subversus said:
Yeah, like Bulletstorm devs.
And then they had the audacity to suggest pc gamers are 'raping' what their idea of the game is by changing turning off accel/smoothing.
Murder, violence, blood!
subversus said:
The dev who said it aplogized on twitter later. He said that as he isn't a native speaker he meant something else more in line with "spolied". They'd encrypted files because people could mess with leaderboards through them and they had no time to fix it. He acknowledged that they failed spectacularly.
He did what his lawyers and pr folk told him to do when he aplogised (lawyers :use of the rape term, even if he said violated or abused or fucked up -which he meant obviously, I don't care that people got offended by the word rape -> pr monkeys: being condescending to target audience)
He's an arrogant schmuck who apparently has no eye hand coordination and thinks people should have their mouse input tampered with.
Sorry for off topic rant.
ghst said:
when you alt-tab back into the game there's a reassuring "loading in-game video" message to comfort you during the the empty black "has it crashed?" void.
there's a pc dev.
I know,right, and alt tab not crashing the game, I hope you are taking notes bethesda (don't blame gamebryo because divinity II CAN alt tab a thousand times without crashes or performance issues and it uses gamebryo too).
Alt f4 works to exit, which for some bizarre reason works in less and less games