You have 98 hours to chat and decide who you want to send through the veil, that is lynch. Remember that all you have to do to vote is use the command VOTECold.
The floor was cold.
Harry felt a slight breeze flowing between his messy hair. He opened his eyes and before him all he could see was shadows of unknown form. For a moment his heart skipped a beat, but quickly realized his glasses where not on his eyes, but right next to him. He quickly put them on and the world got cleaner. And brighter.
"Where am I...?" Harry thought to himself. The place looked unfamiliar to him, as he was in the middle of an empty field, only dirt and pebbles as far as the eye could see.
His mind wandered to Ron and Hermione. Where could they be now? When did they got separated? What if they got captured? With every question his chest grew heavier and heavier, until it got too unbearable to even think about it anymore. With a jump and his wand in hand, Harry decided he would not stay put and go look for them.
They have to be somewhere. They have to be safe. He would keep on going forward and defend what he believed in. The faded blue hue of the horizon was turning brighter by the second and, soon enough, it a gave way to a brand new color.
It was the morning light.
Snape as Miller does work perfectly with the theme and the role.
Now this is my first proper main season day 1. Can we please walk the thought of not lynching anybody? I'm entirely open-minded to any position. Throwing out random votes will achieve what exactly? I don't want to throw somebody out of this game because of previous behaviour, meta gaming is no fun.
In my heavy mafia research it was said that most online games tend to a no lynch on day 1 because of the lack of real information. Gafia history has shown we have found a way to surely lynch a doctor day 1 almost everytimeThe pure lack of any evidence leads me to my position right now.
It is your first day in Pointy Robe Scholars and a town is nearby. There are people to learn and to love. But who is magic and who is not?
NOTE: Type "help" for commands list.
>> help
This computer game is magic
>> char
(average) || Fire Game | Water Game | Wind Game | Earth Game
Openness (58.75%) || 51% | 53% | 72% | 59%
Adventurousness (44.50%) || 30% | 40% | 62% | 46%
Artistic Interests (0.50%) || 0% | 1% | 1% | 0%
Emotionality (38.50%) || 56% | 45% | 21% | 32%
Imagination (65%) || 57% | 64% | 76% | 63%
Intellect (54.25%) || 46% | 49% | 68% | 54%
Authority-challenging (73.75%) || 65% | 64% | 84% | 82%
Conscientiousness (37.75%) || 30% | 33% | 52% | 36%
Achievement-striving (33.75%) || 28% | 25%| 46% | 36%
Cautiousness (47.75%) || 44% | 41% | 55% | 51%
Dutifulness (7.75%) || 5% | 8% | 10% | 8%
Orderliness (61%) || 75% | 55% | 48% | 66%
Self-discipline (21.75%) || 9% | 19% | 38% | 21%
Self-efficacy (20%) || 16% | 21% | 27% | 16%
Extroversion (14.75%) || 20% | 21% | 10% | 8%
Activity Level (1.75%) || 1% | 2% | 2% | 2%
Assertiveness (31.75%) || 52% | 40% | 20% | 15%
Cheerfulness (18.50%) || 27% | 27% | 9% | 11%
Excitement-seeking (23.75%) || 33% | 33% | 14% | 15%
Outgoing (3.25%) || 3% | 5% | 3% | 2%
Gregariousness (4.75%) || 6% | 7% | 3% | 3%
Agreeableness (10.75%) || 12% | 14% | 8% | 9%
Altruism (2.50%) || 2% | 3% | 3% | 2%
Cooperation (16.75%) || 10% | 16% | 22% | 19%
Modesty (2.25%) || 2% | 3% | 2% | 2%
Uncompromising (6.75%) || 5% | 7% | 7% | 8%
Sympathy (15%) || 20% | 16% | 13% | 11%
Trust (4.50%) || 1% | 4% | 7% | 6%
Emotional Range (71.75%) || 82% | 70% | 57% | 78%
Fiery (68.75%) || 85% | 73% | 47% | 70%
Prone to Worry (70%) || 82% | 70% | 53% | 75%
Melancholy (55.50%) || 69% | 55% | 42% | 56%
Immoderation (74%) || 78% | 77% | 65% | 76%
Self-consciousness (53%) || 63% | 52% | 35% | 62%
Susceptible to Stress (79%) || 86% | 76% | 69% | 85%
Challenge (39.25%) || 71% | 35% | 19% | 32%
Closeness (27.50%) || 40% | 37% | 13% | 20%
Curiosity (43.75%) || 46% | 45% | 34% | 50%
Excitement (15%) || 21% | 24% | 5% | 10%
Harmony (22.50%) || 34% | 29% | 10% | 17%
Ideal (64%) || 69% | 68% | 53% | 66%
Liberty (16.50%) || 25% | 25% | 6% | 10%
Love (8.25%) || 14% | 11% | 3% | 5%
Practicality (12%) || 18% | 15% | 5% | 10%
Self-expression (0.50%) || 0% | 2% | 0% | 0%
Stability (25%) || 35% | 34% | 11% | 20%
Structure (14.75%) || 18% | 22% | 5% | 14%
Conservation (25.75%) || 14% | 21% | 35% | 33%
Openness to change (63%) || 62% | 70% | 58% | 62%
Hedonism (35%) || 22% | 42% | 39% | 37%
Self-enhancement (68.75%) || 62% | 66% | 70% | 77%
Self-transcendence (36.75%) || 61% | 3% | 26% | 23%
>> There's always time for dating simulacrums
I don't understand that.
