp? How limp exactly? Some firmness is required, but at the same time I don't see why some men think it so important to try to crush the other person's hand. I mean, yesterday I shook this guy's hand and I was with him for a couple seconds... then I went limp and tried to pull away, deciding that the handshake had gone on long enough. Well, he clearly disagreed, continuing to shake my hand, squeezing it as hard as he could. Fucking dicksmack. Good for him, but it only makes me think he's a tool.

J2 Cool

No, I'm not in a squeezing contest, but I don't throw a rubber hand up there. I don't like to shake long either. Just a normal shake. Some guys look like they want you to kiss their hand it's so limp.


Alyssa DeJour said:
How to Impress a Woman...Tip #11
Confidence is your key! Women are attracted to confident men!! So always present yourself with an air of confidence! This is not to be confused of course with cockiness, no one likes a self-absorbed wanker. But we do like men who are in control.

Your posture and presence is important - walk with your head held high! Look people in the eyes, and have a firm handshake, even with women. The double handshake* is particularly effective with the ladies, so don’t be afraid to use it! Speak slowly and clearly, and don’t mumble!

Be confident, but not arrogant. Confidence doesn’t mean you are superior, it just means you are comfortable and in control. And as I said, we love men who are in control!


Fuckin' confidence........ :p
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