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Riposte said:
The extra lives in this game are completely dumb lol. You basically have to 1LC to get a challenge in that way. Or maybe set some other rule.

there is a trophy for 1LC. good enough reason to have fun with that.
The Take Out Bandit said:
Don't have a Nintendo club account.

If it's not integrated with the hardware by default I'm not interested, it's not you. It's not Konami.

It's Nintendo being Nintendo.
Well you can create a club nintendo account on your wii and tie it to your wii-ware purchases.
AndyMoogle said:
Probotector > Contra

damn right!

Uprising is fun, but it feels too much like guilty gear - the shooter.


Unconfirmed Member
Augemitbutter said:
there is a trophy for 1LC. good enough reason to have fun with that.

there's also one for stocking up 20+ lives
very nice collection! my first game in the series was probotector on NES, so i can perfectly relate to that.

Chopperman said:
there's also one for stocking up 20+ lives

you're right. i haven't found enough to unlock that one, yet :eek:


Unconfirmed Member
Augemitbutter said:
you're right. i haven't found enough to unlock that one, yet :eek:


Iconoclast linked this earlier in the topic I believe

Here's the list of the 24 they found, just to have it in the thread for whoever may need it

Thanks again for the contributions. Currently at 24 extra lives, listed in order of appearance.

Stage 1

1) After second M power-up: Shortly after, stand on the platform where the missile launcher enemy was to make a gold pod appear.
2) Wall mid-boss: Perform a running jump from the platform and air dash to land on top of the wall. Shoot the gold pod.
3) Flamethrower tower: After the first wall mid-boss, you'll come across a tower with 3 flamethrowers. A weapon pod containing an extra life appears at the top as you climb it.
4) Quicksand area: After the worm attacks a few times there will be a flamethrower shooting upwards. Go underneath it and watch for a gold pod.
5) Beginning of the wooden bridge: There is a platform with an explosive barrel underneath and a missile launcher enemy on top. Do not destroy the barrel and jump onto the platform to reveal a gold pod.

Stage 2

6) Right before the wall mini-boss: Stay up on the vines and after the fight jump on top of the wall. Alternatively, jump high enough from the right side after the fight as either Krystal or Sayuri. A gold pod will appear.
7) After the wall mid-boss: There will be a u-shaped vine you can climb across. Shoot the leaves on the right side and jump on the branches to reveal a 1up.
8) Piranha bridge: Jump under the bridge onto a small rock to make a red circle appear. A gold pod containing a 1up will fly by.
9) Right after the bridge: Stay in the treetops as long as you can. Eventually you'll shoot some tree branches and reveal a 1up.

Stage 3

10) First pit: While falling shoot the weapon pod that flies in from the right.
11) Rotating spike panels: While climbing upwards shoot the left wall between the second and third set of rotating spikes, revealing room with a 1up.
12) End of boulder tunnel: After outrunning the boulder, just before the wall breaks, a weapon pod will fly in from the top right.
13) Before the submarine boss: There are two turning spike wheels with a pit and health pickups underneath. Instead of falling and walking under them, climb over them. Once you get in the middle a gold pod will fly by.

Stage 5

14) Conveyor belts: A little after the first big fall when you land on the green tubes, there will be two sets of conveyor belts. Shoot the weapon pod that flies by near the top of the screen.
15) After mid-boss: Grab onto a rail and jump to access one of the higher conveyor belts. Make a gold pod appear by standing on the left edge.
16) Green tubes: In the area where there are green tubes on the floor and ceiling, smash one of them on the ground level and step inside to reveal a 1up.

Stage 6

17) Flamethrower tunnel: During the flamethrower section a weapon pod will float by. Hang on the train car to collect it.
18) Train switch: When the first train falls off the track, jump onto the train higher up and hang onto it. Shoot the weapon pod and collect it before it falls.

Stage 7

19) After first piranha fountain: There is a platform with a missile launcher enemy on top and an explosive barrel underneath. Jump on the platform and a gold pod will show up.
20) Climbing outside the building: After the second helicopter fight jump on the last platform. A box will appear containing a 1up.
21) Top of burning building: At the top of the first vertical section, go left to find a 1up.

