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Has anyone seen these Tomie movies?

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well not really...yet
I was browsing Best Buy and saw one, said it was directed by the guy behind Ju-on: The Grudge, looked closer and there were like 3 different movies. Pretty cheap too ($11.99 - $14.99)

Has anyone seen any of them? Thoughts?
HAHAHAHA! This is hilarious. My friend and I rented the first one other day to see if it was any good. It was the cheesiest horror film I have ever seen. It's pretty horrible unless you enjoy cheesy horror movies, or if you're really crazy over Japan.

I can't speak for the 2nd or 3rd movies. But the actually "jump at you" horror parts were done horribly, the camera was shaky majority of the time. Characters had little to no development or even at all emotional. It's just a horrible film unless you enjoy that sort of thing (I'm not even sure if it was meant to be that bad or not, maybe it was? I'm hoping that's the case).

The trailer for the second movie makes it look decent, but the third looks to be just as goofy if not goofier. So if you like that, go for it. :p

EDIT: Oh the plot is basically nonexistant. A girl is killed and she has some kind of capability to revive herself as much as she wants and she never dies. So basically she just goes around luring people and kills them. Actually if I may spoil
In the first film, she's incinerated at the ened and is revived as a huge gust cloud made up of ashes! So scary.


well not really...yet
oh, forgot I made this thread.

meh, maybe ill try one out, for 15 bucks its not exaclt going to leave my wallet bleeding or anything
Have fun, but I'd say go for the manga instead. Or uh, get all 3 of them and watch them for a laugh rather than for horror. Oh and watch the credits for the first movie! I found that part to be the most hilarious.
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