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Has streaming effectively "beat" piracy?


I think it's my laziness killed it for me. I just rent movies on Amazon - often as low as 2.99.
Movie collection, isn't a thing anymore for me because 99% of movies, I watch once and forget about it too.
TV series? That's even more so, as they are so long.
Time is the commodity that I don't have.


No it's easier. People rip shit in higher quality and upload the same day now because it's readily available

The websites I use has the words put in it and other has flix is all I'll say
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No it's easier. People rip shit in higher quality and upload the same day now because it's readily available

The websites I use has the words put in it and other has flix is all I'll say
i remember the days of downloading cams and telesyncs (i think that's the name) which were a blurry out of focus and cropped mess and sometimes with foreign subs hardcoded onto them. now with internet streaming people can somehow rip the source from the site. if a show/movie goes up on netflix/amazon/disney then you can get really good quality versions straight away. the only cam/TS you get now are if a movie is in cinema exclusively but you know when it comes to digital platforms you will get a good version. after covid the time you need to wait on a movie coming to digital maybe only a month or two. before it was like maybe 4-6 months. a long time ago you were waiting much longer than 4-6 months for a home release.

for pirates it's more convenient than ever but at the same time with so many legal options i very rarely bother going on torrent sites.
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Beaten? Lol no.

But I do think it has diminished it to an extent. Living in a country where piracy was the norm I was sure Netflix would fail around here.
Who would pay to watch a limited selection of shows and movies when everythin was available online for free on day 1?.

But to my surprise the convenience alone made a lot of people stick with streaming.

Piracy isn't hard but you still got to download the episode, if you aren't a native speaker you have to look for subtitles, then you've got to hook up a PC or something to TV , etc.
Netflix simplified it to a single button press and the convenience was enough for many people I know to leave piracy behind.
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is on perm warning for being a low level troll
I think you're looking in the wrong places. Everything is still there, 4K, Atmos, full BluRay disk images. But yeah not Piratebay.

So yes, I still pirate almost everything as I'm in Europe so even if it's on Amazon, it's not on "our" Amazon until months later.

I also love to have all movies and series I want to watch in one place, in my case that's Plex. It helps that the interface of Plex is like a zillion times better than of most real streaming services, I can sort by decade, actor, genre, director, whatever.

I sometimes rent a French or Belgian movie on a specific platform since they often appear much later in the scene than on there.

/laughs in usenet
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Beaten? Lol no.

But I do think it has diminished it to an extent. Living in a country where piracy was the norm I was sure Netflix would fail around here.
Who would pay to watch a limited selection of shows and movies when everythin was available online for free on day 1?.

But to my surprise the convenience alone made a lot of people stick with streaming.

Piracy isn't hard but you still got to download the episode, if you aren't a native speaker you have to look for subtitles, then you've got to hook up a PC or something to TV , etc.
Netflix simplified it to a single button press and the convenience was enough for many people I know to leave piracy behind.

I think the whole netflix and chill was a pretty ingenious way to promote their product. Subscribe to our shit catalogue but have sex instead of watching it.

Pulling the hdmi cable isn't so sexy.


I think companies are looking at this as a long term gain. 15 years ago, my teenage students spoke openly about piracy and even referred to it as such. Now, they only talk about streaming services. If a new show comes out, they talk about getting Netflix or Hulu to see it. Eventually, these teens grow up and are too complacent to bother with piracy and just stream it legally. Not sure if it is intentional, but this is how I’ve seen the culture change over the past decade or so with movies, music and (eventually) gaming.


For me, piracy has is down to a tenth of what it used to be. Convenience and laziness did it for me.

jerry seinfeld comedy GIF


Demonoid kazaa limewire. The good old days
Truly was, new RHCP. fuck its just loops. (At the time, can't remember name, think "By the Way"

new Daft Punk fuck it's loops again!

Only Daft Punk one was real.

Piece of shit, second last album. Chili Pepper album was decent though (real one) , at least enough for me go to a gig and get pissed rain on and walk back from a stadium in a HUGE area and still be happy. Phoenix park.

Some major walk. But never would have went only for the download. Bands got leaked before release and concerts.

Glory days.

(Any Mike Patton fans, we got leaked tons of shit on mIRC, no I won't share)

NB: point being they got their money.
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You think you're downloading one song and next thing you know it tricks you and you just downloaded Soulja Boy - Kiss me thru the phone. 😂
I could never work out why people would deliberately misname the files on sites like that. I was really annoying though.


If we had just a few reasonably priced services I believe it very much would.. but since everyone and their mother decided they needed their own streaming service it probably is going to make it worse.


Everyone can talk about pirate bay but no other sites? I don't get the logic there.
Pirate Bay is

a) a cultural phenomenon and part of Internet history now
b) (more importantly) no longer really any good for the illicit practices we are not allowed to promote here


Pirate Bay is

a) a cultural phenomenon and part of Internet history now
b) (more importantly) no longer really any good for the illicit practices we are not allowed to promote here
Isn't it? I still conduct all my dirty illicit practises with pirate bay. What's wrong with it?
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