Stage 8

22) Area where ceiling crushes you: There's a gap in the ceiling. Jump up to get a 1up out of the box.
23) Missile riding section: On the set of missiles going to the right, hang onto the bottom one and ride it as far as it will go, then jump and stick to the wall. Climb it to make a gold pod fly in from the left.
24) Before final boss: Climb the rail where the three black missiles shoot vertically. About 3/4 of the way across, you'll activate a gold pod.
Noisepurge said:
damn right!

Uprising is fun, but it feels too much like guilty gear - the shooter.
That's exactly what it is. Guilty Gear/BlazBlu and Contra/Hard Corpse had a kid. A very attractive kid who is fun to play with. But I do agree with you.


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
Just downloaded this yesterday. Is anyone using a fight stick with this? I f so, mind sharing your control config? I've been constantly changing my scheme, here's what I've got so far (SF4 TE Stick):

sq = shoot
tri= still aim
r1= strafe
L1= change wep

x= jump
O= dodge
R2= dodge
L2= action

Since I'm only a couple hours in I've only got 1 skill that uses action button and I never use it. Is action important further along?

edit: I'm going to try deamentia's scheme posted in page 6. Wish the game would tell you you can dash without the button press.
bone_and_sinew said:
Just downloaded this yesterday. Is anyone using a fight stick with this? I f so, mind sharing your control config? I've been constantly changing my scheme, here's what I've got so far (SF4 TE Stick):

sq = shoot
tri= still aim
r1= strafe
L1= change wep

x= jump
O= dodge
R2= dodge
L2= action

Since I'm only a couple hours in I've only got 1 skill that uses action button and I never use it. Is action important further along?

edit: I'm going to try deamentia's scheme posted in page 6. Wish the game would tell you you can dash without the button press.
I'm fairly comfortable with playing with a regular controller now, but let me know how you liked that button layout.

Also, if anyone wants to try and win a free copy of HC:U on PS3, Konami is giving out one on twitter.


Neo Member
any news on new DLC for this game? (prob not.....)

theres like a huge space there.....

wheres boss rush mode?!?!?!.....

a Probotector design made by ASW would look awesome dont ya think?

This game rocks, truly a kind gesture to the contra series. also, does anybody know if Sayuri is censored? if you pass it with her, her char art appears at the credits, but shes not wearing "shorts" you know, her sprite in-game doesnt match her char art....maybe that added black was there for a T rating>??!?! too much sexy???? since she does kinda lie down when pressing down *RAWR* anybody DL the JP version? lol.


just picked this up, got through the first couple levels. plays great, but did anybody else laugh out loud when the first level boss came out? Lotus Wyrm? The design, the polygons.. man that thing is fuck ugly. I was like .. this is arc system? it seems that all the bosses are going to be shitty polygons. what an eyesore compared with the beautifully animated 2D characters/enemies. disappointing..
coldvein said:
just picked this up, got through the first couple levels. plays great, but did anybody else laugh out loud when the first level boss came out? Lotus Wyrm? The design, the polygons.. man that thing is fuck ugly. I was like .. this is arc system? it seems that all the bosses are going to be shitty polygons. what an eyesore compared with the beautifully animated 2D characters/enemies. disappointing..
I felt it was par for the course when it came to stage geometry tbh
coldvein said:
just picked this up, got through the first couple levels. plays great, but did anybody else laugh out loud when the first level boss came out? Lotus Wyrm? The design, the polygons.. man that thing is fuck ugly. I was like .. this is arc system? it seems that all the bosses are going to be shitty polygons. what an eyesore compared with the beautifully animated 2D characters/enemies. disappointing..

no, but i laughed out loud when he groaned.


Neo Member
Noisepurge said:

pssh, you're missing Contra Force, Legacy of War, and the Contra Adventure. Some Contra fan you are!!!
juuust kidding


Uh, has anyone managed to do a full online arcade run? I always get a disconnected after two, maybe three stages. I thought ArcSys were better at netcode than this, unless Konami's intervention screwed it up.