I am in support for a lynch today and the reason for this is because tonight Mafia will kill someone who will give us little information from their death, likely someone who will be quiet. If we lynch someone today then we have voting patterns for who votes for who and get more conversation out of everyone.
Burbeting's role claim sounds believeable for now. No real need to question it.
Also while I guess there was little doubt, Salva's opening post seems to confirm that we have Harry, Ron and Hermione as why would Harry be searching for them if they aren't actually in the game. Of course this is all flavour so we shouldn't use it as evidence.
Snape as Miller does work perfectly with the theme and the role.
I was very close to saying I suspected a Snape role would be included as an obvious miller in the preparty. I'll say I'll accept your claim for the moment but you are on watch buddy.
gonna say this has to do with sorting hats
let's be madrigals together Blargonaut
best of the 5 houses
oh that oneIt's the results of a website you can use to analyze your posts. Nothing to do with the game. Sorry to ruin the magic.
gonna say this has to do with sorting hats
let's be madrigals together Blargonaut
best of the 5 houses
Normally I'd be all over Blary-boy's posts, but i don't really have the patience for it running in an airport :/ Promise I'll get around to it when i land!
I also think we should consider a no lynch. This is a game that has been advertised as one filled with PRs. It might be prudent to give everyone a chance to do their thing. I doubt we would hit scum on D1 anyway, and it since more likely that we would lynch a Hogwarts PR.
It's the results of a website you can use to analyze your posts. Nothing to do with the game. Sorry to ruin the magic.
You're welcome
>> madrigals
I don't understand that.
What's the catch?
Does somebody care to analyse Blargs statistic? I'm certain he has some vague hints inside this matrix which lead to his actual role. Something like "he is very emotional -> he must be x"
Normally I'd be all over Blary-boy's posts, but i don't really have the patience for it running in an airport :/ Promise I'll get around to it when i land!
I also think we should consider a no lynch. This is a game that has been advertised as one filled with PRs. It might be prudent to give everyone a chance to do their thing. I doubt we would hit scum on D1 anyway, and it since more likely that we would lynch a Hogwarts PR.
That's a dark dark road to go down.
When you stare into the abyss, etc etc.This is my opinion, blarg loves riddles. I just asked if anyone has the patience to work through his post, because I sure as hell won't touch it. Maybe swamped will find anything, maybe no one will ever look at it again. What's so dark on this road?
I'm in favour of a lynch. But before we do this dance all day, let's just decide later whether to lynch someone or not.
Alright,let's get started.
I think burb's claim is fine for now,but will obviously be subjected to a grain of salt.
Blargs first post is typical blarg,which means that it will either be very important later on in the game or just be mindless filler just to fill the Blargonaut random post quota.
As for lynching today, I have no real preference on lynching/not lynching. No matter what we will get more information tomorrow so Either dicsion is fine.that's not to say that I won't be involved with today's events, we might get lucky and catch a scum,but I don't think that we have to rush to try to get someone lynched. If we take our time and analyze the situations properly we should get through this game just fine, even with the suspected role madness.
I'm gonna look through them
Blargonaut is solvable
I'd say it most likely won't be worth it to go through Blarg's post. There is just too many different personality attributes in there, and Harry Potter series has literally hundreds of characters, so you would need to go through basically hundreds of hours to decode that.
That is, if Blarg even means anything with that post. And personally, I think he does not mean anything with it.
this is good too
we need to subvert expectations, lynch him instead of leaving him to get nk'ed
I have NK'd every time tho... or do you want to tell us you are part of the Scum crowd who does the NK's :O.
That's completely understandable, after all I was pretty suspicious myself in NX mafia when another player claimed Miller, as well.
Ahahahaa, TheGoddamn your avatar edit is awesome!
theG! love the potteresque avatar
haksdjhaksfiudfsdf im rooting for you so hard <3 glhf mah oberyn *______*
I took that opening post to indicate that while we may have a Ron or hermione, we likely do not have a Harry. as you said though it could also be entirely flavor, with salva and Nin "being" the main characters in the flavor text.
I am for a day 1 lynch, it's almost always helpful for future days on Sussing out scum. Though most games have a terrible track record with who they kill day one.
Day 1 lynch isn't about getting scum (that's a bonus), it's about sending a message.
just look at Cthulhu or GAFIA day day 1 can be immensely useful in outing scumAnd the message in many other games is "kill the armourer/Doctor/barrylocke"I know he is not in this game/season but he had uncanny bad luck for some games