If the Professor doesn't show up in 15 minutes we can just leave right???
Game starts at exactly 10am Pacific Time. Feel free to spam gifs meanwhile.
When is 10 am Pacific in gmt?
Hannah Abbot ran forth. Her pigtailed hair flying behind her, all she knew... she had to escape.
She wasn’t a brave girl, she wasn’t very intelligent, and she wasn’t all that ambitious either. By all standarts Hannah should not have remained in the castle to fight a fight that was’t her own. But she had to. She was a true Hufflepuff. Loyal. And just. She turned a corridor with a swift motion, but something hard stopped her on her tracks. It was a Death Eater.
A chilling laugh perforated the ears of poor Hannah.
"You silly girl! Crucio! Oh this is fun!“ - the Death Eater looked maniacal, as he looked her in the eyes. Silent tears poured down her face as she attempted to resist the curse, her body twisting in unimaginable poses and her mind running aimless. At first she tried to think of her friends, of her family, but at the end all he could feel was the indescribable pain.
"Finite!" said the Death Eather and with a loud "THUT" the girl slammed on the floor. The attacker, enjoying the spectacle, saw the stout seventeen year old draw her knees up to her chest. The Death Eater raised his wand towards her. Hannah knew what was about to happen, but could do nothing. The Death Eater did not use Avada Kevadra…he performed the stunning spell thrice to her heart, and four times to her head.
She opened her eyes wide as she crumpled motionless to the ground. The Death Eater laughed and walked away, not wasting any more time with her.
"Finish it"
That was it. There was nothing else to do. She gave up. She could feel her consciousness leave her body.
Ernie Macmillan: "Hannah, he's a Parselmouth. Everyone knows that's the mark of a Dark Wizard, have you ever heard of a decent one who could talk to snakes? They called Slytherin himself, Serpent-tongue."
Hannah: "Harry always seemed so nice though, and after all he is the one who made You-Know-Who disappear."
Ernie Macmillan: "That's probably why You-Know-Who wanted to kill him in the first place!"
— Ernie sharing his view of Harry Potter with Hannah
Welcome to Hogwarts! Now, where to put you?
You are Hannah Abbott
Hannah was easily flustered, and appeared to lack self-confidence, as was evidenced by her breakdown in Herbology and her claims of being stupid. It seemed that, when under pressure, she was prone to making mistakes. Despite this, Hannah was a loyal friend, and showed her bravery firstly by joining Dumbledore's Army, and then fighting in the defense of Hogwarts.
You have the power to VOTE! Once per Day you can use the command VOTELAYERNAME to vote against another player.
You are aligned with Hogwarts.
You win when all Death Eater aligned players have been eliminated.
Also, Miracle has replaced Zippedpinhead
Now letting the night kill aside, I am REALLY interested if you think lynching Rats was a good idea! In the following I'll give you my impression:
This was one of the dumbest things I've seen in a game. Rats for fucks sake, you were NK IMMUNE! WTF? Why did you offer to lynch yourself? This was really stupid. Sorry.
Of course there was a possibility you get blocked and therefore somebody random dies, but what the hell?! The possibility was rather small, especially if you keep low. At least the first couple of nights you could have went undetected and HELP us. Instead you chose the easy option out and said fuck you all, I'm going home.
You had a very powerfull role... Immune to night kills, you could have taken a hit or two and prevent others from dying. And the possibility of you getting blocked was how high? 1/21 ~ 1/23? Depending on the number of scum members... Yeah, the chance of absorbing a nk was the same, but what you did was very anti town. One random kill in a night would've not costed us the game, but the possible gains were good. The random kill could've hit scum as well.
Why did you do this? Others said you are a good player and you have taken yourself out of the game, this was a bad move. I do not understand your choice![]()
Now letting the night kill aside, I am REALLY interested if you think lynching Rats was a good idea! In the following I'll give you my impression:
This was one of the dumbest things I've seen in a game. Rats for fucks sake, you were NK IMMUNE! WTF? Why did you offer to lynch yourself? This was really stupid. Sorry.