(Also, what makes stage 1 use the Contra remix? I've heard it, like, once.)
coldvein said:
the bosses on par with the stage geometry, you mean? agreed. aka not very good.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Pretty poly-starved, but I imagine the game was made a small team on a tiny budget.
_dementia said:
Are many of them artists?

dunno really, but there should be an ending movie on youtube. if you care enough, you could take a look and analyze the credits. they outsourced a bit to tose china and a few other companies, but that's pretty standard. i sure can't call this game small by any means.


Augemitbutter said:
dunno really, but there should be an ending movie on youtube. if you care enough, you could take a look and analyze the credits. they outsourced a bit to tose china and a few other companies, but that's pretty standard. i sure can't call this game small by any means.

interesting. so maybe just laziness? hope they step it up a bit with the sequel (assuming that one is coming).


Noisepurge said:
damn right!

this is a wonderful collection, by the way. makes me sad for the future of games when people showing their collections will just have a pic of all the lil "covers" of the direct download games they've got on their hard drives.. ;_;
coldvein said:
interesting. so maybe just laziness? hope they step it up a bit with the sequel (assuming that one is coming).

the only lazy thing i can connect with this game is the lack of a special ability tutorial. the rest is goty material. i have not had this much fun with an action game in a long time.


Augemitbutter said:
the only lazy thing i can connect with this game is the lack of a special ability tutorial. the rest is goty material. i have not had this much fun with an action game in a long time.

Not to mention the opening is just 100% awesome.
Teknoman said:
Not to mention the opening is just 100% awesome.

absolutely. the intro reminded me of the better suikoden intros, high quality stuff. the endings are awesome too, albeit a bit short. now i'm getting greedy!


Got it few days ago..Oh how i missed old school arcade games so much with annoying difficulty and repeating leves over and over(it doesnt get boring at all)

I only cleared first stage and checked online and started to play with someone. He picked the female character and used a fucking sword all the time! WTF he didnt shoot a single bullet he played it like as if he is playing Shinobi! So cool!


Okay I give up, someone tell me how to use those special abilities you can unlock like tackle, vault, dodge, ambush, etc. I assume it's with some combination with the O button but all I can do is the reflect.


Unconfirmed Member
Vault hops over objects while dodge phases through enemies.

I don't know why they're split up like they are in Rising Mode but they are.

Pretty much they're all just circle presses in different contexts


So I've been trying to get into the habit of checking the Deal of the Week, and saw this was on sale, so instantly grabbed it. I've only made it to Stage 2, and got murdered multiple times for rushing, but I'm liking it so far.

The only thing that's putting me off is the load times. In Contra 4, I'd restart a billion times just so I could get that perfect run on the first stage. This game? You're looking at a 45-second wait altogether just to get back in the game.


The 4th level one of the most intense and fun stages I've ever played. You'll be in for a treat when you get there.

And buy Sayuri... the game is MUCH easier IMO with her.
USD said:
The only thing that's putting me off is the load times. In Contra 4, I'd restart a billion times just so I could get that perfect run on the first stage. This game? You're looking at a 45-second wait altogether just to get back in the game.

i don't know why but the game loads much faster on PS3. either the XBL is an early build or they ran into other problems. you can compare load times on YT.


well, it took me about 2-3 hours of actual play time, but i finally figured out how good this game actually is.

its really a fun game. very hard, great music, great graphic style, very addictive. i love it.

still way too hard for me, but im improving.

i think its a little overwhelming at first. the controls are a bit complex for such a fast paced action game, until you get used to them. im still not sure how to use all of the special moves properly, and get confused as to how they work in arcade mode vs. rising mode. the dash move probably hurts me more than it helps because of how often im leaning on it, but i love the move, and think it adds a lot to the formula.

quite glad i picked this up when it was on sale. i think its going to be a somewhat overlooked gem of a game.


whooo~!!! I beat this game!!

Uprising mode tho... and got dang it was freakin tough!!!

makes Super Meat Boy look like walking on cake!!!

I wonder how much practice I would need to get better at this game and do an arcade mode run...


This game is impossible to beat (just played Arcade so far). I can't even finish stage 1. Always die in that motorcycle chase.


Replicant said:
This game is impossible to beat (just played Arcade so far). I can't even finish stage 1. Always die in that motorcycle chase.

Patterns and knowing when to hold your gun position are keys to winning. That and a combo of machine gun+ flame shot.
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