I didn't worry about getting Golds in the final world. I just focused on beating the game.
After doing that, I went back and played everything Fast. When I approached a level I didn't yet get a Gold in, it became much easier since I was much more experienced in the game. Plus, I had much more of a desire/reason to get the Gold since it's required to play it in Fast.
Looking back, I'm glad I did it that way since those stages have extremely high requirements for getting Gold, so it may have driven me crazy without the extra experience. lol
Thanks for the advice. I did go back and so far I've cleared the worlds 1-4 on fast speed with great scores. It's kinda funny, I'm having an easier time and getting higher scores replaying these levels on fast speed, than I originally did playing on normal speed. Don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep up though... it's gonna get real tough around worlds 6 and 7.