Of course there was a possibility you get blocked and therefore somebody random dies, but what the hell?! The possibility was rather small, especially if you keep low. At least the first couple of nights you could have went undetected and HELP us. Instead you chose the easy option out and said fuck you all, I'm going home.
You had a very powerfull role... Immune to night kills, you could have taken a hit or two and prevent others from dying. And the possibility of you getting blocked was how high? 1/21 ~ 1/23? Depending on the number of scum members... Yeah, the chance of absorbing a nk was the same, but what you did was very anti town. One random kill in a night would've not costed us the game, but the possible gains were good. The random kill could've hit scum as well.
Why did you do this? Others said you are a good player and you have taken yourself out of the game, this was a bad move. I do not understand your choice![]()
Now letting the night kill aside, I am REALLY interested if you think lynching Rats was a good idea! In the following I'll give you my impression:
This was one of the dumbest things I've seen in a game. Rats for fucks sake, you were NK IMMUNE! WTF? Why did you offer to lynch yourself? This was really stupid. Sorry.
Of course there was a possibility you get blocked and therefore somebody random dies, but what the hell?! The possibility was rather small, especially if you keep low. At least the first couple of nights you could have went undetected and HELP us. Instead you chose the easy option out and said fuck you all, I'm going home.
You had a very powerfull role... Immune to night kills, you could have taken a hit or two and prevent others from dying. And the possibility of you getting blocked was how high? 1/21 ~ 1/23? Depending on the number of scum members... Yeah, the chance of absorbing a nk was the same, but what you did was very anti town. One random kill in a night would've not costed us the game, but the possible gains were good. The random kill could've hit scum as well.
Why did you do this? Others said you are a good player and you have taken yourself out of the game, this was a bad move. I do not understand your choice![]()
Yeah I'm a bit puzzled at Rats sacrificing himself. Just drink the potion every night and play normally. Yes he could get roleblocked, but those are low odds. As it is, we're down another townie with not much to show for Day 1.
Only one death last night. Doesn't rule out a neutral killer, but possibly a successful roleblock/doctor.
At the time he seemed like a good alternative since I believe Burbeting but I don't understand why they did it on D1. They said we would get information from their role pm but I didn't notice anything that stood out as important.
Also J guess ordinarys are named in this game.
And yea from Swamped's role it seems that everyone in the game will be named, which gives further validity to scum having safe claims provided.
And with the reveal of "Hannah Abott" of whom I have zero memories, now everyone knows we have like really unimportant characters in the game.
And with the reveal of "Hannah Abott" of whom I have zero memories, now everyone knows we have like really unimportant characters in the game.
I'm not sure about the Rats kill myself. On one hand, he was basically a regular town unless role blocked...so I'm not sure of how much of a liability he was. I don't know if he could ever safely use his NK ability...maybe as a last resort. Still, we probably got some useful information from it. See how people reacted to both Burb and Rats, and we'll have better profiles than we would have otherwise.
Swamped...I think she was a very strong and insightful player. She provided a lot of reads in Day 1. It's worth taking a hard look at her reads...maybe she was on to something. Or maybe scum just want us to think she was on to something.
One thing is for sure, although Swamped was a regular townie, I think her death was a big loss. I'd keep an eye on other similarly vocal players from day 1. With Swamped gone, a vocal Death Eater is going to have more opportunity to influence the votes from now on.
I agree with Rats decision. His role was very risky, and would have pushed us to endgame far faster then we should want. If he had used his power last night we would have 2 dead people, and most likely 2 dead town.
@Blarg: Cut the crap. Seriously.
Sw?mp?d... n?t ?g??n...
D?n't w?rry.
Th?s t?m?, ? g?t th?s.
Are you banned from Writing certain letters? oO
What? If he did not claim, why would anyone pick Rats as a block target? Now with his role it's likely we have a scum roleblocker, but he wasn't particularly noticeable before the claim.Why would Rats use his power? Simply take the potion and be done with it. In his position I would have risked it (at least the first night).
@Blarg: Cut the crap. Seriously.